Heating Poverty

Mar 14, 2005
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Referring to another posting in this section and quoting Lord B. of us being a nanny state there was an item on the lunchtime news of young single mothers on benefits of not being able to pay their heating bills. Hell have they not heard of wearing another jumper to keep warm. How much do these young mothers spend on cigarettes, mobile phones and alcohol instead of food and warmth - they should get their priorities right. Why can't they get off their backs out of bed and do an honest day's work and not expect the state to support them.

Elderly people however are entitled to the state heating allowance and also top up to their pension and good luck to them especially if they have worked all their lives.

We did not have central heating at home when I was young - in fact my mother died in 2003 and her 5 bedroomed house never had central heating for all the time she lived there - just open coal fires. We went to bed in the winter with dressing gowns over the bed and on waking up in the morning there was often frost on the inside of the single glazed windows.

We have certainly become a nanny state pampering to the professional lame sick and lazy.
Sep 24, 2008
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Well that brought memories back to those day's, how about breaking off the ice from the indoor house tap and steam coming off the blanket when a heater was put under the sheets, this was from a heater made of sheet ally made into a half round and electric bulb inserted in the middle.
May 25, 2008
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" How much do these young mothers spend on cigarettes, mobile phones and alcohol instead of food and warmth "

I don't know and more to the point neither do you !!!


May 25, 2009
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I can point you to an "estate" where it is policy to keep the central heating running flat out 24/365. The council pays the bills.

Yes, things do get a bit warm in the Summer ..... so they open all the windows.

May 25, 2008
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The council pays the bills. Please could you back that up with how ??

Unless it is a total heating scheme for a whole block ??
Mar 14, 2005
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The state gives them hand outs for their rent, etc., food, clothing allowance, heating and all other essentials. The majority of youngsters use mobile phones, drink and probably smoke - the state does not contribute to these so the money they do receive is spent on these items and then they go begging back to the SS for more money.

I know of one person living in a new three bedroomed council house and only paying
May 25, 2008
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He is also "moonlighting" with two jobs - one early morning and the other late evening hoping that the SS spies are not out at that time of day.

You are the spy for the DHSS or are you to lazy to shop this waster ?? You appear to have set yourself up as Judge and Jury with regards to the young lady on the news at lunchtime.

Colin don't forget you haven't saved up for your pension, the money you paid in was paid out the following week to someone else. So we need young people to have children or no one will be in work to pay the NI for your pension. Don't forget National Insurance is the worlds largest Ponzi Scheme. It needs new entrant all the time or it will collapse.

No one gets a grant now for Uni they are spending their own money down the pub, OK it may be a loan but it has to be paid back and no way of avoiding paying it back. It is like Income Tax the Revenue have it before you, when you hit the earnings threashold.


Mar 14, 2005
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Well if he's recently bought a 5 berth caravan, let's hope he's not reading this or he could drop his walking stick and duff you up. LOL!

Mar 24, 2009
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We were well off, we had net curtains that used to freeze to the windows and the cardboard boxes for our shoes fell to pieces in the 12 foot snow drifts. But we were happy.
Dec 22, 2008
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when i was young you could say i came from a poor family, but i was never hungryand definitly never woke up to ice on the inside of the windows. we didnt live in a five bedroom house but my mum must have spent the money on the right things, cause we were never cold.
Aug 28, 2005
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a friend of mine both are registered disabled , they get a new car every 3 years from the disability , yet they can afford a brand new camper van which cost
Mar 14, 2005
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I have no sympathy for these girls who have babies just to get a council property, the girl on TV you referred to also had a Sat TV aerial on the front of her house, the monthly rental for that is not cheap. A recent programme showed a block of flats especially for single mothers but the mother being interviewed had a double bed in the room so her boyfriend could stay over for 3 nights a week - why should the tax payer fund their lifestyle? I am sorry, but these girls have never done a days work in their lives, chances are their children will follow their example, so they are not doing a good job bringing up the next generation to carry on mankind, they are bringing up a whole bunch of people that will have be be supported by a few workers paying high taxes - god help this country.

Go back to the old ways where is was shameful for a girl to be pregnant and not married! Make the father pay, after all, she KNOWS who the father is, and if they don't want the responsibility of getting a job and supporting the result of their relationship then the baby should be given up for adoption to a loving married couple who are unable to have children.
Feb 24, 2008
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I share your sense of injustice as I too am sick of working full time to fund the hangers on. However the thought of taking children away from their natural parents because their parents are unmarried and have no job is completely over the top. Its obvious you have no empathy with children who have been taken from their natural parents or moreover given up voluntarily for whatever reason. Shame on you.

Its also interesting to note your reference to "a loving married couple" being given this child - what a loaded statment, get in the real world Lorraine. Can a couple not be loving if they are unmarried? Are all married couples loving? Would it be OK for someone to come and take your children just because you as a mother don't live up to their expectations??

God forbid if everyone in the world were as judgemental and shallow as you.


May 25, 2009
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A few years ago, in South Wales, if a young lad had a row with his parents, he could ask for a flat in an old sheltered housing block. The council stopped that when they found motorbikes being ridden round along the corridors.

One year, the council had some money left over. Spend it or lose it. They spent it on demolishing and rebuilding every "wash-house" on a notorious estate ..... despite every house having a washing machine.

The council said (local paper) that there tenants are entitled to a NEW kitchen every 15 years, and a NEW bathroom every 25 years.

On that particular estate, the residents work on the policy of "if you have no money, things are free". I knew one bloke who received benefits in cash and kind, equal to my wife's take home pay (Civil servant HEO max). He delivered coal during the day, and drove a taxi at night.

My builder mate has been told by his black-economy employee "I won't be in tomorrow, the benefits people will be watching me".

Jan 19, 2008
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Quote Dustydog ..."Maybe their disability isn't as obvious as say a wooden leg?If they are cheating I'm sure someone will blow the whistle. I hope so.What we see isn't always how it is".

I can see where you're coming from Dustydog. An illness like angina cannot be seen, neither can emphysema, but can you please name a disability that prevents Joby's friend from working for a living but allows him to do what Joby said he does.

BTW Joby, I can relate to what you mean, I have a brother in law exactly the same.

To answer Lorraines question of why young girls are allowed to breed like rabbits while having everything supplied is simple, they are allowed to and certainly this government will look after them. To stop them will infringe their human rights.

Valerie, Lorraine as I read it makes no mention of taking away children from couples who are not married. The way I read it is she means girls who continue to have children, although not in a relationship, and are that irresponsible contraception is beyond them. I cannot understand anyone who is willing to pay taxes to fund these lowlives. Sharon Mathews comes to mind.


May 25, 2009
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Quote Dustydog ..."Maybe their disability isn't as obvious as say a wooden leg?If they are cheating I'm sure someone will blow the whistle. I hope so.What we see isn't always how it is".

I can see where you're coming from Dustydog. An illness like angina cannot be seen, neither can emphysema, but can you please name a disability that prevents Joby's friend from working for a living but allows him to do what Joby said he does.

BTW Joby, I can relate to what you mean, I have a brother in law exactly the same.

To answer Lorraines question of why young girls are allowed to breed like rabbits while having everything supplied is simple, they are allowed to and certainly this government will look after them. To stop them will infringe their human rights.

Valerie, Lorraine as I read it makes no mention of taking away children from couples who are not married. The way I read it is she means girls who continue to have children, although not in a relationship, and are that irresponsible contraception is beyond them. I cannot understand anyone who is willing to pay taxes to fund these lowlives. Sharon Mathews comes to mind.

How many women are STILL in mental institutions, when their only "crime" was to have a child out of wedlock, prior to WW2.

OK, not many, most have died.



Mar 14, 2005
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Well said Valerie.


Maybe the Magdalene Asylum's should be re-instated over here. Lovely places where young 'fallen' women were treated with dignity and kindnes...............

Jan 19, 2008
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Quote Dustydog ..."Maybe their disability isn't as obvious as say a wooden leg?If they are cheating I'm sure someone will blow the whistle. I hope so.What we see isn't always how it is".

I can see where you're coming from Dustydog. An illness like angina cannot be seen, neither can emphysema, but can you please name a disability that prevents Joby's friend from working for a living but allows him to do what Joby said he does.

BTW Joby, I can relate to what you mean, I have a brother in law exactly the same.

To answer Lorraines question of why young girls are allowed to breed like rabbits while having everything supplied is simple, they are allowed to and certainly this government will look after them. To stop them will infringe their human rights.

Valerie, Lorraine as I read it makes no mention of taking away children from couples who are not married. The way I read it is she means girls who continue to have children, although not in a relationship, and are that irresponsible contraception is beyond them. I cannot understand anyone who is willing to pay taxes to fund these lowlives. Sharon Mathews comes to mind.
Good point but whats the difference in your benefit cheating mates and girls who continue to have kids with different fathers to claim benefits? Nowhere in my post did I mention 'one female having one child out of wedlock'. Read it again. Obviously by me mentioning Sharon Mathews to make my point it went over your head. Google it.

BTW it's 2009 now not 1909 :O)
Jun 20, 2005
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I was being generous. I accept Joby's story gets the little grey cells working. Time for the whistleblowing then?

I'll stand up and be counted and say here and now if I saw what Joby saw I'd whistleblow today.


Jan 19, 2008
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For those who condone the behaviour of females who continue to procreate life with the only means of benefits to rear them ( obviously must be profitable) I trust you don't mind, in your goodness and understanding, mind paying taxes so they can live in their chosen lifestyle. I believe there should be an opt in/opt out for this and then those of a more understanding nature can carry on paying taxes while those who disagree with their lifestyle needn't pay. While those of a charitable nature will be looked on favourably on judgement day I'll take a chance on when I meet St. Peter and whether I pass through the pearly gates :O)

Is it any wonder we have one of the highest violent death rates for infants in the so called civilised world?

A former British Home Secretary asked King Juan Carlos of Spain when are the Spanish going to stop killing bulls. His reply was when the British stop killing their children.

Child killings in this country doesn't go unnoticed around the world.
Jan 19, 2008
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I was being generous. I accept Joby's story gets the little grey cells working. Time for the whistleblowing then?

I'll stand up and be counted and say here and now if I saw what Joby saw I'd whistleblow today.


NP Dusty. I'd like to do the same with my BIL but don't think I could live with myself. I've never been a snitch and at this time of my life I don't want to start now.

My BILs latest project is he's just built a carport alongside his bungalow and put paving slabs down. Poor thing is in such pain though and even some of the finest medical brains in the Midlands cannot find the source or cause ;O)

I could write a book .. lmaooo. He would make a fortune if he started up his own Benefits Consultancy or Acting Academy :O)
May 25, 2008
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Difficult to whistle blow on what you perceive to be a fault, when you don't really know!!!

Everyone is guilty of turning a blind eye to the fact people are benefit cheats. It's so much easier to spout on a forum like this than be pro active and report them. Bet Colin hasn't shopped his neighbour who is on benefits and working in the morning and evenings.

Bet LB hasn't shopped his Brother in Law ( his words BTW

"Joby, I can relate to what you mean, I have a brother in law exactly the same".

The Goverment pass legislation to protect the vulnerable in Society, and by doing this open up the system to abuse. I think I would still rather continue to protect the vulnerable rather than let them fall through the net, even if it means some waster milking the system.

What I am trying to point out is that it is everyones fault except yours or mine.

You can shop people without becoming involved

If you know of anyone stealing benefits you can contact the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440. Your call is free and confidential. Lines are open 7.00am - 11.00pm, 7 days a week.

Alternatively you can report a benefit thief online.

If you have speech or hearing problems you can use a text phone service on 0800 328 0512.
May 25, 2008
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NP Dusty. I'd like to do the same with my BIL but don't think I could live with myself. I've never been a snitch and at this time of my life I don't want to start now.

LB You should be ashamed of yourself with what you have wrote on this and other forums about cheats. It's ok if it is in the family then ??? but everyone else is a cheat lmao


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