LB, I was going to finish my own Post by saying I was off to spend all the extra money that I had received through the Barnett formula, but as I didn't, I couldn't, if you can follow that one.
I know that someone somewhere says we all did get extra, but i defy you to find one single person north of the border who can actually confirm that. So i am afraid I leave that one with the comment 'if you say so'.
As you state the majority of Scots do not want independence, we made a pretty good muck up of it the last time round, however, after many many years of getting the 'put down' from the south there has been a bit of resentment built up and again Mr T Blair let it loose, for the wrong reasons. Plus, and i come back to the same point, we like to have our Government wherw e can see it, namely in Holyrood. Now as English you are fully entitled to have the same luxury, but where do you place it? We could be heading for an Australian type of control with federal states within a governing central body, and nothing wrong with that. However, that whole policy is a complete anathema to Labour who firmly believe in central control, as per the Soviet system. Of course we could all adopt the neutral way and become European regions. Look on the bright side we might get some more money back.
However, I tend to agree with one comment made in the previous Posts that there is alot of resentment against the South east as it seems to get a disproportionate amount of resources thrown at it. During the last Devolution fiasco in the 1870's Newcastle stated it wanted to be on the Scottish side as it felt closer to the power source than from London. Makes you think.
Personally, I have no truck with Scottish MP's voting on purely English matters, but then again we have a politcal class (from all Parties) that seem to think they are there to satify their own requirements and to Hell with Joe Public.
Why, oh why did Mr Guido Faukes not suceed????
By the way, the English are my best friends, except when it comes to Footie and rugby, but that only lasts 90 minutes.