Yes, I am in Budapest, but it is only a 1 years assignment at the request of a friend. I actually return home next week for a couple of weeks, so maybe can get some time to man the baricades again??? Probably not tho'. Wife has othr plans.
Yes, there are many Scots outside Scotland, as indeed there are many English etc. Many of the former Colonies are well endowed with former citizens of these Isles, and sometimes I can understand fully why they left. Also many went south after the War because there was no work here and the new steel works in Corby opened up. My own parents went to London in the early 50's for similar reasons, but returned in the 60's as my father received a promotion to a job in Scotland. They never left again, except for holidays of course. I have lived abroad in many countries as part of my work for many years, so I am unsure if that makes me a full blown Scot, or just a part timer. I have also lived in England, and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, even the law states that although you can change your residency and even your citizenship, you cannot change your domicility, which in my case is Scots.
If the SNP getting control in Scotland leads to enough 'aggro' that we get rid of corrupt Labour in all the countries then I feel that it can be considered the first crack, and it is to be welcomed. I also comeback to the fact that they have support not for being anti English, but for listening and doing what the people want locally, which I suspect is all the English would want from any Government as well.