Gypsy weddings C4


Mar 14, 2005
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Anyone watch it?

It was actually a true portrail of gypsy weddings (I can vouch for that).

Thought it was very good reportage.

Aug 28, 2005
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my wife and i watched ,gave us a bit of an insight into the way they do things ,didnt seem to be any expense spared , we did go to a Gypsy site many years ago to look at a caravan which was advertised in the freeads ,we didnt realise it was a council run camp until we got there ,we was a bit hesitant about going in ,but we did , we looked at the van ,but it was not what we were after , then i said the one you live in looks nice , it was one of big ones with all the chrome outside ,then she said come in and look around ,so in we went ,and it was beautiful inside spotlesly clean ,and the were very nice and chatty , came away with a different point of view


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Joby

Those traditional vans that you looked around are really heavy. But as you say, they are exceptionally well kept.

Coming from Romany blood myself (and my husband too), I've had lots of dealings with gypsies over the years.

The bit that caught my eye was the clips of Appleby Horse Fair and the two young girls in the shop buying their outfits for Appleby. To the outsider, if you go along to Appleby, you will see some of the most outrageous outfits worn by young girls, and you will probably make assumptions, however, as stated in the documentary, they may wear revealing tops and short skirts but these girls are NOT like the ones you see in city centres, wearing similar outfits and off their heads on drink and or drugs and sleeping with any Tom Dick or Harry.

It's not a lifestye for me however, as the women are married off young and they never have careers but knowing what I do, that programme was 100% accurate, makes a change in all these anti gypsy times.

Oct 22, 2009
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I watched it too and it made we feel a bit sad.The dresses and receptions were all from the minds of children.Girls living in a fairy land that came to an abrupt end after the wedding until they had a daughter to start imagining her own wedding.I was a bit confused about the religious beliefs as very few people turned up at the church service.I have no prejudicial views as HIMSELF comes from an old Romany family and I myself am Catholic.The overal impression for me was that the girls are encouraged to dress to attract a husband and most of the marriages are built on the males chemical attraction to a beautiful female.Love comes later.This is an old story that is shared with the Asian communities.It is an issue of honourable practices.Like all people there are good and bad.It would be wonderful if we could take all the good bits from each culture and have a perfect society?

Thursdays Child
Mar 26, 2008
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Ah, twas so sweet and cutesy.

Didn't it all just look lovely!

Now I must go for my 'reality check' up soon ;-O

But I must say that they do look after their own.
Jan 19, 2008
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Spot on Derek.

Unfortunately Romanies and Irish Tinkers are all categorised as travellers and that's where the confusion lies in the posts in this thread or in the past.

I'm sure that the caravan joby mentioned would have belonged to a Romany. I've been in many in the past and you could eat off the floors.
Jan 19, 2008
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Just putting my tu'pennorth in as you would expect else why start the thread? ;O)

I couldn't possibly be as authorative on the subject as your good self. You are the forums authority on travellers, dogs, horses, photography, diversity, political correctness, health & safety etc. Heh! heh! heh!
May 15, 2007
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Very interesting program

My son and his wife started a livery business in Pembrokeshire and as the local gypsys all have horses they were a fantastic help to them and are a great croud of people . Honest as the day is long .
Nov 12, 2009
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Just putting my tu'pennorth in as you would expect else why start the thread? ;O)

I couldn't possibly be as authorative on the subject as your good self. You are the forums authority on travellers, dogs, horses, photography, diversity, political correctness, health & safety etc. Heh! heh! heh!

lordy, ye are very sharp :)


Mar 14, 2005
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Please provide examples of where I have said I am an expert on

1. Photography

2. Health and safety

There's nothing to be ashamed of by NOT being disrespectful to certain members of society if that's what you mean about being an expert on political correctness and diversity.

Just because I don't rant and rave about Islam like you do, doesn't make me a bad person does it?


Mar 14, 2005
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Several posts have been removed as Thursdays child requested her posts be removed so I guess the mods removed the subsequent replies.


Mar 14, 2005
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Please provide examples of where I have said I am an expert on photography and health and safety. I've posted pics, same as you.......
Jan 19, 2008
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Please provide examples of where I have said I am an expert on photography and health and safety. I've posted pics, same as you.......
Hang on, don't be impatient woman, this forum ain't got a search engine so each post as got to be checked. I've got the stable lass and the parlour maid scouring back posts. It might take awhile.

While I'm at it can you tell me how to put that copyright watermark on the pics. I would hate anyone to steal mt soooooopurb photographs :O)