Fuel prices up again

Jul 11, 2005
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Fuel up over 2p a litre on monday 1st October.

Welcome to rip off Britain. I'm surprised they dont tax the air we breath, or have'nt they thought of that yet? They are in so much debt they need every penny.

Run a country, they could'nt run a bath.

Still its a good vote loser.



Somewhere there is a saying that 'would turkeys vote for Christmas'? I suspect there are a lot of turkeys in the UK and they will probably deserve all they will get. The rest are leaving in droves.
Aug 30, 2007
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I spoke to a chap who moved to France a few years ago - he was on an adjacent pitch having come back to the UK to see his family and finds his caravan the best so that he can go from site to site near where his family lives.

Seems an excellent option to me!

What interested me was the fact that he now has his RHD vehicle registered in France - French number plate etc. Very easy to do apparently though changing the lights to dip the other way is the most expensive bit.

He told me that as soon as he arrived back in the UK a policeman stopped him on the dock and told him he was breaking the law as he had no road tax.

So this chap just said "Look again at the number plate please!"

And slightly embarrassed the policeman apologised and let them go on their way.

Whilst chatting he said how expensive diesel was in the UK, saying that in France it was about 80% of the price here in the UK. He then went on to say that in France the cost of fuel was increased and their old Road Tax system scrapped.

So there we have it

This wonderful Government of ours intends to increase fuel costs yet further by adding yet MORE tax on fuel AS WELL AS increasing to amazing levels the Road Tax on vehicles that are capable of towing a caravan.

Then we have the Lib Dems who would like to ban all cars it seems.

As for the conservatives it seems they will go in whatever direction that gets them the votes in those key marginals so that they get elected and ****** the rest of us. But on that last point I suppose all politicians are the same.

But lets ask them when they knock on the door as they will (sooner I think than later) what they are going to do to make us they same as our French counterparts

Why is it that we pay Road Tax and the French do not?

Why is it that diesel is 80% of the price of UK diesel and the French Government has increased the cost of fuel and done away with the highly inefficient (collection wise) Road Fund Licence?

and finally :-

What and who are they going to govern when most of the indigenous population of the UK says enough is enough and lives elsewhere?

If enough of do this - the issue just may get back to those that need to hear just how hacked off the average man in the street really is.

I doubt they have the sense to do anything about. But I am looking forward in particular to telling the Lib Dem plonker exactly what I think of their plans for the car!

Same with the Labour numpty.

And if and when I find out what the turn and turn again Eton idiot actually stands for I shall no doubt have some fun with his lot.

But I would suggest we ALL do similar this time!

What about it??
Aug 30, 2007
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Well I suppose we could just kick them all in the whatsits when they knock on the door Colin?

And personally I can see the advantage in this - but will it get the real message across?
Mar 13, 2007
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hi darce

well some times oneliners say it all dont they?

some may agree with your sentiment some may not personaly I think you make a valid point but as all three major parties (sorry 2 and a bit parties )will never do any thing to reduce the price of motoring I cannot see any alternative its as simple as that.

Aug 13, 2007
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Lowering taxes on fuel , cars etc. would be likend to killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Not a snowball in hells chance. Got to pay for the blunder of putting the millitary into Iraq & Afganistan some how.

Graham W.
Aug 30, 2007
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I think we have a choice.

Just put up with it and stop moaning

Or moan at the right people

With a possible election just around the corner, I believe that Mr Average has the opportunity to counter the doom-mongers of the "Climate Catastrophe is all the cars fault" numpties that because they have a load voice have overly influenced the politicians.

If we equal the "noise" these numpties make then a far more sensible way of dealing with Climate Change will be taken (Our houses produce far far more CO2 every day than our cars!) and if we choose to remain silent then basically we will get what we deserve.

We have a choice.
Aug 30, 2007
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I think we have a choice.

Just put up with it and stop moaning

Or moan at the right people

With a possible election just around the corner, I believe that Mr Average has the opportunity to counter the doom-mongers of the "Climate Catastrophe is all the cars fault" numpties that because they have a load voice have overly influenced the politicians.

If we equal the "noise" these numpties make then a far more sensible way of dealing with Climate Change will be taken (Our houses produce far far more CO2 every day than our cars!) and if we choose to remain silent then basically we will get what we deserve.

We have a choice.
Sorry - "loud voice" - should read
Nov 26, 2006
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Well, just filled up today, and petrol still unchanged at 92.9 at the local ASDA (less 2p for using their credit card).

I remember when I got my first vehicle it was 3/6 a gallon; the strange thing is that if you allow for inflation it is actually cheaper now than it was then.
Jul 25, 2007
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If people continue to vote red then thats what we will keep getting BUT .......... whenever I ask anyone why they voted for this party I always get the same answer .......... "I didnt vote for them" ...... so ...... who DID ????

Mar 14, 2005
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No, it's Laphroiiiiiiiiigh, when I can afford it ( which isn't too difficult when I only pay 41.9p for fuel!!!)Every little helps! (sorry Diane!)
Mar 14, 2005
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Tell me about it!!!I first discovered it about thirty years ago, and every bottle tastes better than the last.We only drink it on special occasions, though, like Sundays, and sometimes Mondays and then well......
May 12, 2006
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Hi Emmerson

I can understand that, I'm a Morangie man for my everyday drink. Linkwood for special occasions.

maybe we can share a bottle one day.

Jun 28, 2007
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this country sees the car as a cash cow or golden goose. They'll keep taxing the things we need most


Roadfund licence

Insurance Tax

Then not put a penny into alternatives because that will cost them moeny, turning us away from the car and then their revenue from the car will fall.

Try looking at how you could get to work on public transport alone. For me , my 10 mile journey needs 3 buses and , based on the time tables , 2hrs 45mins to make that journey irrespective of what time I choose to travel and thats just one way.

The cost of these buses far exceeds the cost of running my car , so where's the benefit. And can anyone tell me what the Co2 emmissions of a double decker bus are , damn sure the government wont.


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