Fusible plug location and pressure reverse valve

May 8, 2018
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Hello everyone. I’m new to this forum. I have a problem with water heater. It does not take the water in. Carver caacade 2. I’ve read somwere that it could be pressure reverse switch that should be located before the intake to the heater. I went through all pipes and i cant find it. There’s the pressure switch which works fine as the cold water is ok. Could it be sowhere outside? Also. How to find the fusible plug?


Mar 14, 2005
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There are several items which have alarm bells ringing in my ears about your competence to do anything to your heater.
First of all there is no such thing as a pressure reverse switch , and secondly why would you want to find the fusible plug?

I strongly suggest you getting a mobile engineer to sort the heater out for you.
May 8, 2018
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I`m sorry . I meant the pressure non reverse valve, and i think I`ve found it. it`s screwed on directly on the heater and the cold pipe intake is on it. For some reason i was looking for the inline valve located in the middle of the hose. When it comes to the fusible plug. I`ve found one brand new in my caravan spares tool box and even though the heater is not taking any water in I`ve found it running hot with no water for a while as the power switch is located on the bottom next to the mains socket and my daughter has pressed it in. I want to replace it as I`ve read that it could get damaged after running the boiler hot with no water. the hater still works. I`ve found the fusible plug now too. It was under the external heater cover. i will replace it soon just to be on the safe side. I`m new to caravans and i was a bit frightened before touching anything for the first time. after the online research everything becomes very clear. thanks for the response


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote " I meant the pressure non reverse valve,"

There is NO such thing !!!!
The connector you have "found" is simply a cold water inlet , which has a non return valve within it.
If you attempt to remove it, it will certainly break leaving the threaded part still in the heater, and getting that out is NOT easy.

Another point is , if the heater is holding water, which you do not know at present, but if it is, and water does not pour out of the fusible plug, WHY change it, it is OK.

On line research may be OK but not everything you read is right or safe.
Nov 16, 2015
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Damian-Moderator said:
Quote " I meant the pressure non reverse valve,"

There is NO such thing !!!!
The connector you have "found" is simply a cold water inlet , which has a non return valve within it.
If you attempt to remove it, it will certainly break leaving the threaded part still in the heater, and getting that out is NOT easy.

Another point is , if the heater is holding water, which you do not know at present, but if it is, and water does not pour out of the fusible plug, WHY change it, it is OK.

Damian, be gentle, some New Forum members are asking for information, Not always getting technical items named correct a few new members have left due to all of our brass replys. . They are asking for help and need It.


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote " Damian, be gentle, some New Forum members are asking for information, Not always getting technical items named correct a few new members have left due to all of our brass replys. . They are asking for help and need It.

The situation calls for straight talking, and no messing about.
Peoples lives could be at risk , or certainly really bad injuries by doing anything wrong with a heater of any kind, but also probably coupled with very hot water...........who knows.

The very best help has been advised, GET AN ENGINEER to sort it out , one who knows how to repair safely.
Nov 16, 2015
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Damian-Moderator said:
Quote " Damian, be gentle, some New Forum members are asking for information, Not always getting technical items named correct a few new members have left due to all of our brass replys. . They are asking for help and need It.

The situation calls for straight talking, and no messing about.
Peoples lives could be at risk , or certainly really bad injuries by doing anything wrong with a heater of any kind, but also probably coupled with very hot water...........who knows.

The very best help has been advised, GET AN ENGINEER to sort it out , one who knows how to repair safely.

Damian I am a Licenced Aircraft engineer! And like to help people out on this forum, please don't Shout on the forum to me or others. Thats rude. I now remember why I was going to leave the forum.
Nov 16, 2015
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Danmian from form rules
Please do not type messages in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS as on internet forums this is considered to be shouting and therefore bad
My very best regards,
Hutch, AkA. Alistair.


Mar 14, 2005
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Yes I was shouting, and meant to .
It does not matter what work anyone did in a past life or in the present, if it was not involved with the workings of caravan equipment, it is immaterial.

That is where I am leaving this topic , the best advice has been given,if the OP chooses to ignore it, so be it.

Just as an aside, my posting was not all in capital letters, just a very important point in trying to get the OP to do the right thing. Sorry if that is seen as wrong.
Nov 16, 2015
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EH52ARH said:
Damian-Moderator said:
Quote " Damian, be gentle, some New Forum members are asking for information, Not always getting technical items named correct a few new members have left due to all of our brass replys. . They are asking for help and need It.

The situation calls for straight talking, and no messing about.
Peoples lives could be at risk , or certainly really bad injuries by doing anything wrong with a heater of any kind, but also probably coupled with very hot water...........who knows.

The very best help has been advised, GET AN ENGINEER to sort it out , one who knows how to repair safely.

Damian I am a Licenced Aircraft engineer! And like to help people out on this forum, please don't Shout on the forum to me or others. Thats rude. I now remember why I was going to leave the forum.

Looks like capital letters to me. .
Sep 29, 2016
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If one wants to promote a point then the use of italics or bold text or slightly enlarged (or smaller) text should be sufficient to achieve noticable additional emphasis.

Bold text however has to be used with care though as using it in can give the impression of shouting. :)
May 24, 2014
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Is it OK to type in bold if somebody is hard of hearing B)

Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. I do agree though that anything within the heating, electrics and water/electrics system of the caravan should be left to a competant engineer. As the OP is somewhat off course with his terminology, it does promote the image of somebody not au fait with the intricacies of a caravans systems.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thingy said:
Is it OK to type in bold if somebody is hard of hearing B)

Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. I do agree though that anything within the heating, electrics and water/electrics system of the caravan should be left to a competant engineer. As the OP is somewhat off course with his terminology, it does promote the image of somebody not au fait with the intricacies of a caravans systems.

We have seen several examples of this type of inquiry where it is clear the questioner is not familiar with the matter in hand has happened on a number of occasions. Depending on the nature of the equipment involved DIYing and learning on the job may be relatively harmless, but when it comes to equipment that controls potentially dangerous things like electricity, gas and to some extent water it cannot be stressed enough how important that a proper job is done to maintain safety not only of the user but everyone else around them.

Sometimes referring such questioners to professionals is the right thing to do even though it may not be what the questioner wants.


Nov 12, 2009
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Damian is a very experienced approved caravan engineer and although anyone could write down what I know about caravan boiler systems on a postage stamp and still have room for the Lords Prayer, it's clear to me that Damian has tried to save the OP some money, grief and potential injury by really emphasising the point that he tried to make.
It's not worth getting upset about really, we all try our best to help fellow caravanners in any way that we can using whichever method we are used to.
I've even been known to type in green ink sometimes :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jul 15, 2008
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Carver water heaters have been around for a long time and so have their associated problems.

Before making snap judgements about other posters, have a look at these postings from 7 years ago dealing with the same problem Bobbikleeds is asking about.

Click here.........pesky non return valve is the most likely culprit!

P.S. .............. gary5 in the postings is the leading expert on these heaters.


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