heavy empty caravan

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Jan 5, 2020
Good people this was the hobby answer

"Thank you for your E-Mail.
After checking of the chassis number we can see that your caravan has a few extras.
Insofar you have a reduced remaining loading for your Caravan.
There is a possibilities to increase the weight to 1500 kg (but only with technical changes).
Please contact your responsible dealer for clearing your matter. A directly handling of here is not possible.

Now i will contact the dealer to see how much it will cost to me.
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Nov 11, 2009
Thank you that’s some progress. I’d be interested to be kept updated on how things progress.
Mar 14, 2005
This thread appears to be getting somewhere now.

Hobby's reply seems to suggest they recognise the OP is adding far more than is normally expected to his caravan thus raising its weight beyond the standard axles capacity.

It now remains to be seen if increasing the capacity of the chassis is financially viable, or where it may be more cost effective to change the caravan.

This will of course link back to the OP's earlier thread about his tow cars towing capacity.
Mar 14, 2005
If you check Hobbys website for the 460 UFE. https://www.hobby-caravan.de/en/caravans/de-luxe/model/modeldetails/show/Model/460-ufe-5/
They state that the technical increase to 1500 kg is possible, this sounds the same as a lot of British models and is a paperwork excersice, not a mechanical upgrade. The axle can already take the weight , you just have to pay the dealer to get the paperwork.
That's the way I read it.

It would be untypical for Hobby to quote an MTPLM that is not the same as as the axle load rating. For that reason I suspect that an upgrade from 1350 to 1500kg does involve an axle change, certainly if any on-cost is involved.
Nov 16, 2015
Thanks Lutz, looking at the Hobby. UK website, they list every little bit of kit and the weight. So i will stand corrected. I will stick to my nice old Coachman , with about 25 kgs payload left.
Jan 5, 2020
dear fellow
My axle is limited to 1350, is written on the axle, i'm still waiting for an official answer from the dealer.
Surely i will have to change axle, wheels, and i have to change something in the coupling device, break i gess.
Mar 14, 2005
dear fellow
My axle is limited to 1350, is written on the axle, i'm still waiting for an official answer from the dealer.
Surely i will have to change axle, wheels, and i have to change something in the coupling device, break i gess.

You will, no doubt, have to have the axle changed and probably also the tyres but the wheels themselves and the coupling device should remain as they are. The brakes come with the axle.
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Mar 14, 2005
I am certain that if you decide to go ahead with the upgrade, the dealer or manufacturer that does it should know what parts will be needed, and all this should be included in the work specification. You should not need to worry about parts that need to changed.

I urge you to consider if having the upgrade is the best choice. In general modified caravans do not hold their value, and it may be better and more cost effective to look at changing your caravan for a model that has sufficient payload capacity as standard.
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Nov 11, 2009
Surely having a OEM payload upgrade isn’t any different in the OPs case to having bought it with the higher rated axle. The maker will issue all the parts and documentation for it to be an official fitment.
My Alko axle was replaced but Swift would not authorise an upgrade. The new part came fully assembled with its new hubs and brakes so the dealer only had to bolt the assembly on, adjust the brakes and fit the wheels.
Mar 14, 2005
Surely having a OEM payload upgrade isn’t any different in the OPs case to having bought it with the higher rated axle. The maker will issue all the parts and documentation for it to be an official fitment.
My Alko axle was replaced but Swift would not authorise an upgrade. The new part came fully assembled with its new hubs and brakes so the dealer only had to bolt the assembly on, adjust the brakes and fit the wheels.
Hello Clive,
Without knowing what it's going to cost the OP to have this work done, and other factors such as what his present van is actually worth its difficult to speculate whether having the upgrade done or trading the present caravan in against one with a larger payload might make more economic sence. Also I don't know how difficult it is to change the caravans registration details abroad, there will be more to it than in the UK. These are issues the OP needs to bear in mind.

In other countries where caravans have their own registration documentation, the fact the caravan has been modified to accept a manufacturer's own parts to change its specification may be evident in the official registration documentation.

If I were contemplating the purchase of a secondhand caravan without the benefit of FULL prior knowledge of its history, exactly the sceario most caravanners find themselves in, if I discovered that such a significant part had been modified away from standard specification. Even if the modification were to raise the caravan to the same standard as another standard model, I would be wondering why it had been necessary. It would suggest to me the caravan had been damaged due to overloading, and therefore what else might have been over stressed needing repair or modification?

Every uncertainty reduces perceived value of goods. For example, some second hand cars with a fitted towbar or spring assisters may be perceived as having been put under heavy usage. This will depress perceived value and perhsps make them less desirable than one's on original specification.
Nov 11, 2009
Hello Clive,
Without knowing what it's going to cost the OP to have this work done, and other factors such as what his present van is actually worth its difficult to speculate whether having the upgrade done or trading the present caravan in against one with a larger payload might make more economic sence. Also I don't know how difficult it is to change the caravans registration details abroad, there will be more to it than in the UK. These are issues the OP needs to bear in mind.

In other countries where caravans have their own registration documentation, the fact the caravan has been modified to accept a manufacturer's own parts to change its specification may be evident in the official registration documentation.

If I were contemplating the purchase of a secondhand caravan without the benefit of FULL prior knowledge of its history, exactly the sceario most caravanners find themselves in, if I discovered that such a significant part had been modified away from standard specification. Even if the modification were to raise the caravan to the same standard as another standard model, I would be wondering why it had been necessary. It would suggest to me the caravan had been damaged due to overloading, and therefore what else might have been over stressed needing repair or modification?

Every uncertainty reduces perceived value of goods. For example, some second hand cars with a fitted towbar or spring assisters may be perceived as having been put under heavy usage. This will depress perceived value and perhsps make them less desirable than one's on original specification.

Sorry but I beg to differ on your premise that having an OEM higher load standard axle fitted to the van isn't any different to buying the higher payload caravan from new. The modification would surely only bring it exactly to the OEM standard for the higher payload caravan. It could make the caravan more saleable as in its existing configuration it is pretty well so near to MTPLM to be very limited for serious usage. i don't see it as analogous to spring assisters or tow bars at all. My last car (Skoda Superb) had MAD springs and towbar but neither were visible without getting underneath. Acquired good price for it too.
Mar 14, 2005
We will have agree to disagree, however it is still up to JoJo to decide his course of action.;)


May 7, 2005
" --------having an OEM higher load standard axle fitted to the van isn't any different to buying the higher payload caravan from new".

Except for one massive fundamental difference one will be post delivery "modified, one will not be modified", just a standard factory option.
How it reflects in value is any body's guess.

IMO, "modified" it will make it saleable, as it is now with all the add-ons there could well be a resale comeback, depending on the legal strictures of the country where it resold, ie a "not fit for purpose" comeback.

I am not sure how the OP ended up in such an unfortunate mess, if a dealer was any part of that then if me it would be them unravelling the mess, not me.
I hope it gets sorted without real financial pain.
Mar 14, 2005
i'm still waiting for an official answer to my problem.
I suspect that you probably won't get an answer because they may want to refrain from having to send you what will inevitably be a disappointing reply. There is little alternative but to fit a new axle, and that is going to be an expensive job.
Nov 11, 2009
My Alko 1300kg assembly cost around £1300 delivered and fitted by the main dealer. But yours is a different make and you are in Portugal. Good luck anyway.
Jan 5, 2020
Finally I weighed my caravan, 1360kg empty.
I have a problem, what can be done? Will be expensive?
I contacted the seller and I'm waiting...
New axle
New tires
New leading equipment
And a rear crossbar
New documents


Mar 14, 2005
It is impossible to answer your question.
The only people who can is your seller, or Hobby.
Mar 14, 2005
Whether the seller can be held responsible for selling a caravan with inadequate payload capacity knowing that it will be further reduced by fitting air conditioning, motor mover, etc., is something that we cannot answer here because we don't know details of consumer protection rights in Portugal where the caravan was bought.
Hobby will only be able to tell you what would be involved in raising the load carrying capacity of the caravan, but they would have to have been aware of the fitted optional features at the time of the order for them to be in on the boat as well.


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