
Mar 14, 2005
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is there any problems with putting van heating on during winter lay up thought it might help to keep everything dry not that i have any problems.

thinking of doing it one day per week. could i be asking for trouble or is it wise
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Dave,

It depends what tpe of heating you intend using! Gas fires create a lot of water vapour as they burn, which will cause condensation. An electric heater would be better. Or try a dehumidifyer. Don't forget to keep your van well ventiated as this will prevent mould forming in the damp areas.
Mar 14, 2005
I can't quite see the point of putting the heating on once a week. The caravan will cool down within hours of turning the heating off and then it will be standing just as cold for the rest of the week. If you are concerned about damp, then it would be better to use a dehumidifier instead.
Mar 14, 2005
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Best bet is an electric heater. I disagree with Karen on the dehumidifier. Unless you seal all the vents on the caravan, the dehumidifier will draw in fresh, damp air and extract the moisture from this. Hence, you will get an impressive amount of condensed water produced but actually you are simply dehumidifying England!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Dave, Karen W's point about buring gas producing water vapour is entirely correct though the applaince used must also be considerd. By far the vast majority gas heaters fitted in UK caravans over the last 30 years are what are called "Room sealed". This type of heater burns gas with air drawn from outside the caravan in a tube. The products of combustion including the water vapour are ducted outside the caravan and do not contaminate the living space at all. There is a heat exchanger that extracts the heat from the combustion process and transfers it to the living space. Typically you can only see teh flame inthese applinces through a small sealed window in the excanger. Check with the manufactures instructions which will tell you if the heater is Room Sealed. All Carver Electrolux, Attwood and Trumatic heaters are Room sealed and will not add water vapour to the caravan. Cookers and other open flamed devices will release water vapour into the living area.

Happy Christmas
Jan 19, 2002
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you can buy small cylindrical heaters for frost prevention in greenhouses - low wattage and no condensation.. also not so chilly (if you keep the van at home) when you need a refuge from all that Christmas cheer!


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