HDMI connections

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May 24, 2014
Accepted that flat panel TV's have poor sound to lack of acoustic depth in a virtually non-existent cabinet, it is possible to use the AUX input on the radio and play the sound through the caravan speakers. True, the caravan speakers arent brilliant, but they are better than they used to be, and certainly better than the TV speakers, and many caravans now come with 4 speakers.
Nov 16, 2015
Thingy, I tried that on my last TV, when we took the wrong TV with us, without the built in DVD player so played dvd thought the caravans radio. And It seemed weird to have the sound coming from behind us and not from the TV.
May 24, 2014
Thingy, I tried that on my last TV, when we took the wrong TV with us, without the built in DVD player so played dvd thought the caravans radio. And It seemed weird to have the sound coming from behind us and not from the TV.

Think thats weird. I was watching football, and the crowd were in the loo. Pretty much where the team should have been but thats another story.

Two of our spkrs are in the bathroom.
Mar 14, 2005
Buckman said:
ProfJohnL said:
I doubt that anyone knows the answer. I suggest you ask the caravan manufacturers.

I was a rhetorical question in case you missed it!

Only the caravan manufacturers will know why they specify coaxial connectors as oppsed to any other type. All that anyone else can provide on here is an opinion rather than fact. If you wnat to know the answer to your question rehtorical or not - ask the manufacturer's.

My opinion is that coaxial connectors are still very common for aerials and audio connections, and probablby still represent the majority requirement.
Nov 16, 2015
Anseo said:
EH52ARH said:
but need a new TV for the van next week after my pension gets paid, I require one with a DVD player, the last one, (10 year old) was a Tecknika one, great. Any better recomendations. About 21 inch no bigger.

Available on line Hutch, 12v and 3 year warranty.

Thanks John, I will see if any in store, but looks good. Need it for maybe next time out, but weather looking good.
Jun 26, 2017
Buckman said:
bertieboy1 said:
All televisions have a coaxial socket for the aerial.

Our Avtex TV does not have a coaxial socket for the aerial?

Maybe you could check again Buckman, and if you are absolutely certain that there’s no co-axial socket, then I would suggest that it isn’t an Avtex TV, but rather an Avtex monitor !

What did you understand you had bought ?
Feb 23, 2018
I've been happy with my Fergusen 22" 12v DVD combo for the most part (Cello made). The sound is adequate for the caravan. Downside is the viewing angle; you can't see an image if you're standing up and the TV is at eye hight when sitting down.

I do have an issue with DVD player now though... it seems to be on the blink. Cello support has been contacted.

And it definitely has coaxial input for the terrestrial signal.
Sep 26, 2018
Icaru5 said:
Buckman said:
bertieboy1 said:
All televisions have a coaxial socket for the aerial.

Our Avtex TV does not have a coaxial socket for the aerial?

Maybe you could check again Buckman, and if you are absolutely certain that there’s no co-axial socket, then I would suggest that it isn’t an Avtex TV, but rather an Avtex monitor !

What did you understand you had bought ?

Agree, out brand new Avtex TV has a coax aerial socket...
Jul 18, 2017
Guzzilazz said:
Icaru5 said:
Buckman said:
bertieboy1 said:
All televisions have a coaxial socket for the aerial.

Our Avtex TV does not have a coaxial socket for the aerial?

Maybe you could check again Buckman, and if you are absolutely certain that there’s no co-axial socket, then I would suggest that it isn’t an Avtex TV, but rather an Avtex monitor !

What did you understand you had bought ?

Agree, out brand new Avtex TV has a coax aerial socket...

Page six of the owner's manual states it is a coaxial audio out connection. This is also mentioned when checking the specifications.
Mar 14, 2005
I have looked on the internet to see if I can find a model of Avtex TV that does not use a coaxial connector. I couldn't find one. Every model of TV used a 75 Ohm aerial connector and several used RCA or Cinch coaxial connectors for audio out or in. There area also a range of other types of connectors used in addition to the Coaxial Aerial connector.

Buckman, rather than making vague references to the TV you have why not tell us exactly which model you have so we can actually understand the problem you are having?
Jul 18, 2017
ProfJohnL said:
I have looked on the internet to see if I can find a model of Avtex TV that does not use a coaxial connector. I couldn't find one. Every model of TV used a 75 Ohm aerial connector and several used RCA or Cinch coaxial connectors for audio out or in. There area also a range of other types of connectors used in addition to the Coaxial Aerial connector.

Buckman, rather than making vague references to the TV you have why not tell us exactly which model you have so we can actually understand the problem you are having?

Not sure why you think my reference is vague however to satisfy your curiosity the model is the L236DRS model and is not a monitor. As you are able to comment I have to assume you have an Avtex TV and also the owner's manual? If not, then you may be able to download the manual from the Avtex website?
Jun 26, 2017
Buckman said:
ProfJohnL said:
I have looked on the internet to see if I can find a model of Avtex TV that does not use a coaxial connector. I couldn't find one. Every model of TV used a 75 Ohm aerial connector and several used RCA or Cinch coaxial connectors for audio out or in. There area also a range of other types of connectors used in addition to the Coaxial Aerial connector.

Buckman, rather than making vague references to the TV you have why not tell us exactly which model you have so we can actually understand the problem you are having?

Not sure why you think my reference is vague however to satisfy your curiosity the model is the L236DRS model and is not a monitor. As you are able to comment I have to assume you have an Avtex TV and also the owner's manual? If not, then you may be able to download the manual from the Avtex website?

Hello again Buckman,

I’m not really sure about the reasoning behind the slightly prickly comments aimed at people who are giving their time to try and assist you with this, but I have just had a cursory glance at the L236DRS manual available for download from the Avtex website, and page 6 (pictured below) details item no. 7, “RF Input Terminal (Aerial)”. This is the coaxial aerial socket.


Page 8 also shows this socket as being at the bottom of the connection panel on the left hand side of the set ...


Are you really sure that this socket is physically missing from your TV ?
Mar 14, 2005
My ownership or not of a Avtex TV is entirely irrelevant. I am able to comment on a subject when I have access to either personal experience of a product or when I have access to relevant information. In this instance its a matter of fact that can be derived from documentation available on the WWW

Thank you for the model number. It would have been much better if this information had been made available much earlier.

Googling the reference "Avtex L236DRS" brings up a list which includes the Avtex web site which includes a pdf version of the user manual for this model and two others in teh same series.

On page six the input panel is depicted and item 7 is the RF input which is a coaxial 75 Ohm standard aerial connector.

Item 8 is three coaxial inputs for Audio L&R + Video

Item 9 is a coaxial audio output connector on the bottom of the screen.

This is an entirely typical set of connectors for a UK TV, and certainly does not fit Buckman's suggestion the set does not have a coaxial connector.

(Ist Edit) HDMI is a connection protocol that links a video source to a display screen. For such a connector to be used by a caravan manufacturer, they would have to install an RF tuner or receive and decoder the terrestrial RF or satellite signals to be able to produce an HDMI video feed.

( 2nd Edit) I should add that HDMI is a digital format, and it allows for concurrent digital audio signals to be transferred and some bi-directional system control signals between teh connected appliances.


Nov 12, 2009
Icaru5 said:
Hello again Buckman,

I’m not really sure about the reasoning behind the slightly prickly comments aimed at people who are giving their time to try and assist you with this, but I have just had a cursory glance at the L236DRS manual available for download from the Avtex website, and page 6 (pictured below) details item no. 7, “RF Input Terminal (Aerial)”. This is the coaxial aerial socket.


Page 8 also shows this socket as being at the bottom of the connection panel on the left hand side of the set ...


Are you really sure that this socket is physically missing from your TV ?
Thanks to all who have responded with good information about the location of Buckman's co-axial socket and also with recommendations for caravan TV 's.
I don't think that Buckman is being intentionally prickly and it's difficult to judge through the medium of text, but nobody likes to be publicly proved to be wrong. :)
Jul 18, 2017
Parksy said:
Thanks to all who have responded with good information about the location of Buckman's co-axial socket and also with recommendations for caravan TV 's.
I don't think that Buckman is being intentionally prickly and it's difficult to judge through the medium of text, but nobody likes to be publicly proved to be wrong. :)
I have no issue if people enlighten me and correct me as that is one way to learn. The TV is in the caravan so unable to check to confirm either way. When i do I cna come back and apologise if I am wrong. We have obviously never had need to use the RF analogue connection on the TV in the past 4 years. However the OP was about why don't manufacturers fit HDMI points in caravans?
Feb 23, 2018
Buckman said:
... However the OP was about why don't manufacturers fit HDMI points in caravans?

As it has been established that all display equipment with a terrestrial TV tuner has a co-axial input, a HDMI connector on the caravan would not add any functionality as it stands with current manufacture, as it is not used for receiving TV broadcasts from your aerial.

What would be cool, (but never gonna happen) is if the caravan had a built-in DVD/Blu-Ray/Media player with integrated surround sound + Sub woofer (Sorry neighbours). HDMI would then be used to connect to your TV. Swift have integrated the DAB radio into the 2019 Command panel, so not entirely unfeasible.
May 24, 2014
What would be cool, (but never gonna happen) is if the caravan had a built-in DVD/Blu-Ray/Media player with integrated surround sound + Sub woofer (Sorry neighbours). HDMI would then be used to connect to your TV. Swift have integrated the DAB radio into the 2019 Command panel,

I would settle for them just getting the simple things to work as intended. Please, lets not baffle the people that build caravans with technology. Lets start with hammer and nails, and a [strike]bit [/strike] lot of glue.

FYI, it is possible to buy an RF (Co-Ax) to HDMI converter. It would be possible to mount this in the cuboard where your signal amplifier/power pack is, connecting with a short RF lead, and then run HDMI from there. But until they integrate this into the control boxes for Status Aerials, I dont see any other way, and lets be honest, there wont be a massive clamour for this, so why the the manufactuers commit to that expense.
Jul 18, 2017
I said I would update every one when we were again in the caravan. The Avtex TV definitely does have a RF coaxial connection for an aerial cable. I guess I owe some an apology however having not used it previously that is my only excuse for not knowing that it was there. Seems I got confused between it and the coaxial audio out which I knew about. Anyway I have now wired the caravan for HDMI for front and back and all is okay. Nice clear picture on both TVs.
Jun 26, 2017
Buckman said:
I said I would update every one when we were again in the caravan. The Avtex TV definitely does have a RF coaxial connection for an aerial cable. I guess I owe some an apology however having not used it previously that is my only excuse for not knowing that it was there. Seems I got confused between it and the coaxial audio out which I knew about. Anyway I have now wired the caravan for HDMI for front and back and all is okay. Nice clear picture on both TVs.

Great to hear you finally got to the bottom of the issue Buckman, but I really don’t think you owe anybody an apology ... My posts and undoubtedly those of others were made out of choice and with the very best of intentions to help point you in the right direction so you could either locate your coaxial socket, or establish that there was an issue with the set that you have bought.

Looking forward to further details and pics of your HDMI wiring mods !
Jul 18, 2017
Checked it out and seems feasible to run cabling behind furniture from back to front so will be hopefully doing it later today.


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