For the Attention of his Lordship

Mar 14, 2005
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I seem to remember that you had said that you had been to Brora.This is on our list when we are going North....but I noticed that there is restricted access for larger caravans to this site.We are picking up our new van in 2 weeks time and the shipping length will be 23ft 10"

I'm certainly not wanting to hazard our new baby.Will be going to the Caravan Show in Glasgow this week and can speak to the CC people there, but I value your opinion.

Hope your wife has a swift recovery from her operation,and is able to enjoy her coming holidays.

Jan 19, 2008
Visit site
Maureen the only honest reply I can give is that there was all sizes of vans on site including some of those large Winnebago motor homes. Looking in the Sites Directory it says "due to restricted access road it is advisable to plan arrivals after midday". I can only think that this is in reference to the narrow bridge over the railway line. Follow the instructions in the Directory and when you have turned right off the main road at the far end of Brora the bridge is only a few hundred yards. You will see the road turning to the left and if you drive slow and keep to the right to take a wide sweep you will be ok. If you're not happy with that you could park up and one of you walk to the bridge to see if anything is coming the other way because with it being a hump backed bridge sighting other traffic is difficult. Dont let me put you off because the road (lane) is far from busy and the rewards at the end of it are great. Once over the bridge once again its only a few hundred yards to the site. Ignore the private site on the left once over the bridge and the CC site is on the right. Walk through the gate across the golf course and you have a sandy beach as far as you can see but watch the Arctic Terns though, get too close and they dive bomb you and peck your bonce. If any of your party like playing golf you can use the course by going to the Club House in Brora. Two drives we took locally which were worth it was around Strath Brora/Loch Brora and Glen Loth where we saw lots of Deer and some Golden Eagles. Hope you have a nice time which I'm sure you will.
Mar 14, 2005
Visit site
Maureen the only honest reply I can give is that there was all sizes of vans on site including some of those large Winnebago motor homes. Looking in the Sites Directory it says "due to restricted access road it is advisable to plan arrivals after midday". I can only think that this is in reference to the narrow bridge over the railway line. Follow the instructions in the Directory and when you have turned right off the main road at the far end of Brora the bridge is only a few hundred yards. You will see the road turning to the left and if you drive slow and keep to the right to take a wide sweep you will be ok. If you're not happy with that you could park up and one of you walk to the bridge to see if anything is coming the other way because with it being a hump backed bridge sighting other traffic is difficult. Dont let me put you off because the road (lane) is far from busy and the rewards at the end of it are great. Once over the bridge once again its only a few hundred yards to the site. Ignore the private site on the left once over the bridge and the CC site is on the right. Walk through the gate across the golf course and you have a sandy beach as far as you can see but watch the Arctic Terns though, get too close and they dive bomb you and peck your bonce. If any of your party like playing golf you can use the course by going to the Club House in Brora. Two drives we took locally which were worth it was around Strath Brora/Loch Brora and Glen Loth where we saw lots of Deer and some Golden Eagles. Hope you have a nice time which I'm sure you will.
Many thanks......the on-line Club booking service for that site states that large outfits should contact the site for advice,but as you have seen Winnebago's I don't anticipate any problems for us.



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