This Forum is for and about Caravanning not for peddling meddling propaganda about so called green issues.
To constantaly make "green" posts on a "caravan* forum whose users rely on roads and cars for their hobby and also in many cases their daily work is some what provocative and down right rude.
Rick's posts get flippant replies as if he is so concerned he should be spending his time on green forums.
We've heard all his story's and one upmanship jibes of his green efforts in business and his Diesel Jag that he has to have due to his needy image at work and I guess he even has a Caravan. Not that I can understand why! Surely a tent in the back garden would be greener
My wife was recycling paper and cardboard and more in the early 70's and we were using solar power in 1971 and used other now recognised green measures in our homes before Ricky got on his soap box.
I've no doubt that most people here "do their bit" with out being preached to at evey opportunity by a Jag driver.
Green issues are being used as an excuse to tax the UK voters even more whilst business and government continue to pollute day in day out.
If you read your papers today you will see that Brown is the highest taxer ever whilst I see that as predicted stores are moaning that they have not been selling all the goods shipped from China.
The facts are that if you did not have cheap imports many families would be further in the finacial mire overloaded with taxes and British and European production costs.
Coming on this site preaching somewhat dubious "green" policies as though we all live in the dark ages is rude and provocative and shows no consideration for anything else Forum members do in their lives re green or other social issues.
There are members here from all walks of life including the emergency services and nursing, those members come from a branch of society well known for helping and caring for others and often for fund raising for needy causes and I'm sure that they also make a contribution to Green moves as do I and others, and also do the same as my wife and I doing charitable work.
The issue is the constant preachng by Ricky and a few others who seem to make out that they are the saviours of the world whilst I and others here are the brain dead enemy of the environment.
Ricky for one does not learn , and it is about time his provocative and often underlying rudeness was addressed by a MOD 1 , 2 or 3 slapping a ban on him. No doubt he would be able to leave his PC Off for a few weeks and help save on wasted electric thus helping the Environment.