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Dec 10, 2005
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I cant see how leaving a heater on in the awning is 'Spoiling it for everyone else, or unreasonable'?

While away at Chatsworth park for a week last month, we used 2 electric heaters in the awning every day. It was lovely and warm so the kids could play in there, and at night when we had friends round.

I paid my pitch fee including electric, so I used it! if the pitch had an electric meter on, I'd have still used the heaters and paid the price.
Mar 5, 2009
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As I understand it the concern is with halogen heaters being left running in awnings and the safety implications of doing that. Halogen heaters will heat any surface within a reasonable distance and could likely cause a fire if pointed at an awning side.

The same applies inside a caravan, of course, but people generally use the onboard heating for that.
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Al

"I cant see how leaving a heater on in the awning is 'Spoiling it for everyone else, or unreasonable'?"

Words fail me. When this person was out all day why leave the fire on. The CC is a Club and as such it is our money we are wasting resulting in higher membership and site fees.

Ok , so I can appreciate the need to keep the children warm but two heaters. Your awning must have been a red glowing mass on Google Earth! LOL


Dec 1, 2008
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As usual an innocent question ends in debate on other subjects green issue, cost, dogs etc. If you intend to use an awning for additional living space then heat it. If its for the "domestic" dog and you care about comfort for your best friend then heat it. If youve payed the additional charge or even the inclusive charge you've payed for it so use it. Its no different to those using electric for space heating and water heating so many people leave on during the day when out of the van. If your not happy with the ban on heating in the awning vote with your feet and wallet. Some could argue the more fossil fuel used now can only encourage governments to increase the level of investment in green electric for the future.
Jun 20, 2005
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Neil's question was his chosen site bans heaters in awnings. I think all the points here so far are an attempt to help him understand the site owners reasons.

I don't want to get involved in green things, too complicated for me. LOL


Dec 10, 2005
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Its was nice and warm, it was even melting the snow around the awning lol.

Our vans water and heating was being run on gas, as was any kettle boiling, this left us to use the leccy heaters in the awning so as not to trip the electrics. Perhaps the couple from Wales did the same?

We had a m/home parked next to us for a few days, who every time they went out, just unplugged the hook up lead from the motorhome but left it plugged into the bollard!

Jun 20, 2005
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Its was nice and warm, it was even melting the snow around the awning lol.

Our vans water and heating was being run on gas, as was any kettle boiling, this left us to use the leccy heaters in the awning so as not to trip the electrics. Perhaps the couple from Wales did the same?

We had a m/home parked next to us for a few days, who every time they went out, just unplugged the hook up lead from the motorhome but left it plugged into the bollard!


You used his hookup for the 2nd fire when he was out. Naughty boy. LOL


Apr 5, 2007
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Its was nice and warm, it was even melting the snow around the awning lol.

Our vans water and heating was being run on gas, as was any kettle boiling, this left us to use the leccy heaters in the awning so as not to trip the electrics. Perhaps the couple from Wales did the same?

We had a m/home parked next to us for a few days, who every time they went out, just unplugged the hook up lead from the motorhome but left it plugged into the bollard!

When I used to keep my tourer permanently on one site for a couple of years, I used a portable gas fire in the awning during chilly evenings and it kept it lovely and warm on the lowest setting.

Don't do it now as taking the heater everywhere would be too much of a pain.
Feb 20, 2009
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I cant see the problem, if you are on a 16amp hook up you cant use any more lecky than what you have paid for or you will just trip out. The site owners arn't daft People who think they are getting more than they paid for are daft, it just doesn,t happen . if anything you use less and the site makes on you
May 31, 2007
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Most caravans have awning heaters fitted now. But if you do heat an awning think you should pay extra for the electricity used if the site has sufficient capacity to provide it.
As far as I am aware it is illegal to charge for electricity based on usage, unless you are registered and have the appropriate metering equipment to do so.
Mar 7, 2009
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we only got a heater to take the chill out of the air, while sitting out in the evening, 2 of us and a six stone lab like to move between van and awning, we have never had the heating on in the van (yet) so i can understand the no no of having a sauna ready for when yoy get back but tohave one on for a couple of hours in the evening i don't think is unreasnable but at the end of the day i'm new to all this

thanks for all the replies
Jan 13, 2008
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Hi all

Just wondering if any1 has thought about maybe puttin an xtra layer of clothes on or maybe a warmer coat. Or is it we all wanna sit out @ Easter wiff shorts and t shirt lol.

P.s i do use a heater every now and again when it to cold only cuz i dont wanna have to take to much off when using the loo ( alot a beer).

Happy caravaning :)
Dec 10, 2008
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I'm no electrician, but I think the reason that some sites ban heavy leccy useage is because their installations won't cope with high demands. We stayed at the River Dart Country Park for many Easters when the kids were young and their hydro-electric power system could not cope with the high demand when the night time temps reduced to zero! This spoilt everybody's enjoyment as the trip switches kept tripping out, all because a few rather selfish people kept using high power kettles and heaters, rather than relying on gas power. Why not get a small gas powered table top patio heater?

Mar 6, 2007
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I'm no electrician, but I think the reason that some sites ban heavy leccy useage is because their installations won't cope with high demands. We stayed at the River Dart Country Park for many Easters when the kids were young and their hydro-electric power system could not cope with the high demand when the night time temps reduced to zero! This spoilt everybody's enjoyment as the trip switches kept tripping out, all because a few rather selfish people kept using high power kettles and heaters, rather than relying on gas power. Why not get a small gas powered table top patio heater?

In reply to all messages on this page ..... So much for The Caravan Club theory that vanning is a green holiday. If ignorance is bliss then their are some VERY blissful folks on these pages.


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