Getting a Caravelair in the UK...

Apr 28, 2011
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We're really interested in a a Caravelair (556 Ambiance), however there is only one we can find! The one is located not far from us and is a 2010 model that the dealer has had for 12months - which puts me off for a few reasons a) ?if there are issues with the tyres/axels from standing for so long b) lots of people will have trooped in and out of it c) its priced at more than the 2011 models are in the Netherlands.

I've searched everywhere for other dealers but can only find the one in Longton (Stoke) - where we've seen this van, a place in Stafford, which when you look at the website, they don't have any and then somewhere down south, also who have none on their site. (Despite all of these being registered Caravelair dealerships according to the Caravelair website.

How difficult is it to import a van? Where would we start?
Dec 14, 2006
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There is a Caravelair Dealer near us. We talked to him some months ago about imports - and the problem is the exchange rate at the moment which has adversely affected prices, and therefore the margins that dealers can make on an import. He had one Caravelair on the forecourt, and the brochures, but that was all. However, if you're seriously interested then do give him a ring - he's a nice helpful chap.
I don't think it's difficult at all to import a van you buy yourself - just find your van, and buy it, then bring it back! Lots of people do it. You may then want to have the electrics changed to British standards - most continental vans don't have a battery, for instance, and you'll need to arrange insurance before you bring the van back. I'm not sure how you CRIS register an import - but I imagine it can be done - but the CRIS registration actually seems to be very little use anyway if your van is stolen!
We've thought about it several times, because we like continental vans. Our current van is a Dutch Swift Toscane (left hand side door), rebadged as a Swift Speedbird, and with the electrics upgraded to British (with a battery, etc).
Apr 28, 2011
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Thank you for your help. I've checked their website and although they haven't got any listed, I've been able to send an email asking for their advice. I appreciate your help - I thought I'd scoured ever inch of the internet, but obviously missed this!
Apr 28, 2011
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Because its the cheapest of the ones with the right layout. I'd love the Tabbert but sadly out our price range (and probably too long for the drive!)
Dec 14, 2006
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I'll be passing the site tomorrow, and will call in and have a look what the model is on the forecourt. I'm almost certain that the one we saw (it was a while ago) had fixed bunks, but I may be wrong. He moves stock on fairly quickly - generally things don't stay long on the forecourt.
Dec 14, 2006
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Sorry, called in, but forgot to post. No Caravelairs on the forecourt now - and no-one there to really discuss why. Steve (the owner) wasn't around!
Mar 14, 2005
I read in another forum about criticisms regarding the comparatively low permissible payloads of Caravelair models. I can't comment on that myself, but it would be worth checking before seriously contemplating a purchase.


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