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Jan 19, 2008
Shiraz once again I must disagree with you as I do not think Blair is going down the same route as Mrs. Thatcher. Mrs Thatcher had definate policies which, although the public agreed with her or not, were brought into legislation and generally were accepted. Mr. Blair's approach is a total fumble and he is governing in a manner similar to panic leading whereby he tries to introduce laws and is then not man enough to see them through in case he upsets some odd ball in either Europe, the PC brigade or God knows who - he has no real backbone unless dictated to by Bush.

Incidently what you said about wasted money in education is spot on. I was in further education and the same applied there with the number of admin staff becoming far more than lecturing and technician staff put together - empire building.
Thatcher was a dictator. As Colin says, Blair has no backbone, the difference is in Thatchers day it was her Ministers who had no backbone.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B - Mrs Thatcher during her initial term in office was a damn good prime minister, the best this country has had since Sir Winstone Churchill. However as time progressed in her second term of office she did become rather dictartorial and went over the top. as I said in a previous posting what choice has the British electorate got nowadays - none
Jan 19, 2008
Ummmmm remember 1982 Colin and Maggies "special" relationship with Reagan. If it wasnt for the yanks we would still be fighting to get the Falklands back. The Blair/Bush relationship isn't something started by Blair.
Mar 14, 2005
The only war the Yanks have ever won was the American War of Independance when they beat Britain and set up their own government. We did not need help from them for the Faulklands. I will agree that Mrs. Thatcher did have an understanding relationship with Mr Regan and as time went on she also became a puppet of America.
Nov 2, 2005
Hey Peeps, All that money wasted on reports and researching all the time.

Do you think any party would waste a little more and watch chat lines to see what people think of them.

Actually I think it wouldn't be wasted, they might learn something!!! Only problem is, as you all say they never listen and do their own things.
Mar 14, 2005
The only war the Yanks have ever won was the American War of Independance when they beat Britain and set up their own government. We did not need help from them for the Faulklands. I will agree that Mrs. Thatcher did have an understanding relationship with Mr Regan and as time went on she also became a puppet of America.
I only hope that the USA do not Nationalise Industry for if they do the UK will be down the tubes good and proper for most of our income comes from there. I note with great interest that our leaders have began to court the Chinese with the Queen and her government entertaining the chinese leader and for Mr. Bush going to court them. I wonder what for?
Mar 14, 2005
Shiraz once again I must disagree with you as I do not think Blair is going down the same route as Mrs. Thatcher. Mrs Thatcher had definate policies which, although the public agreed with her or not, were brought into legislation and generally were accepted. Mr. Blair's approach is a total fumble and he is governing in a manner similar to panic leading whereby he tries to introduce laws and is then not man enough to see them through in case he upsets some odd ball in either Europe, the PC brigade or God knows who - he has no real backbone unless dictated to by Bush.

Incidently what you said about wasted money in education is spot on. I was in further education and the same applied there with the number of admin staff becoming far more than lecturing and technician staff put together - empire building.
Thanks for disagreeing with my opinion as I could never agree with yours regarding Maggie being the best PM since Winston Churchill. Firstly Churchill as a political figure was a renegade of the first order and crossed the house just to keep in politics. His rise to "Fame" only came about by accident and during the WWII years he made a fair amount of mistakes which cost a lot of lives. Maggie on the other hand set about to change the face of the UK and only history will determine whether the changes are better than before.IMHO


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