Gas level indicator


Mar 17, 2007
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Being a pushover for any gizmo or gadget that goes beep, we have a Truma level check. Based on a sonic principle I think :huh: Anyway, works better than those stick on the bottle jobs. Pricey though.
May 7, 2012
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Never tried it. I simply pick up the bottle in use and compare the weight with the empty one next to it. It has always worked for me so far.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello John,

Unless you have a particular need that requires a remote gas level indicator, I would avoid them. There are several that are unreliable, or they are very expensive.for what they do.

Weighing them and subtracting the bottles Tare weight is the most accurate method of determining the gas content inside. The tare weight is always stamped somewhere on UK bottles.

Alternatively there are automatic gas bottle change over systems, where when the primary bottle empties it automatically switches to a secondary bottle. There is usually a gauge or indicator on the system that tells you when its changed over. The down side to this in touring caravans is the weight of two gas bottles.

There are some bottles with a float gauge built into them. These are notorious for failing.
May 24, 2014
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The truma level is anywhere between 50 and 65 quid. Like Mel Im a sucker for gadgets but even I draw the line at that.

I always have two bottles and as soon as one is empty, it gets filled. never run out of gas yet. That way you dont really need a meter.
Feb 9, 2009
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That reminds me that on our last outing had to switch bottles and bought the empty one home to refill and it is still in the garden shed.
Must get a refill before we are away again next month
Sep 4, 2017
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This valve is an automatic change-over valve. I use it then simply fill the empty when necessary.

Nov 11, 2009
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I tend to use just a single Calorlite and just lift and shake it to gauge its contents. As I wish to hang on to it in order to facilitate the change to Calor's new cylinders (Spring 2019 intended) I keep a conventional 6kg propane in the garden so if the time comes that I cannot exchange my Calorlite for a full Calorlite then I will use the old conventional cylinder until Calor's plans become clearer. Never felt the need for a level gauge and it was so much easier eons ago when I justs took two conventional propane cylinders.
Sep 29, 2016
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"Lift and shake" works quite well for me, but when my inherent weight scale device is suspect (drunk) I use poundland luggage scales, they work better than guesswork :woohoo:
Oct 17, 2010
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Never bothered with a level gauge, have two bottles, just run until the one I'm using is empty, then replace.
Have two Calor-lite bottles, rang around today now have two full bottles, they are still available.
Nov 16, 2015
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I still have two calor lite bottles, the dealer says the problem is getting the old heavy ones. Just about to fill the empty Lite one. Just a shake and I know to carry the second full bottle. The almost empty one runs on forever, until half way through cooking. Bah Humbug.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you search back for this question you will find quite a lengthy debate about a year - 18 months ago. If it is critical that you know how much gas you have used/ still got then it seems the only reasonably priced and reliable way is to weigh the bottle when full, keep a note, then remove and re-weigh from time to time. The 'luggage weighers' sold for airline travellers at around £10 each are fine. Just check the calibration when you get one by weighing something like a 4 or 8 litre bottle of mineral water - full of course - wich should come up 4 or 8 kg plus/minus a bit ( probably plus for weiight of the bottle itself, not this and then periodically remover your gas bottle and weigh it.
If you happen to carry home bathroom scales for other reasons then these will do the same job if placed on a hard level surface, but the luggage type is smaller and easy to use.
Jun 20, 2005
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Grey13 said:[/quote
Does it tell you when the change over happens?
I have this vision of being confronted with two empty cylinders :(
Mar 14, 2005
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Truma used to do a version with a remote indicator, But i don;t see it in their listings now.

All it needs is to check them once or twice during a holiday, find one empty and change it.
Jun 20, 2005
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ProfJohnL said:
Truma used to do a version with a remote indicator, But i don;t see it in their listings now.

All it needs is to check them once or twice during a holiday, find one empty and change it.

Surely that defeats the whole exercise :woohoo:
When one cylinder runs out the burners fail. Go out and switch tanks ? Never had to change one for weeks so why would I go out and check one or twice during a holiday :S
Aug 30, 2018
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When my Truma bulkhead regulator failed on the last van. I bought a Cavagna autochange over regulator. You set a primary bottle and it draws from that and when it is empty it changes over bottles seemlessly, the fridge stays lit. There is an indicator wheel that changes from green to red when this happens. A check takes seconds and foolproof unless I guess you are unfortunate enough to be red/green colour blind. This regulator was actually cheaper, than the Truma regulator that had failed.

With regards to gas level in cylinder. Because we use a lot of gas you can actually feels the temperature change, or in colder weather see ice on the outside of the bottle that stops at the top of gas level.
Mar 14, 2005
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Boff said:
...With regards to gas level in cylinder. Because we use a lot of gas you can actually feels the temperature change, or in colder weather see ice on the outside of the bottle that stops at the top of gas level.

That is exactly how the LCD thermal strips work, they change colour with temperature, and the difference between the liquid and the vapour above it triggers a significant colour change. But it only works when gas is being used, as Boff writes its more defined with high usage. If no gas is being drawn off, the temperature of the vapour and the liquid converges so the level can become difficult to define.
Nov 16, 2015
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EH52ARH said:
I still have two calor lite bottles, the dealer says the problem is getting the old heavy ones. Just about to fill the empty Lite one. Just a shake and I know to carry the second full bottle. The almost empty one runs on forever, until half way through cooking. Bah Humbug.

We know when the gas gets low, by a shake, you can feel,it, if its 3/4 empty then carry a spare cylinder, when the BBQ if you power it from the van. Goes out change the cyclinder. . If i have a very small amount left in the calorlite then I power the garden BBq with it, then replace ready to replace the vans one.

Not Caravan science is it.or is it Prof. ?
Oct 30, 2008
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I think I've seen a pressure gauge with red /green type indicator sclae that you can put before the regulator. Anybody have knowledge or comments on these?
Nov 11, 2009
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Gra1 said:
I think I've seen a pressure gauge with red /green type indicator sclae that you can put before the regulator. Anybody have knowledge or comments on these?

If you look at an earlier post you will see a picture of something similar. Some have auto changeover. They are well established pieces of kit. Never found the need myself.
Jul 20, 2016
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I bought one off ebay, its a little dial you put on the end of the gas connector. Works fine for me, and much better than the magnetic ones! The best bit it was only a fiver!
May 24, 2014
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I bought one off ebay, its a little dial you put on the end of the gas connector. Works fine for me, and much better than the magnetic ones! The best bit it was only a fiver!

But how safe is it, cheap manufacture in China?


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