Fixed beds - or not?

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Mar 14, 2005
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Well thats what I call making a point,in fact why stop there,why not just say caravanners are disease ridden campers not fit to stay on any site. How you can call people lazy or bone idle just because they choose to spend their money on a certain layout is utter claptrap, and to associate fixed beds with poor hygiene is laughable.
Jan 19, 2008
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Chloe I've read some of your previous posts in this forum but have never had the pleasure of replying to them. You sure are a feisty lady with high opinions, so much so that in my next life I hope to come back as perfect as you :O) I'm afraid it's too late for me now in this life because I remember once using the showers at a caravan site and not the ones in the caravan. God only knows what germs I helped to spread from the *unclean* who used them before me. Please forgive me Chloe, I won't sin again and will follow your doctrine to the letter ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Chloe

Have you never stayed in a hotel with en suite bathroom then,surely you must have used public toilets as well at some time or other,we have fixed bed end bathroom, seperate shower, even so we use site facilities sometimes, normally CC and so far we have never had a problem with the cleanliness on site, I don't think we are bone idle or lazy but I can't be bothered to check.
Nov 6, 2005
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I have always thought that fixed beds are for the infirm or just bone idle and lazy folk. A fixed bed takes up a minimum of at least one third of your caravan! now thats a lot of space that cannot be denied and a great deal of wasted space underneath which is pretty useless and not generally easily accessible unless your arms are six feet long! It's the end bathroom for me everytime. We use our OWN facilities in total pricavy and have our own hygiene standards, not sitting on seats for example that have had hundreds of strangers sat there before you if you get my drift! or having a shower not knowing what other people have done in there before, yes, I have heard it all before so its what makes you comfortable and what you can shut out and kid yourself doesn't happen. With two long seats, it takes but a few minutes to remove the cushions and back rest, put a sleeping bag on each seat together with a pillow and bed sorted, in the morning again but a few minutes to put the bags and pillows under the seat and put the cushions back, and if either person wants to get up in the night they do not have to clamber over the other to get out and then clamber to get back in again. My privacy and hygiene factor is undoubtedly 100% first and foremost over a few minutes to make up a bed as opposed to a fixed bed that takes up one third or more of your van and valuable space which is dormant other than for approximately one third of your time in the 'van. But it's your life, your 'van your decision, if a fixed bed has priority over total privacy and hygiene and you prefer to share other peoples toilets etc. etc then that's the bottom line.
Why do you need to insult people whose opinion you disagree with?

Tell us why you think your ideas are good ones but allow others to make their own choices.
Feb 21, 2005
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Why do you need to insult people whose opinion you disagree with?

Tell us why you think your ideas are good ones but allow others to make their own choices.
There were no insults intended, but if the cap fit's then wear it!
Feb 21, 2005
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Hi Chloe

Have you never stayed in a hotel with en suite bathroom then,surely you must have used public toilets as well at some time or other,we have fixed bed end bathroom, seperate shower, even so we use site facilities sometimes, normally CC and so far we have never had a problem with the cleanliness on site, I don't think we are bone idle or lazy but I can't be bothered to check.
I avoid public toilets like the plague unless it is absolutely vital and then on extreme ocassions, squat. Havivng my own caravan the choice is easy whether to use my own personal facilities or those where many have gone before! it's your choice where you put your behind!
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi Chloe

Have you never stayed in a hotel with en suite bathroom then,surely you must have used public toilets as well at some time or other,we have fixed bed end bathroom, seperate shower, even so we use site facilities sometimes, normally CC and so far we have never had a problem with the cleanliness on site, I don't think we are bone idle or lazy but I can't be bothered to check.
I totally agree with your remark about where one parks ones bum Chloe but unfortunately you are talking through yours ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi chrissylizzie

"We changed from make up beds to a fixed bed, not because of the hassle of making the bed, We have a Kerry Blue terrier who likes me to take her out for her early morning walk a 0600 hrs every day,(my fault being ex service always being used to getting up at that hour).Which ment when I returned to the caravan with the dog I used to disturbe my wife who like to sleep in

Having a fixed bed means that I can brew a cup of tea, sit on the seats at the front without disturbing the wife asleep in the rear fixed bed.

I am 5ft 10ins tall and sleep on the outside, never had any sleeping problems with the cut of part off the mattress.

Mar 14, 2005
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chrissylizzie, sorry meant to reply earlier but was sidetracked by that health warning! lol. We now have a fixed bed model and have to say its great, with Royston pointing out a couple of the benefits. Our last van's layout meant a ritual at night and the same in the morning and not a lot of room. Now we have more room, a bed made up, and the choice of sitting at the front having a brew or going to bed (alone or otherwise).
Feb 21, 2005
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I fail to see what is odd about using one's own private facilitie's as opposed to WANTING to use public facilitie's that everybody else uses.
Jul 2, 2006
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We are going to a fixed bed at our next van change. I realy can't do the acrobatics of climbing over "ere in doors" to fight back our boysterous chocolate labrador who's got his paws crossed at 5am and needs walkies "now"!!

Roy will be fine walking the Welsh hills, the stuppy leg will keep him upright if he walks anti clockwise round the hill while we all list to the right ??!! Thats why welsh lamb is cheaper, you don't get as much on the hillside leg.

Oh and of coarse we will avoid the slat rattle at midnight and the cushion fight after the customary two bottles of wine too. Not.


Giving the slats a good rattle is my favourite part of the night.(Especially if Mrs B's has had a few glasses of wine!)

Dec 30, 2009
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Chloe, Hygenic you might be but also darn right rude as well.

Just because someone prefers a fixed bed does not make them "bone idle or infirm" We are on our second fixed bed model and would not swap back to making beds up each night, thats my CHOICE yours is to make the bed each night and be oh so hygenic thats also your choice. Do you see anybody calling you a fruit cake or such like for wanting to do this??? no so dont call us fixed bedders bone idle

Each to their own

Kevin H
Nov 6, 2006
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Absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to use your private facilities but, likewise, there is nothing wrong in preferring a fixed bed layout, which, at least in our Bailey, gives a far superior sleep compared with using the front seats.

Everyone is entitled to buy what they think suits them best. Their choice may not always be correct but that's life and they have to live with it or take the financial hit to change but I don't think folk spend large chunks of cash without at least trying to think it throuh.

As Frank has suggested, perhaps you've had a bad day.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Chloe - I agree with most of your first post in this topic and when looking at fixed bed arrangements find that the only one to go for is the centre island. Fixed beds have compromised the flexibility of caravan design with the result that vans have to be longer, and heavier resulting in the need for larger tow vehicles. This to a take away the five minute task of making up a bed each evening and packing away each morning.

The end bathroom arrangement allows for good washing and toilet facilities and for a lot of people is the reason why they caravan.
Feb 21, 2005
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Absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to use your private facilities but, likewise, there is nothing wrong in preferring a fixed bed layout, which, at least in our Bailey, gives a far superior sleep compared with using the front seats.

Everyone is entitled to buy what they think suits them best. Their choice may not always be correct but that's life and they have to live with it or take the financial hit to change but I don't think folk spend large chunks of cash without at least trying to think it throuh.

As Frank has suggested, perhaps you've had a bad day.

If you read my original posting, I did say, 'your life, your 'van, your decision'. If anyone wishes to walk away from their own facilitie's in their own caravan and use general public facilities then that's their privilege. Why don't people who are afraid to use their own facilitie's remove them from their caravan and put the space to better use? but then again, it's their 'van, who care's what they do? I certainly don't give a monkeys. What a bore, yawn yawn, end of debat as far as I'm concerned.
Feb 21, 2005
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Hi Shiraz, this is one of my own personal main points. But if people wish to walk away from their own personal private facilitie's in exchange for public sanitation then the mind boggles.
Jan 19, 2008
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I have an end washroom and prefer that to a fixed bed but I don't decry those who prefer the fixed bed. Neither would I be so pig ignorant to call those people who preferred a fix bed as "infirm or just bone idle and lazy folk".

Neither would I be so base as to accuse all typical British people as " bone idle and lazy, oh! and always whinging thinking they are hard done by".

This person has an attitude problem and God help anyone who uses a site the same time as her let alone pitching next door.

Dec 30, 2009
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Chloe, do you just post to get a reaction??

as LB suggests some of your your postings are down right rude.

I bet you log onto loads of forums just to try and wind people up.

Live and let live fixed bed or your own private facilities the choice is yours. CHOICE being the operative word


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