Fixed Beds !

Feb 3, 2006
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Why do people favour fixed beds as opposed to making one every day ?

The effort of making a bed is less than having to dry out a shower before using it as a loo as is the compromise in many vans. Do people not use their showers ? If they don't, do they use the shower block and have to trek out in all weather, even que and make the excercise longer than drying the loo or making the bed. On the other hand they could go for an even bigger van which has a rear bathroom with seperate shower and loo. Trouble is you will probably need a bigger tow vehicle which uses more fuel which not only have you had to work longer to pay for ( you could be making the bed instead !) but results in exploitation of fossil fuels. As a result we have wars all over the world, international terrorism and the debate about the need for ID cards.

The good news is all that global warming will make sites in Scotland more attractive.

Think again before deciding making the bed is too much effort !!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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No, we don't use the shower in our van, not because of the effort of drying it off (that hadn't even occurred to me!), but because of the effort of filling up the aquaroll before showering and emptying the waste water container afterwards. It is much easier to make just one trip down to the shower block, rather than cart all that water to and fro!

And, ssh! Sometimes we don't even have a shower - this weekend for instance, we both showered before leaving home on Friday morning and we reckoned we were then OK until we got home on Sunday evening. No one appeared to be giving us a wide berth, so we can't have been that smelly.
Feb 3, 2006
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Ok you win on water carrying...or do you ! One trip to get water will provide 3 showers, one trip to empty the water gets rid again. The former would leave a bit of extra water which you would have to fetch and dispose of anyway should you want to wash hands/dishes etc!

I bet you get the sawn off bed end and cold feet as well ! Still, not as cold as you get going to the shower block !
Mar 14, 2005
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Quite simple Rioja, I prefer the luxury of just being able to fall into the bed at night. We do use the shower and find it drys fine without the need to spend time drying it. You could actually ask the same question why people who have vans with luxurious end washrooms decide to trek down to the shower block every morning!!!! Richard S
Mar 14, 2005
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Rioja, I don't suffer from a cut off corner, etc, because I don't have a fixed-bed van. I would love one, but I can't afford one right now. On the other hand, I have never personally seen the point of the super-duper end washroom. But it is because people want different things that manufacturers make a variety of layouts. Enjoy your van in your own way - just as we do!
Mar 14, 2005
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We have often thought about the idea of having a van with a fixed bed but eventually decided against it is because the bed often has a cut off corner and they are only not particularly large. Our current van ( Sterling Eccles Topaz) has two long berths that convert into a wide double so there is plenty of room. So the inconvenience of making the bed is offset by having a larger bed.

Aug 28, 2005
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i think it depends on how many nights you spend in your van each year ,we spent 61 nights away last year ,so we sold our Bailey Moselle ,and bought a fixed bed Senator Indiana ,and as i am quite active i dont find it any problem filling up the 2 aqua rolls ,in fact i quite enjoy it ,you meet all sorts on caravan sites ,so you never know when you might need that bit of extra fitness
Mar 14, 2005
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Some vans have it all, seperate shower and fixed bed. It does take an effort to make the bed at night using the front lounge, especially in a cramped space. Add to that a nights festivities and the ability to collapse on the fixed bed makes it all worth while. Why buy a caravan with a nice shower and not use it?


Mar 14, 2005
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We have a fixed bed because WE wanted that particukar layout, it suits our requirements exactly. if someone doesnt like them that is personal choice, but we purchase what WE want not what someone else wants. Our next van will be a twin axle with fixed bed and full end washroom with seperate shower. To pull it we will be trading in our current 4x4 for a larger , heavier and more powerfull one. We love caravaning, use the van 12 months a year and like the luxuries.

As for the cut os corner of the bed it has never been a problem.

Also remember that not all vanners are young and fit so fixed beds, notor movers etc allows nore people to enjoy caravaning.
Aug 26, 2005
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Well said Del, We buy what we require and have worked for, all our lives. We are going to upgrade from a fixed bed Senator Oklahoma to another fixed bed with a full length rear bathroom with separate shower etc If you want to discuss global warming, lets talk about the damage a flight to New York on a 747 does to the ozone layer. I agree with the other contributor, Get a Life.
Jan 21, 2014
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Well said Del, We buy what we require and have worked for, all our lives. We are going to upgrade from a fixed bed Senator Oklahoma to another fixed bed with a full length rear bathroom with separate shower etc If you want to discuss global warming, lets talk about the damage a flight to New York on a 747 does to the ozone layer. I agree with the other contributor, Get a Life.
We have fixed bed and full length rear bathroom with seperate shower in our 'van - it's fantastic - highly recommended!!
Feb 20, 2006
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We have a fixed bed and a separate shower & toilet in our van. Either of us can go to bed when we want, leaving the other reading, watching TV, drinking with friends etc without having to disturb them to make the bed up.

We don't all use sites with heated shower blocks etc, so the facilities we have we use, that's what caravanning is all about. Variety is the spice of life, Enjoy it!
Mar 14, 2005
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we are picking up our first fixed bed van on Friday. I can't wait to just roll into bed without having to get undressed and avoid being poked with a seat cushion at the same time.
Apr 1, 2006
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Hi Rioja,

My first thought was to wonder how old you are? We have caravanned for 17 years with four kids, well, thats how it was but of course they have all grown up and gone but we have made up our fair share of beds believe me not to mention putting it back again before you could swing the proverbial cat around in the morning! We had the same van (Avondale Leda Penine) for 16 years and had some, no, LOTS of fantastic times in it and I wouldn't change a moment of it. That caravan went to the great caravan site in the sky a few months ago and it was a sad day when it went but I had already ordered my new van! Again, an Avondale, an Argente, double wheel base 650/6 for the two of us. The one thing I demanded was a fixed bed!We looked at hundreds of vans before ordering this brand new one in January 06. Now this van is not strictly a fixed bed van but the dinette area at the rear of the van converts beautifully into a double bedroom with enough room for the central drawer unit to remain for a tele. So tele or a DVD in bed, Can it get any better.? (perhaps a bottle of wine with two glasses!) So, a full mattress has been purchased and I tell you this, it is the most fantastic thing to just 'go to bed' at night. It has transformed our evenings and mornings, and don't forget, if we are going to havethe family turn up we can convert it back to a 6 berth! (but they can make the beds) It's just a matter of priorities and at 53 I am very fit and well thanks be to God, but this is my holiday home and I want to be as comfortable as poss and I am sure that if you ask caravanning folk of a certain age if they would have a fixed bed I think you would find an overwhelming YES! Yes we have a separate shower on board and I drive a VW Touareg which is a real fuel guzzler but a fantastic Towcar. However, I am not the villain you think I am. I have had the Touareg converted (the first in the UK) to use Vegetable oil so as not to cause pollution. I think after 20 years of running my own business and working every hour God sent, I deserve everything I have- including my fixed bed, don't you?
Apr 1, 2006
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we are picking up our first fixed bed van on Friday. I can't wait to just roll into bed without having to get undressed and avoid being poked with a seat cushion at the same time.
Hi Bernadette,

Enjoy your new van- especially your fixed bed! It will be a revelation I can assure you and bed time will be no chore!

Jun 29, 2004
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I'm with you Merve. The fact that I do not choose a fixed bed because the ones we looked at did not have shelving for cups of tea books ect. Is not the point. I sold my buisiness after working for what I have got not to let some sanctamonious************** tell me what I should do with it.

Apr 1, 2006
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I'm with you Merve. The fact that I do not choose a fixed bed because the ones we looked at did not have shelving for cups of tea books ect. Is not the point. I sold my buisiness after working for what I have got not to let some sanctamonious************** tell me what I should do with it.

Thanks Mike. Seen some comments but really!!!


Apr 5, 2006
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Hi Rioja,

My first thought was to wonder how old you are? We have caravanned for 17 years with four kids, well, thats how it was but of course they have all grown up and gone but we have made up our fair share of beds believe me not to mention putting it back again before you could swing the proverbial cat around in the morning! We had the same van (Avondale Leda Penine) for 16 years and had some, no, LOTS of fantastic times in it and I wouldn't change a moment of it. That caravan went to the great caravan site in the sky a few months ago and it was a sad day when it went but I had already ordered my new van! Again, an Avondale, an Argente, double wheel base 650/6 for the two of us. The one thing I demanded was a fixed bed!We looked at hundreds of vans before ordering this brand new one in January 06. Now this van is not strictly a fixed bed van but the dinette area at the rear of the van converts beautifully into a double bedroom with enough room for the central drawer unit to remain for a tele. So tele or a DVD in bed, Can it get any better.? (perhaps a bottle of wine with two glasses!) So, a full mattress has been purchased and I tell you this, it is the most fantastic thing to just 'go to bed' at night. It has transformed our evenings and mornings, and don't forget, if we are going to havethe family turn up we can convert it back to a 6 berth! (but they can make the beds) It's just a matter of priorities and at 53 I am very fit and well thanks be to God, but this is my holiday home and I want to be as comfortable as poss and I am sure that if you ask caravanning folk of a certain age if they would have a fixed bed I think you would find an overwhelming YES! Yes we have a separate shower on board and I drive a VW Touareg which is a real fuel guzzler but a fantastic Towcar. However, I am not the villain you think I am. I have had the Touareg converted (the first in the UK) to use Vegetable oil so as not to cause pollution. I think after 20 years of running my own business and working every hour God sent, I deserve everything I have- including my fixed bed, don't you?
Hi Merve,

We have an Argente 550/4 which we find good apart from making the bed every night, we have looked at various fixed beds to replace our van around September time when it will be 2 years old, and one option which was shown to us at the lawns show last year by an Avondale salesman was the use of a double ended van with the rear bed left made, in the twin axle Argente which was shown to us the rear cushions looked very thin which did put us off a little as our Argente cushions were showing signs of sagging after 12 months and 52 nights away, and the front cushions are a lot thicker than those of the rear dinnette on the van we were shown although we sit and sleep on ours, with a seperate mattress the wear is massively reduced and I think this is an excellent idea, we would however miss the end bathroom but when you add up the time spent in bed or in the bathroom the bed should come first, as many fixed beds are tapered off and a lot smaller than our 6ft x 7ft bed, then the rear dinnette idea should give an excellent sized bed and if you want a big van, why not? we find our 4 berth right for us two and a twin axle will probably replace it, so it doesnt matter what others think as long as you enjoy your time away.

Apr 1, 2006
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Hi Merve,

We have an Argente 550/4 which we find good apart from making the bed every night, we have looked at various fixed beds to replace our van around September time when it will be 2 years old, and one option which was shown to us at the lawns show last year by an Avondale salesman was the use of a double ended van with the rear bed left made, in the twin axle Argente which was shown to us the rear cushions looked very thin which did put us off a little as our Argente cushions were showing signs of sagging after 12 months and 52 nights away, and the front cushions are a lot thicker than those of the rear dinnette on the van we were shown although we sit and sleep on ours, with a seperate mattress the wear is massively reduced and I think this is an excellent idea, we would however miss the end bathroom but when you add up the time spent in bed or in the bathroom the bed should come first, as many fixed beds are tapered off and a lot smaller than our 6ft x 7ft bed, then the rear dinnette idea should give an excellent sized bed and if you want a big van, why not? we find our 4 berth right for us two and a twin axle will probably replace it, so it doesnt matter what others think as long as you enjoy your time away.

Hi Simon,

Nice of you to reply. Read it with interest. So it woul;d be rude to ignore you so I reply. As I said we must have had a look at every damn Van that was ever made! We, sorry, I, had one criteria -A FIXED bed! My wife wasn't that bothered but boy-does she love me for it now! Didn't know at the time what types were on the market as we hadn't been looking for one before but the search began. We looked at all the makes with both "cut off" beds, full beds, island beds, you name it we looked at it and we wern't really looking at "double dinette" vans at all until, on the off chance, we looked at the Avondale 650/6 for something to do as it were( as if we hadn't looked at enough!) which was parked next to an Avondale Landranger with the Island bed (which we nearly bought). The first thing that struck me was that it had the parallel seating. Can't stand L shape! When I looked at the dinette area I was still not thinking of it as a bedroom and then the idea slowly started to dawn on me. We had looked at the Sterling range and found that the dinette area in what I believe was called the explorer or somthing like that was big enough to take a mattress and that was about all. Otherwise the van was nice but this dinette area in the Avondale was, as I said, big enough to put a full size mattress in and still leave the central drawer unit for a tele and with the ariel and power point just below, I started to like this van more and more. The shower unit was separate and the wash room and toilet were big enough for the purpose, and with the full mirror it gave a feeling of space to the area. Now, you hit on something that I have realised over the last few months and that was why have a large area in a van when you use it for 10 mins a day? Now please, I realise that we are all different and like different things in life so I am not having a go at anyone who likes the washroom facility, but for me, I can't see the point. Lets break the day down into living time.This is on a day of course when you can't get out! The lounge and cooking- 14,15,16hrs a day? Sleeping- Have to have my 8 hrs. Shower, shave, and other vitals- 30mins max would you say? A look at the 650/6 and I realised that the areas taken up for the various functions of the day reflected perfectly the time we would spend in them! SOLD! Have fitted 2 extra down lights in what was the dinette area so we both have a reading light when in bed, the thickness of the cusions- not bad but it really doesn't really matter cos we dont use them. A beautiful nights sleep on a pocket sprung mattress is the most amazing experience after the "bed making days". If that wasn't enough, the door between the shower and washroom and the lounge kitchenette area closes to give perfect privacy and allow you to have en suite shower and toilet! How cool is that! Generally, I am thrilled with the van, Hanging space is bit tight but other that that, at the moment I can't really fault it. Omni vent fitted as an optional extra, electric space and water heating which we never had before, not to mention the entertainment system and yes, I am a happy man, and, if that wasn't enough, don't forget that we have 2 vans in one if we had a couple of the kids drop in on us we can convert it back to a 6 berth! So look at the Argente 650/6 if you are thinking along those lines. The saleman was quite right. Out of all of them, this was the best and most roomy dinette to convert into a "bedroom" Let me know what you think sometime.

Sep 25, 2005
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We had our new Lexon EB a few weeks ago and love it to bits! No real problems and the joy of having the bed there to fall into at the end of the evening is soooooo nice! Plus hubby wakes early and he gets up and can open the blinds to start his day while I snooze on! Nice for afternoon naps too.

The 2 long seats were great for my 6'4 son to sleep on over Easter too.

We also use the small wet room daily to shower etc and it only takes a minute to wipe the tray to put the mat back in.

We rally a lot and this van gives us everything we need. Really pleased with it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Julie we to have a lexon EB and we have 3 kids. Had it for 2 years now and its a great bit of kit. We take the backs off the front seats and slot them in the middle of the seats to make up the 3rd single bed. Its got it all the shower is great and it heats up quick. Its good to have a troll on a forum sometimes to kick off some good discussions and then they can creep back from where the damp and dark palce they first came from. The only thing the Lexon misses is a little table to hold the wine bottle at night in the back room :)...
Feb 3, 2006
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This thread I started as devils advocate has had a steady but continuous response. I have to say I agree with Merve, far more sensible to get a bed that can be converted back when needs be.Makes the van more resaleable and flexible.I'm envious of the Tourag too ! However, hard work and money still doesn't mean we should say tough to everyone else and go ahead and blow natures precious resources. Great move going onto vegetable oil Merve, you'll never go short if you decide to fry a few chips while your away either !
Mar 7, 2006
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We have fixed bed and full length rear bathroom with seperate shower in our 'van - it's fantastic - highly recommended!!
Nice outfits! we have a bailey but our dream van is a senator wyoming with fixed bed and full big bathroom.

We both work hard and once we can afford it will be buying one!


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