Hands up who uses their caravan bathroom?!!

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Aug 4, 2004
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I think the main problem is state of the site amenities on a busy weekend. We have been in some washrooms where I would not even take my dog! Also a lot of sites have token showers and I will not buy a token to shower when I have a perfectly good washroom in our caravan for which we paid to use. In addition, I have already paid for the electricity so why should I pay again.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi - I have caravanned for many years and have never used the vans shower facilities. I now have a van which has 2 Showers and we still can't take the "plunge" and use it. because we feel that water and wood don't mix very well.
Apr 1, 2006
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Since we got our caravan last year we have been away most weekends. We have tried the larger commercial sites (once) and said never again leaving on the second day. We now head for CL's and smaller sites run by the Caravan Club and therefore use our shower and toilet for all what it was intended.

Quite often we dont even bother with electric and run off battery and gas. It is so much nicer to be in a quiet location with no more than 5 vans (quite often we are the only ones there) and simply relaxing.

This bank holiday we are going with friends to a farm CL in Norfolk that has a pool, sauna, jacuzzi and fitness room available. Cost ? less than
May 13, 2006
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I was told when I started caravanning forty years ago that using the caravan's loo for anything other than a Jimmy Riddle is anti-social and I have borne that in mind ever since.

On the subject of showers, plastic shower curtains stick to you and are unpleasantly clammy. Our present van has no curtain, having a "glass" door, but is still spacially restricted. Often damp in a van originates in the shower compartment and, in any case, these days most sites have excellent facilities although there are exceptions!
Jun 5, 2006
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RE bathroom question we have used the facility in our van exclusively for the past7 years.

Who wants to go out to toilet block on a chilly spring or autimn morning?

Not us for sure!
Jun 5, 2006
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RE bathroom question we have used the facility in our van exclusively for the past7 years.

Who wants to go out to toilet block on a chilly spring or autimn morning?

Not us for sure!