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Jan 19, 2008
Lord B I must correct you in so much as I would not buu sucha rag as the Daily Mirror. I read the article on the back page of the Daily Mail. The Mirror, Sun, Star and Sport are for people who cannot read - they simply look at the pictures or wrap their fish and chips up in them if they can afford to eat out.
Sh*t you rumbled me, Colin will you stop re-reading my posts and going over them with a fine tooth comb. I thought I could get away with that one lmaaooooooo.
Jan 19, 2008
Whatever your views on hunting - nobody can deny that the Boxing Day hunts were a slap in the face for those who wanted hunting banned. Because it is still happening - with the support of the majority of those who love in the countryside. OK - there is a need for a bird of prey to attend or for a guy to lay the initial trail but after that it is the same as before.

The hunting ban is a nonsence of badly written politically correct perversity and will quietly fade away over time because the Police has no interest whatsoever in taking it seriously. The only way they would get involved would be if a rider managed to do more than 30mph in a 30 limit. If that happened some money could be raised and the pointy heads that now make the rules would allocate resourses.

The New Forest Hunts went ahead - we saw the one on Cranborne Chase whilst out with our dogs. Not a Policeman in sight. But then we only have one Policeman on duty for the whole of the Forest on a normal weekend.

The only way you see real action from politicians is when you live in a marginal seat. If you do and you have extreme views you can promise your vote to whoever will support you and at election time you can call these promises in.

If you live in a seat that is solid for any party then your views (and your individual vote) are not worth as much as someone who lives in a marginal seat.

The worst recent case of this was a Conservative Lady MP who was selling off Council Flats in her London constituencey to people more likely to vote her way. Thankfully this was obvious gerrymandering and she was taken to task.

But it happens in all marginal seats. Various Governments of the day change the constituency boundaties to suit their requirements.

Best thing we can do is ignore them and their silly rules - especially one dreamt up whilst watching a Disney film by "burbs".

What I do find worrying tho' is the resulting lack of respect for the law in general that will result from such bad laws being placed on the statute book.
I agree Clive, bad law, just didnt go far enough.
Jan 19, 2008
Lisa I cant answer the justification for the police doing what they did because there is no excuse but what I can answer is the way the Hunts employ thugs to beat up anti hunt protesters. As a paramedic I attended to them and saw it with my own eyes. I said in a previous post but will post it again for those who think that they pee holy water and do no wrong that a friend of mine (another paramedic who was ex para) was employed by the hunt as a hunt follower just to beat up these anti hunt protesters. His payment was a few chickens. The only difference was regarding thugs on both sides were one was in uniform and the others were undercover. I dont go out protesting and have never done so, I'm not a member of A.L.F. (they are idiots) like those who are desperately trying to win an argument will have others believe. There are people who are realists and dont believe in cruelty. If it wasn't for these very people otters would now be extinct in this country like all the others thats been hunted to extinction. Birds of prey have now made a comeback, ok some have had to be re-introduced because they too were killed for no reason like the Red Kite. Thankfully in that department the landowners have been educated and in time I think they will do so over fox hunting. With reference to the Red Kite not too many years ago 5 of them were found dead on a country estate in north Herefordshire. They found they had been poisoned and the police found a shed stacked full of banned poisons. Guess how much His Lordship paid in fines. Nothing. It was his gamekeeper that got done, and whose orders was he working under I wonder? At least it highlighted the fact that not all are educated though, well done R.S.P.B. Someone said earlier that no one is going to change the others views so this is my last post on the subject. I will just finish by saying how grateful I am to my parents for bringing me up to value life and the surroundings we live in.


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lord B

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

p.s. I don't wish to sound impertinent but is everything ok at Screwem Hall? The reason I ask is that I don't think you should have been assisting in the stacking of hay. Surely that's in the peasants job description?

I think you could do with a competent estate manager (hint hint), just wondered if you might be putting an advert in The Field, or Horse and Hound?


Jan 19, 2008
Hi Lord B

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

p.s. I don't wish to sound impertinent but is everything ok at Screwem Hall? The reason I ask is that I don't think you should have been assisting in the stacking of hay. Surely that's in the peasants job description?

I think you could do with a competent estate manager (hint hint), just wondered if you might be putting an advert in The Field, or Horse and Hound?


It will be in DeBretts if your interested.
May 12, 2005
Lord B, your coment on released mink being old hat sums up ,,your total ignorance of country matters, mink were released a long time ago ,but they have bred succesfully and have spread nationwide, this is to the detriment of all ground breeding wild life,mink are preditors and very good at it they will take anything they can get hold of ,nesting duck,, young hares, curlew partridge etc, they are difficult to trap and seldem seen to shoot, but those that care persist to try and keep them down,instead of calling us liers and turnips, do as it says in one hunting song ie. TAKE US AS YOU FIND US, OR STAY YOURSELF AT and my ilk will carry on without hunting, and care for the countryside as best we can.until the next stupid law is pasted banning shooting.
Dec 16, 2003
Ithink we should be thankful that a labour party minister can write, I didn't think they were that bright generally!
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B, your coment on released mink being old hat sums up ,,your total ignorance of country matters, mink were released a long time ago ,but they have bred succesfully and have spread nationwide, this is to the detriment of all ground breeding wild life,mink are preditors and very good at it they will take anything they can get hold of ,nesting duck,, young hares, curlew partridge etc, they are difficult to trap and seldem seen to shoot, but those that care persist to try and keep them down,instead of calling us liers and turnips, do as it says in one hunting song ie. TAKE US AS YOU FIND US, OR STAY YOURSELF AT and my ilk will carry on without hunting, and care for the countryside as best we can.until the next stupid law is pasted banning shooting.
TonyA in your last post you have truly shown your ignorance and your ineptitude to inwardly digest the written word which is understanding from the grammar in your postings . I did say I had made my last statement on this topic but feel that I need just make a comment to your last posting. If you read my reply correctly just because I said the excuse you gave of releasing mink "is old hat" does not mean I do not know what damage mink do DUH! As I said I class the A.L.F. as idiots (did you read that or were you blinded with rage). Hope you understand me so far TonyA. Just sit back as you read the postings, take a deep breath, if you see red mist stay away from your keyboard because it obviously affects the way you think and to be able to reply logically. I live in the most agricultural/rural part of England, and to some the most beautiful part, Herefordshire where mink are rampant so I do know about them and how they have spread since their release in the late 70s. If you are going to post more diatribe please take into account we aren't all dense in the grey matter department. Toodle pip or should I be saying Tally - Ho :O)


I don't like politic but I have nothing but contempt for this Government.
Mar 14, 2005
Trouble is - it does not matter who you vote for - the vast majority of politicians are untrustworthy.

This current lot are going the same way as all the others.

Remember that Conservative stating that he would be protected by "the simple sword of truth"?

Turns out he was lying thro'his teath.

My vote now goes to the Monster Raving Luny party. At least they are honest. I have voted for them ever since the Pole Tax debacle when they said it was a good idea and wanted to extend it to the Bulgarians and Czechs etc.
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B, your coment on released mink being old hat sums up ,,your total ignorance of country matters, mink were released a long time ago ,but they have bred succesfully and have spread nationwide, this is to the detriment of all ground breeding wild life,mink are preditors and very good at it they will take anything they can get hold of ,nesting duck,, young hares, curlew partridge etc, they are difficult to trap and seldem seen to shoot, but those that care persist to try and keep them down,instead of calling us liers and turnips, do as it says in one hunting song ie. TAKE US AS YOU FIND US, OR STAY YOURSELF AT and my ilk will carry on without hunting, and care for the countryside as best we can.until the next stupid law is pasted banning shooting.
By the way TonyA, young hares are called leverets, although I'm not surprised that a guardian of our countryside didn't know that.
Mar 14, 2005
In south Wales at each election we have a candidate calling him self Captain Beany and dresses up as a baked bean. He always loses his deposit but does have some votes probably from disgruntled electors.
Mar 14, 2005
In south Wales at each election we have a candidate calling him self Captain Beany and dresses up as a baked bean. He always loses his deposit but does have some votes probably from disgruntled electors.
beans can do that to you Colin, if you eat enough...
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry Lisa I can't answer you as he always dresses up and even colours his skin to resemble a baked bean. He is however very amusing in his approach and defeat. His type of humour keeps the world going around.
May 12, 2005
TonyA in your last post you have truly shown your ignorance and your ineptitude to inwardly digest the written word which is understanding from the grammar in your postings . I did say I had made my last statement on this topic but feel that I need just make a comment to your last posting. If you read my reply correctly just because I said the excuse you gave of releasing mink "is old hat" does not mean I do not know what damage mink do DUH! As I said I class the A.L.F. as idiots (did you read that or were you blinded with rage). Hope you understand me so far TonyA. Just sit back as you read the postings, take a deep breath, if you see red mist stay away from your keyboard because it obviously affects the way you think and to be able to reply logically. I live in the most agricultural/rural part of England, and to some the most beautiful part, Herefordshire where mink are rampant so I do know about them and how they have spread since their release in the late 70s. If you are going to post more diatribe please take into account we aren't all dense in the grey matter department. Toodle pip or should I be saying Tally - Ho :O)
after thirty years in the prison service I dont suffer from red mist, my father always told me to ignore the ignorant, so heere goes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jan 19, 2008
after thirty years in the prison service I dont suffer from red mist, my father always told me to ignore the ignorant, so heere goes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
heheheh! now you're showing some humour.
Dec 16, 2003
Looking at Blair and his buddies. A LOT OF SHEEP DID VOTE !

Try this test before you vote. Would you buy a second hand car from the candidate or leader you are putting into power?


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