Mar 14, 2005
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Is there any way of telling if the gas bottle is running low. We'd like to avoid running-out whilst away in the caravan so it'd be useful if I could change it just before it is due to.
Mar 14, 2005
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Aside from buying an indicator from your local c'van store, one easy way to tell, is that if you're using the red bottles (essential in winter) then a 'frost' will appear around the bottle in use at about the remaining level of gas in that bottle, giving you an approximate indication of how much gas is left. When it's getting near the end, then change it.
Mar 14, 2005
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there are pressure guages that tell you how much gas is left in the bottle. these fit at the bottle end. however i just shake mine and can guess how much there is. although i do carry a spare full bottle and just swap over when i run out; replacing the empty with a full one when back home. in other words each trip is with one full and on part used bottle on board.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Dave W. There are a number of systems that will approximate the content of a gas bottle. One monitors the bottle pressure and will display it on a dial. When the bottle has evaporated all the liquefied gas, the pressure drops significantly. Others show the temperature of the bottle from top to bottom. There is a change in temperature where the surface of the liquefied gas sits in the bottle. Others attempt to reflect ultrasonic sound waves from the surface of the liquefied gas through the bottle. None of these are as accurate as measuring the weight of the bottle, and subtracting the tare weight. The tare weight is stamped in to the bottle for all refillable containers (calor etc) supplied in the UK.
Mar 14, 2005
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Dave, Come on, stop being so cheap, buy another small gas bottle as a spare.It does'nt matter then if you do run out,at least it gives you time to source a refill.

To hell with weighing bottles and measuring the temperature.

Maybe thats why most caravans have places for two bottles in the front locker.
Mar 14, 2005
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This is a bizarre sounding tip I picked up off another forum - but it truly works ! Pour a steady stream of very hot water down the side of the gas bottle. (probably helps to take it out of the gas locker at this point). Feel the bottle where the water has flowed. Where there is no gas the metal will feel very warm. At the level where the gas lies- it is cool. Voila ! Cheap and effective.


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