Government Expenditure

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Aug 11, 2010
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I can not recall how many times i have herd the use of Norway as an example,and ok lets add Switzerland to the list too, one has large natural resources that on a capita per capita we here could only dream of. The other is a banking society which has more cons going on the the bank of Ireland. LOL

6 months LB six months, I must have won the raffle, it took you only six months to start on the party leader you quiped was good for our country. lol
PS i think he is doing an OK job, and i didn't vote for him....LOL

As for the EU indeed there are many ripp offs that go on, the same happens in non Eu countries too, and whilst i am not happy that another British manufacturer, seems to be taking advantage of this to relocate, why blame the EU? Twinning s is taken advantage of EU subsidence rules the same as other.
Peole seem to make out like "we" get nowt, well twinning s is!
The EU has invested £300 million just last year to wind technology here in the UK, there is the redevelopment programme for wales and the north east, i believe, Again.

Maybe if you do a google search and ignore the tabloid type hysterical papers and broadcasts, one might get a far more actuate picture of what is what.
Does it never cross anybodies mind that ALL thee major parties policies back us being in the EU? maybe they are all stupid, but then "we" keep them in power, or maybe its simply because they have access to the whole picture,and don't succumb to tabloid type hysteria based on only half the picture......
Jan 19, 2008
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JonnyG said:
PS i think he is doing an OK job, and i didn't vote for him....LOL

You only think he's doing ok because you voted for his 'wet' bed partners
Jun 20, 2005
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I thought tea came from India and China by ship to the UK.
Will it now sail round the North Sea to Gadansk , get processed then driven to the UK. I really don't get that one.
Mar 2, 2010
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OmOnWeelz said:
I'm pretty sure that if you look at Twining's market coverage and compare it to the sources of their supplies, production in Poland is not very eco friendly. It might be cheaper on the balance sheet, but how much road haulage is involved compared to production here. We're told we have to be considerate with exhaust output and car use and then the EU promotes trucks running all over Europe.
You can bring Yoghurt culture from Greece and produce the same yoghurt here, but oh no, if you want GREEK yoghurt it gets trucked about a thousand miles at 6 or 7 miles to the gallon. and then some green veggie tree hugger twink has a sit down protests against 4x4 use and lunches on Yoghurt and salad that's been driven half way around the world and dips their wholemeal green bread in humus that arrived in a truck that followed the yoghurt one from Greece

What a brilliant post spot on
Aug 11, 2010
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OmOnWeelz said:
I'm pretty sure that if you look at Twining's market coverage and compare it to the sources of their supplies, production in Poland is not very eco friendly. It might be cheaper on the balance sheet, but how much road haulage is involved compared to production here. We're told we have to be considerate with exhaust output and car use and then the EU promotes trucks running all over Europe.
You can bring Yoghurt culture from Greece and produce the same yoghurt here, but oh no, if you want GREEK yoghurt it gets trucked about a thousand miles at 6 or 7 miles to the gallon. and then some green veggie tree hugger twink has a sit down protests against 4x4 use and lunches on Yoghurt and salad that's been driven half way around the world and dips their wholemeal green bread in humus that arrived in a truck that followed the yoghurt one from Greece
I do understand where you are coming from, but i don't get the Eco stance you are trying to use! You go on about all that haulage as if it was extra! pollution, Sorry that would not be the case, would it.
twinning ships out its tea to 90 or 100 countries? 25 or so are actually based on mainland Europe, so strategically and logistically Poland is better placed than the UK, if one is talking about keeping polutants You remarks are incorrect, and indeed if one wants to talk about Eco friendly, then look at all those pollutants we are saving ourselfs from, by not having all those hgv's ship goods around the UK and then ship them back out to mainland Europe? This way they are actually saving mileage and pollution here in the UK and mainland Europe.

Never the less I too would be happy for the firm to be still properly based here in the UK.
Jul 1, 2009
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i get my greekebbabs from a van 2 mins away so no big fuel bill my chines is around the cornner and the indian is down the road so i am eco friendley but my good old british fish and chips is miles away.
Oct 30, 2009
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Lord Braykewynde said:
Julie T said:
I wish we could have a vote: In or Out, I know what I'd choose, we need to save some money!

Here! here!
Countries like Switzerland and Norway seem to do ok outside and the problem of having a referendum is because the politicians are scared. They know which way the vote would go. The sad part is Cameron is turning out to be just as wet as his bed partners but then again he has an excuse. He's just another politician who wouldn't know how to keep a promises.

some of us voted NO "twice" but it made no difference I'm with LB on this (but don't tell him) even from the early days it was obvious that being a rich country and we were at the time of entry into europe or the "european economic community" as it was would cost us dear paying more into europe purse than we could squeeze out of it. one of the first embargos enacted on us was to stop us dealing with other members of the commonwealth directly with an import duty imposed on all goods so out went the cheap NZ lamb, indian tea, and bananas form the west indies, ect,ect,
the balance of exports and imports through europe or should that be through france would be subject to outside influance ie internal politics within those counrties so our exports are left to rot in lorries. being in eurozone has cost us dear every day. some one mentioned the £300million grant for wind turbines ok thats a good thing but a drop in the ocean compered with the subsidy for the french nuclear industry and guess which country owns the power company getting the grant,
europe owns us now lock stock and barrel they own our water, power, and control the gas lines our manufacuring base is tempted away through subsidies instead of a subsidy to keep them here,
will we ever get out of europe "no chance" the gravy train is too long and the people on it make the decisions,
time to go lie down now my monocle is steaming up.
Jan 13, 2009
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Lord Braykewynde said:
Julie T said:
I wish we could have a vote: In or Out, I know what I'd choose, we need to save some money!

Here! here!
Countries like Switzerland and Norway seem to do ok outside and the problem of having a referendum is because the politicians are scared. They know which way the vote would go. The sad part is Cameron is turning out to be just as wet as his bed partners but then again he has an excuse. He's just another politician who wouldn't know how to keep a promises.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this : )
Last week I sent an email to David Cameron on the No 10 website asking if he would let us have a referendum on whether we stay in the EU, not had a reply yet....surprise surprise. I wasn't old enough to vote when they asked if we wanted to join a "Common Market" and I told him I would like to voice my opinion. I have no objection to the UK trading with other EU countries but I don't see why our money should be funding all the perks for MEP's and their staff when we are having to cut back over here. I fail to see any benefit of our membership although members of all 3 main parties have made money for themselves from europe.
Reports say that the Baroness (whatever her name is) that has recently taken up her new role will only have to work in the EU for 2 years before she is entitled to a pension of 60K a year for life!!! It seems the best place to get a new job! The top people in the EU don't have to contribute to their own pension funds either, as all the member states do that for them.
Around £48 million a day is our awful lot of wind turbines :) I'll never get to sleep now I'm too grumpy!!


Nov 12, 2009
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colin-yorkshire said:
I thought we did NOT do politics on this forum well I never guess the mods are all asleep or it's ok as long as we are all on the same side peeing in the same bucket and slapping each other on the back..

no chance once the meanies have crawled out of the woodwork "some have allready" watch your pockets people
Hi Colin, surely you know by now that the mods never sleep

Since the new forum was launched the mods have at long last been given proper moddying tackle so it's a very simple matter to edit or delete comments which cross the line and we can also lock topics if we have to.
The old forum was very awkward for moderators so we were not able to keep topics on track and broadly within the rules very easily. If a forum bust up happened to break out we could be working for hours trying to find email addresses, different posts etc but that's all changed thank goodness.

The website Terms & Conditions are comprehensive and have to be adhered to so obviously nothing that would bring the Practical Caravan / Haymarket brand into disrepute such as partially blanked expletives, vulgarity, racism, sexism, homophobia will be allowed but as long as debates remain fairly good natured and do not harm the forum or it's members we can keep an eye on things and as far as possible allow debates and discussions to take place (within reason).
Oct 28, 2006
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Yes the 300million on wind turbines is nice,but surely if this country wasnt contributing 48million a day,and being honest i never thought it was that much but im not one to argue and except that figure, we could pay for these ourselves.Were now in a postion of how could we return to being a non eu member,we would struggle to support ourselves.As already said our industry has been sold out.At one time Britain was the engineering hub of the world,but not now the asset strippers from europe have been in.
Oct 30, 2009
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you are right Seth just look at anything the eu subidises it is the same story, take fishing british trawlers owners were paid to decommision theirs then the spanish were paid to regeister theres as british.inceasing their own fleet. BUT no subsidy to keep the british boats fishing its crazy.

as for the bail out plan for ireland. ok I can see the logic in making the loan but what if the crisis gets worse and the load has to be written off where are we then?? charity should begin at home with the new white paper on welfare reforms set to hammer the disabled by removing the disability care allowance exept for those in residential homes and some of the mobility aspects how long will it be before all the mobility cars have to sent back.
Feb 27, 2010
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"As already said our industry has been sold out.At one time Britain was the engineering hub of the world,but not now the asset strippers from europe have been in."

you need t understand what actually occured to Britisah Manufacturing. It was in decline from the ealry 70's , suffering from massive underinvestment and a work force that had decided the country owed them a living evening they produced goods no one wanted to buy because they were overpriced or of such poor quality they could get a better deal from elsewhere. Take ship building, the car sector ,steel making.

The bail out for Ireland is a neccessary evil. We currently export over £28b to Ireland, and i can assure you ,that if we lost that trade then we would be in very deep trouble.
Aug 11, 2010
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corus, what remains of our once great steal industry is still alive and well....Well err sorry that's now owned by TATA from that industrial mighty European country of........................................India!!
Jan 13, 2009
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The BBC are reporting some good news
"The EU's top court has backed the European Commission's bid to boost pay for EU staff by 3.7%, instead of the 1.85% that the member states wanted.
The 27 governments - collectively called the Council - wanted to limit the pay rise to 1.85% because of tough economic conditions in Europe.
The European Court of Justice says the Council "exceeded its powers" when it decided on the 1.85% figure.
The court case, affecting about 45,000 EU staff, began in January"

Amazingly, the EU's top court is paid by the EU and will also get this pay rise, back dated to July, plus interest.
Just what we need to hear when we all face cuts over here! Even the Express have had enough now, I see they have launched a campaign today.
Aug 11, 2010
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I believe we should start a campaign to seriously leave the EU completely.

I mean its not as if British governments of the past, have got us any serious concession.
Look at the mess we are in, our employment rate is the highest of any major member, our debts per capita are the lowest of any major member, we are the second powerhouse only after Germany a country of 20 odd million more subjects.
Lets leave the EU,I am sure we can be good competitor, and it wont matter if the EU shuts the door on us, we will all be very happy,and we wont mind that we fall into a depression never mind a recession, or that unemployment goes from the lowest in Europe to the highest in Europe! or our nation debt becomes the worst per capita in Europe because we will still be happy...

Since we joined in 73, we have had an extra special arrangement that no one else has, we have always been a great nation at exploitation and this skill we have used repeatedly to get the best out of the EU.

The last so called crap government "labour" god knows how kept our debts LOWER than any other major player in Euroland,at the same time keeping our unemployment figurers lower too

You think its bad now! add another 1.5 to 1.75 million to the unemployment ranks if we left, add the loss of their taxation and the added cost of unemployment housing benefits ect ect and we would really be in the shite.

We are doing fine, when you look at the mess the other major Eu countries will be in soon.
We got a great "deal"when we joined the EU and we still get a great "deal " today. but maybe we should leave, afterall as the old saying goes "you never know what you have got, till you loose it"


Nov 12, 2009
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There has been a wide spectrum of opinion expressed but this discussion has gone from domestic financial cuts to the wider implications of EEC membership and it's straying well outside the remit of a caravan forum anyway.
Most of those with strong opinions have expressed them so it's time to put this topic to bed now


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