help accident- solicitors

Nov 2, 2005
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hello all

I need help/advice well anything really

got reared ended, other driver went to court fined etc?

1.I was awarded costs apparently. but don't know how that works

2. got a solicitor for various reasons nothing isdone yet (DoA ) 23 11 15 )) I know my 3 years is coming to an end
3. solicitor is nowclosing been offered public job. solicitor at firm who was assigned to me is going to another firm.
4 original solicitor said he as spoken and they will take case on his T&C's but when I looked there were things added and no mention of other solicitor having his costs paid.
5 I am doing this on a 25% but there was no mention of this as to wether they have it or they both have their own share.

I asked new solicitor questionson the costs etc. Now this solicitor doesn't want the case .

I will be ringing my original on monday. but I am am no good at this and knowing what should and shouldn't I now get very confused, upset, and my head can't cope with it all.

I have tried several solicitors to see if they can explain this T&C's, and where I stand but none will help.

Is there anyone who can give me plain and simple advice..

if you need to ask any more info or have questions...

it has taken me a week to be able to type this.. any help will be halpful

thank you all for listening anyway evenif you can't help..
Mar 14, 2005
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It's very difficult to give accurate advice on matters like this as we don't have all the facts. Please don't post them unless you particularly want too, but be wary of the forum etiquette concerning unresolved complaints against named businesses.

On the face of it it reads as though you may have had an incompetent solicitor. I suggest you google "complaints against solicitors" and check out the law society and ombudsman information..
Jun 20, 2005
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You need to help us a bit more please.

Did your own motor Insurers deal with the claim?
Did they appoint the solicitor to help you with your uninsured loss?

Answers to these first line questions will help us all to comment further.
Best wishes


Nov 12, 2009
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Smiley hasn't named anyone and hasn't breached forum etiquette.
If he inadvertently does I'll be happy to edit and to advise him, so please leave the moderator job to the moderators.
Nov 2, 2005
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Alas i followed a family members and went to an independant solicitor
No insurance has only paid out for car only.
I received an email of solicitor he stating he is closing and I should get another solicitor but they have to pay his cost to date, but it doesn't say anything about this 25% success fee..

When we asked the solicitors he had been in touch with it was vague and didn't mention that either...

All I want is for any solicitor to look at the contract and explain these thing and where I stand.. but none will I understand they dont want to get in trouble but arn't we always told to go to a solicitor to check contracts and explain to us( me not being very good now on that score) My whole day was ruined just receiving the email, (not because of thatbecause) aything to do with accident i feel sick, panic, fall into dispair etc

sorry to winge but it wears me down so much .
Nov 11, 2009
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Your situation is quite difficult and seems complex. Free legal helplines can only do so much so I think it would be best to see a solicitor who understands motoring accident claims and pay for the consultation. The outcome should give you a clearer picture of what the road ahead looks like. The solicitor you went too doesn’t seem to have been much help. Was it one of those who advertise no fee but then take a percentage of the claim if successful. The government has clamped down on those recently.
Nov 2, 2005
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yes 25% but if you leave them they still get the fee plus who ever you go too..

i don't have much time left

thank for all your help good idea go to someone else and at the end tell them why i am there....

reason solicitors are closing is he has been offered public position, i don't know what but i don't dis believe him
Jun 20, 2005
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You have been posting on here for years so you know we are all batting for you but we are only as good as the information you give us.
Back to basics.
1. You were rear ended.
2, Your own Insurers dealt with your claim?
3. Were you full comp cover including uninsured loss recovery?
4. If yes. Ask your insurers to appoint one of their solicitors to help you.
5. By now I suspect your Insurers will have recovered their own outlays, ie the cost of your vehicle repairs.
6. Ask them how they achieved the result and with whose help.
Let us know how you get on going down this slightly different route.
Good luck


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