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Global warming swindle

Mar 28, 2005
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Did anyone see the programme last night about the true causes of global warming?

Basically it was saying that it was a natural occurrence that can be tracked back over thousands of years and the way that it was explained made sense to me.

They also pointed out ("they" being top meteorological scientists)that the global warming "industry" is worth billions of pounds and by speaking out about the "myth" they are labelled as heretics.

So the other side of the story has now been proved, so who do we believe?


Mar 14, 2005
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Roy, the only reason Government is going on about Global Warming so much is that it is an easy way to extort more tax out of everyone, and make us feel guilty for living, breathing, going to work, not going to work, or anything you care to mention.

Nature will take care of imbalances, as it has for millions of years, all on its own, and very successfully.

Only when Man tries to show how clever he is, does it all go wrong, because Man will never be as good as nature.
Aug 25, 2006
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Big Roy, I`m in total agreement.

You do realise that we may now be burnt as heretics, as it seems if you don`t follow the official line on this issue you may be treated as a satanist (or worse).
Mar 14, 2005
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I voiced this opinion on here many months ago. It's happened long before we got here, and will happen again after we're all gone. Its a natural phenomenon about which we can nothing.
Mar 28, 2005
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I found it interesting that they said that the worlds volcanoes produce more CO2 than all of the worlds industry/transport put together and the sea is another CO2 producer
Aug 25, 2006
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Well, we can fit scrubbers to the volcanos, but I`ll leave the taxing of the seas to Gordon Brown. Don`t think he can do it, he`s not failed to tax everything else.
Mar 14, 2005
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I found the program really interesting and like it has been said already the explanations seemed to make sense to me. Still won't stop Brown taxing us all to death with his so called green taxes though.
Mar 14, 2005
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I am not computer literate, however could not someone start a petition page on the No. 10 web site similar to the road charging debate? I am sure it would achieve quite a few hits in favour of the scientists viewpoint. Dr. David Bellamy made this statement many months ago as well as other eminent scientists. As stated it is only another government wheeze to get more sleeze tax off us. Anyway Britain only contributes approx. 0.2% of the total world output whereas China contributes approx. 30% and the USA approx.25% and they do not seem to care.
Mar 14, 2005
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A very interesting program indeed. I think it was only last week when they were showing ways of saving the Earth from this man made catastrophe. Any of the four suggested methods, would have cost billions to solve a man made problem that didn't exist. Furthermore, the way the third world and any emerging industrial nations are kept back and told to use alternative (read expensive) forms of energy, is an act of murder. Africa has an abundance of oil and coal, the use of these fuels would solve many problems.

The figures and suggestions made in the program are beyond belief, those responsible for the lies, should birched for the deceit. Al Gore would be the first to the stocks.

"Carbon footprint, carbon offsetting", buzz words that should be consigned to the scrapheap.

Seems we were lied to, by our album covers, dudes.
Aug 28, 2005
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Global warming is not new it started at the end of the last ice age ,when britain was covered in ice a mile thick ,the north sea & the English chanell were dry land until the ice melted ,and the sea has been rising right up to the present day ,in fact i saw a tv program the other week where they are still dredging up bones from the north sea ,from when it was dry land ,if you go onto www.bbc.co.uk/coast you can sea a map of how it was ,also on the bbc in the mornings there has been a series about people tracing there family ,and there is a new technique which has only come out in last few years where they can tell you where your relatives come from 20000 ago ,and 45% of all europeans can be traced back to central France , no doubt in years to when we start freezing again ,it will be what can we do about global freezing
Mar 14, 2005
Trouble is, things are a bit different today compared to the Ice Age. Today, there are millions more people around the world living in cities all along the coasts only a few feet above sea level in danger of sinking under the melting ice caps. We'll see a lot more disasters like the one in New Orleans and they won't occur only in North America. It's not just the temperature increase that comes with global warming but all the other accompanying signs as well (farming land giving way to arid regions, more extreme weather conditions in general, etc.). If global warming were limited to only a temperature increase we wouldn't have so much to worry about but it's all the other side effects that give real reason for concern. During the end of the Ice Age, the few people living on the Earth just moved on as the climate allowed but that's not so easy today.
Jan 19, 2008
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I agree 100% Lutz, whether it's our fault or a natural occurence none of us know, but what is known is it is happening. The only thing that concerns me is is that it's happening at a faster rate than scientists would expect and it's probably us who are accelerating the natural cycle. Whatever amount of co2 volcanoes or the sea put out is natural, the co2 from the waste of an over populated earth isn't. What amount of rubbish each person puts into landfill is incredible, there is only so many holes we can dig. Even then the gasses given out from the de-composing rubbish and the pollution to underground aquifers is another concern. Like Lutz said there wasn't the population about then, it's only exploded since the Industrial Revolution and besides, they weren't dumping rubbish like we are, all what they required to live on came from natural resources and decomposed to a natural state, what we dump are paints, plastics and a million other toxic poisonous substances. What the answer is I don't know and neither does anyone else on this forum but what some need to do is take their heads out of the sand and accept that it is happening and come out of denial. Whether denying the fact that global warming is happening helps some to absolve themselves of any blame I don't know but even today there are scholars who deny the holocaust happened for whatever political agenda they support.

His Windyship. (who has just come off the throne after philosophising).
Mar 27, 2005
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Here's my two-penny worth from someone who is studying an environmental science degree. I have only overviewed global warming but that alone was some 600-800 hours study along with associated computer modelling and lectures from some of the leading UK specialist on the subject. Global warming is in fact one hell of a complicated subject and for certain is not yet fully understood.

The last significant rise in temperature to affect the UK was back in the thirteenth century when most of southern Britain enjoyed raised temperatures of such a significant amount that most of the country was covered in grape vines for wine production and indeed there is evidence to suggest Britain was a prolific wine producing country. It is almost certain that what we are experiencing now is a another natural rise but as Lord B puts it it is being accelerated.

On the subject of oceans the oceans do not naturally give out Co2 they are an important sink for Co2 and have been for thousands of years the fact is now they are full and cannot absorb the natural seasonal rise and fall of Co levels so they have to exhaust the excess to atmosphere.

As a nation our carbon footprint is indeed comparatively infinitesimal to the likes of say China but there we get into politics and that's a different angle altogether.

In all I would say global warming is to complicated a subject to give opinions on based on an half hour tele programme (specifically designed to push up viewing figures) and the odd column read in the broad sheet newspapers.
Mar 14, 2005
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There is no denying that we are at present experiencing global warming. That's not to say that next year it will be the same, we may start to get global cooling. If that happens, what or who are they going to blame then? There is a correlation between CO2 and planet warming but this effect takes thousands of years to manifest itself, proving that the output of CO2 (man made or natural) does not effect the climate, there's just too little of it. What does effect temperature is the sun, we see it all through the seasons, but there lies a problem. How do you tax the living daylight (pun intended) out of the sun? So much easier to blame us and pay for all the governmental mistakes, made.

Cynical, yes, but don't you absolutely hate being lied to and thought of as a scape goat?
Mar 14, 2005
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Lets be honest this government and the EU are full of b******t and I think they are now at a position whereby they do not believe themselves. The latest now is that the normal electric light bulb will no longer be available within two years. It will be replaced with the low energy bulb. This brings two points to mind. First of all the low energy bulb is a form of fluorescent light and these cannot be disposed of as for normal bulbs - they require degassing. Secondly I have two ceiling lights and three wall lights in the lounge, four wall lights in the hall/landing and one ceiling light in the dining room where each bulb is vertically upwards and supports the old style light shade. As the new energy bulb will not accept this style of shade I will have to buy all new light fittings - cost plus VAT - more monet for Mr. Brown. This government should resign and I cannot understand the mentality of any person who can support them. Next election I can see UKIP and even BNP making inroads because there is nothing to offer in the three main parties.
Nov 7, 2005
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I too have come to the conclusion that it's all a swindle. Whatever the causes, whether it be man's fault or nature, individuals are spitting into the wind if they think they're own efforts can do anything about it.

If the British Isles cut out all emissions altogether, the global reduction would be just 2%. Big deal.

If ever there was an issue that should be dealt with by the United Nations, it's this one. It's a global issue that only be dealt with by concerted action by the WORLD. If national leaders don't think any action is necessary, then the rest of us are wasting our time - and paying through the nose through ill-conceived and devious taxation and ill-founded criticism of anyone who drives a car bigger than a skateboard...
May 4, 2005
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And I've completely replaced my wardrobe with lighter fabrics to remain comfortable whilst maintaining a business/shabby chic outward ambiance.

If it's not as bad as they say I will now have to replace the bl**dy lot , more VAT for Mr Brown ;O(
Mar 14, 2005
Fine, sit back and wait until the whole world agrees before doing anything and watch the environment collapse around us in the meantime. Maybe what we do is not enough without the help of other nations but is that a good enough reason not to do anything and just resign ourselves to have a good time until Domesday? Who's going to make a start then?
Mar 14, 2005
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The whole argument is that we are doing nothing in the first place, Lutz. We are not the cause of global warming, our contribution to CO2 is negligible compared to other natural sources. Not only that, CO2 is not considered to be one of the most important greenhouse gasses. We have been lied to from the start, and I'm ashamed to say, it sounds like the origins of this lie, come from the UK.
Nov 7, 2005
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So what exactly do we pay our political leaders for if it's not to deal with world issues of this nature??? My point is that without THEIR concerted action, OURS are totally, utterly pointless...
Jan 21, 2007
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I too saw the programme and enjoyed it as it was a breath of fresh air. I don't believe that global warming is man-made and never have; it's all down to the Sun and unchangeable. Paradoxically, I am a firm believer in conservation and re-cycling as it is obvious to me that the last three generations of Western peoples have been squandrously greedy and wasteful with the Earth's resources. The Man-Made Global Warming proponents say; "Think of your children and grandchildren". Well, they are the real problem, not Global Warming. The Earth is overpopulated in general and England in particular. There will be little left of the Earth's natural resources soon as we, the people who were alive in the 20th century, will have used the lot up.

On the plus side, we are going to Hawes at Easter and taking the grandchildren. Hope the weather is good; they want to climb a (small) mountain.
Mar 14, 2005
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So what exactly do we pay our political leaders for if it's not to deal with world issues of this nature??? My point is that without THEIR concerted action, OURS are totally, utterly pointless...
Do you really want an answer to that, Colinn?


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