How green is green?

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May 12, 2006
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Ummmm Frank - we are talking about it getting hotter - not colder ;O) keep up with the play man or go sit at the back of the class and write 100 lines - "I must pay attention in the PC Forum and read the threads properly" ;O)
I feel I am up to speed we are being fed a load of bollocks, like when Y2K was the senarion that the world was coming to an end. This is exactly the same .

So please your windyship butt out of my posts. Unless you have something constructive to say !!

May 12, 2006
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I feel I am up to speed we are being fed a load of bollocks, like when Y2K was the senarion that the world was coming to an end. This is exactly the same .

So please your windyship butt out of my posts. Unless you have something constructive to say !!

Mar 14, 2005
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When I was responsible for vehicle glazing systems we looked at heated windscreens but dropped the idea because they draw so much current that they require at least 24 volt electrics to be adequately efficient and for the same reason, the battery would soon be flat if you tried to deice at standstill before starting the engine. Also, there was too much customer dissatisfaction on account of optical interference caused by the embedded gold wire heating elements.
Ah but you could leave the engine running while it de-iced the screen.........Oh! isn't this where I came in?
Jan 19, 2008
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Just testing you.

When do you think coal mines were laid down

Same as I bet you thought this was the ice age to, rather than the semi tropical forrests.???

Frank, methinks you've been sniffin' the vino tonight but anyway I will have a go.

When do you think coal mines were laid down ?

Coal has been dug probably from the Roman times but only from near the surface. Coal mines were laid down around the 18th century due to the Industrial Revolution. Before that industry used mainly charcoal. So there you go Frank, I'll guess about the 1770s. ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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This global warming debate will have no end, because we do not have enough facts to produce an unassailable conclusion- until it has actually happened.

There is plenty of evidence that the CO2 levels (and temperature) of the earth have changed throughout history, but even eminent experts cannot agree on the causes. There are many theories, but none have been proven beyond reasonable doubt.

From viewing the historical record, there is no doubt that the earth has experienced changes of CO2 levels, and cycles of heat and cold. Not only have the levels changed but the rate at which the events occur also changes, so whilst trends over millennia are generally predictable, shorter term events are less predictable.

According to the experts (and most agree) we are due to see an increase in both CO2 and temperature simply based on the historical patterns. If this trend does continue, then it will affect many of us.

So is it possible to attribute the current changes we are told are occurring to human activity? I am not convinced that Man has been the trigger, but I do believe that we may be adding to the problem, I am not sure by how much. It could all be within nature's capacity to accommodate Man's contribution.

Regardless of the argument for or against mans effect on GW, It surely makes sense to be economical with our natural resources which we do know are limited.

We can do this without radically affecting life styles, it is possible to reduce wastage. We can recycle many products. We can encourage manufactures to limit the amount of packaging.

Taken further, we can plant more woodland, we could choose to use a more economical vehicle, or arrange to do less mileage. We could encourage manufactures to consider the distance that goods are transported between source and sale, etc.

Even though our actions may only represent a very small percentage of the total problem, they are at least something, and it may be the seed for a wider more effective movement.
Mar 14, 2005
When I was responsible for vehicle glazing systems we looked at heated windscreens but dropped the idea because they draw so much current that they require at least 24 volt electrics to be adequately efficient and for the same reason, the battery would soon be flat if you tried to deice at standstill before starting the engine. Also, there was too much customer dissatisfaction on account of optical interference caused by the embedded gold wire heating elements.
Yes, it was where we came in. We felt that the need to have the engine running on idle while deicing was not in line with company policy.
Mar 28, 2005
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When I was responsible for vehicle glazing systems we looked at heated windscreens but dropped the idea because they draw so much current that they require at least 24 volt electrics to be adequately efficient and for the same reason, the battery would soon be flat if you tried to deice at standstill before starting the engine. Also, there was too much customer dissatisfaction on account of optical interference caused by the embedded gold wire heating elements.
Lutz, wouldn't it be possible to design some kind of storage heater system where warm air could be blown onto the screen using heat stored from the previous days motoring
Jul 3, 2006
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As someone with no children Steve W is probably the greenest of all, pollution, congestion, deforestation etc all have one root cause, People. The simple fact is that there are too many people on this planet, most relying on fossil fuels to keep them fed.

Cutting our carbon emissions is a good thing, not because of pollution but simply because it is a finite resource and the stuff will run out.

If all the time and energy put into pursuading people to be more "green" were put into cutting the human birth rate, the net result on carbon emissions would be infinitely more effective on emissions than what they are doing now.
Mar 14, 2005
When I was responsible for vehicle glazing systems we looked at heated windscreens but dropped the idea because they draw so much current that they require at least 24 volt electrics to be adequately efficient and for the same reason, the battery would soon be flat if you tried to deice at standstill before starting the engine. Also, there was too much customer dissatisfaction on account of optical interference caused by the embedded gold wire heating elements.
We decided to offer static car heaters as a factory fitted option instead. They have the advantage of not clearing the windows but they also make the inside of the car nice and cosy before you get out in the morning and they also pre-heat the water in the engine cooling system, too. We found that to be much more sensible than just heating the windscreen.
Mar 14, 2005
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How is it, John L, that whatever the subject we invariably have the same train of thought?

Merry Christmas
Hello Lutz,

I think that great minds think a like. Or we both watched Blue Peter, .......

Have a happy Christmas!
Mar 14, 2005
Your argument, Gary, is based on the assumption that all people cause and will continue to result in the same amount of pollution. However, if potential saving of resources and improved awareness of the consequences of unnecessary wastage is greater than that caused increased population, it is conceivable that more people can actually cause less pollution.
Jul 3, 2006
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That all depends upon how you define pollution, be it the exhaust of toxic fumes into the atmosphere or the advance of human population into wilderness. You seem to think that human concience will win the day but history tells us that communism may be a wonderful theory but was condemned to death by human nature. The same will be sadly true for environmentalism. The Chinese may be building coal power stations by the dozen but at least they recognise the true problem of population which is less than half the population density of the uk. Steve W should continue to drive his 20 litre turbo 4x4 with a clear concience!!!!.
Mar 14, 2005
a.) I don't think that human coincidence will win the day but I hope that human intelligence will. There's nothing wrong with using energy (or anything else for that matter) so long as it is put to effective use. I've got nothing against the 4 litre twin turbo 550hp 60mpg car.

b.) The Chinese policy of population control had absolutely nothing to do with pollution but was the result of an atrocious wastage of resources that prevented enough to go around for everyone.
Jan 19, 2008
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.... and how green are the decorations adorning millions of homes, not just internally but externally of late, at this time of the year. Like emmerson I'm no killjoy but if I had to take a choice of doing without the lights or using fuel to tow as my part of cutting down GW the towing wins, infact we haven't any lights this year due to our enforced incarceration in the caravan :O). I'm missing the van already but at least we have Carnon Downs, Truro to look forward to in March.After that it's Englethwaite Hall and the Mull of Kintyre although we will fit some weekends in between. Her Ladyship has just informed me we spent 146 nights in the van this year and I loved every minute.
May 4, 2005
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brian (st albans)

1 Jan 2007 11:12 AM Old chinese saying Lutz,

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.

Teach a man to fish and he eats for life!

Appropriate I think

********THIS POST IS NOT FROM MYSELF*************


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