How many hours sleep do you need!

May 29, 2007
I have decided that there is to much seriousness on here at the mo. So i have put together this thred to find out how many hours sleep an individual has.

I quite often see early morning posts from LB and i tend to post late at night.

Do you go to bed early to get up early, or are you like me a night owl!

Personally i have a condition which makes me tierd, but you tend to snooze and not sleep.

So i normally get about 7 hours.
Mar 14, 2005
Apparantly medical records show that the older one gets the less sleep they need. I generally retire approx. 12:30 - 1:00am and am usually up at 8:30am. Sometimes a good nights sleep other times restless and not much sleep. Tend to have approx. 15 mins snooze just before tea and this refreshes me for the evening. If I have had a drink after 9:30pm I will definately be up walking the boards during the night.
May 4, 2005
Go to bed around 1am and get up at 6am.

Wednesday have a lay in until 7am as it's my day off.

Sunday up at 8am whether I'm working or not.

Perminately knackered.

Only time I sleep well is when I'm away in the caravan ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
When in France I was finding that the embracing sea air was making me ready for bed at approx. 10:00pm. and by damn did I sleep well. Must agree with Brian regarding having a good night's sleep whilst in the caravan. Have to go away more often me thinks.
Jan 3, 2007
And on that note....good morning all!

I, when I worked always got up at 5.00am and the habit has stayed with me into retirement. Usually 5/6 hours sleep is all I need but if I snooze during the day I am often wide awake by 3.30.
Aug 12, 2007
I too don't sleep at all well (never have!) and am always up early no matter what time I go to bed. Other half is up at 5.00 for work and I rarely get back to sleep after that.

Funnily enough, I also sleep like a log when away in the van....although I still wake up early.
May 12, 2006
Bed around 1030 to 11 asleep in minutes, rarely wake9 unless SWMBO gets up because of the dreaded flush. Awake by 6 and then I get up.

When we are away with the van I always seem to think most caravanners get up late !!!!

Val & Frank
Jan 19, 2008
When I'm on at this time, 7.30am, I'm on my puter desktop having my oats.

Do I sleep well? Ummmm no. I thought I would once I had finished work but years of working shifts and catnapping have taken their toll. For example I would work a 7pm - 7am shift then hopefully if we finished on time, which wasn't often on that shift, get to bed at 8. I would then be up to take my wife to work for 12 then fetch her again at 5.30 trhen off to work again for 7.
Aug 12, 2007
When I'm on at this time, 7.30am, I'm on my puter desktop having my oats.

Do I sleep well? Ummmm no. I thought I would once I had finished work but years of working shifts and catnapping have taken their toll. For example I would work a 7pm - 7am shift then hopefully if we finished on time, which wasn't often on that shift, get to bed at 8. I would then be up to take my wife to work for 12 then fetch her again at 5.30 trhen off to work again for 7.
Having your oats on your computer desktop....?!! The mind boggles, Lord B!!
Apr 13, 2005
Working the shifts i do i get very little quality sleep and find that as long as i have 5 hours then all is well, but i do find that about once every 3 weeks i sleep very well and for up to 10 hours without waking.

In the van i sleep soundly but not for long. i am usually up for 5 or six in the morning so i take the dogs out and leave christine and the kids in bed.
Jan 19, 2008
When I'm on at this time, 7.30am, I'm on my puter desktop having my oats.

Do I sleep well? Ummmm no. I thought I would once I had finished work but years of working shifts and catnapping have taken their toll. For example I would work a 7pm - 7am shift then hopefully if we finished on time, which wasn't often on that shift, get to bed at 8. I would then be up to take my wife to work for 12 then fetch her again at 5.30 trhen off to work again for 7.
Hehheh! Her Ladyship says having my oats first thing in the morning is good for my heart ;O)
Apr 11, 2005

With me I have trouble going to sleep as so times I in a lot of pain and I have to let tables work to help me sleep and so time I just go to sleep.

A lot of the times I have a look in on forum and just read what other have put so time try and put thing on the forum but so time it hard for me to put thing in writing.

Me or Sharon are up at every morning as one of owe kids get up at this time every day. We take in true as it dues take it out on use but by 7 am in the week we are all up and at the week end by 8am.

So time one of use mite get a rest for a hour or two.

Mar 14, 2005
Very dedicated work being a moderator having to keep an eye on us reprobates and what we get up to. There someone has got to do it though. Mind you recently I have only noticed Mr.Mod 2 wielding the big axe. Mods 1 and 3 are keeping a low profile.
Jan 21, 2014
I would love more sleep than I get, which is around 8 hours with at leat 4 disturbances during the night (Could be due to the hormones!!) However, saying that, I get a much better night when OH falls asleep in the chair, and is banished to the spare room!!
Jul 19, 2005
Usually manage OK with 6 hours. Changes to my current job mean being up between 4:15 & 4:45 dependent upon which start time I am on at work but even in my previous job where I only really needed to be up early if I was travelling a long way to a morning meeting I was still up at 5 most mornings.

Usually sleep well initially when away in the caravan but as the days progress my body gradually moves of its own accord towards an early start which is not too bad when just the two of us but more difficult when any grandchildren are with us.


Oct 16, 2006
Usually manage OK with 6 hours. Changes to my current job mean being up between 4:15 & 4:45 dependent upon which start time I am on at work but even in my previous job where I only really needed to be up early if I was travelling a long way to a morning meeting I was still up at 5 most mornings.

Usually sleep well initially when away in the caravan but as the days progress my body gradually moves of its own accord towards an early start which is not too bad when just the two of us but more difficult when any grandchildren are with us.

Usually fall asleep about 10pm and get up when the alarm wakes me at 7.30am.... So 9 1/2hrs.... (and a little kip in the afternoon sun LOL!!)

Sep 16, 2006
I average about 6-6.5 hours sleep, less if I have work problems on my mind during the week, Weekends if i'm luckly 7.5-8 hours sleep (subject to the little ones)


Nov 12, 2009
I have about six hours sleep these days and Carole sometimes has more than that. We wake usually between 6.30 and 7 in the mornings but now that we have both finished work we never actally get showered, dressed and downstairs much before 8.30. We have a cup of tea and Carole reads her book while I doze.

Just lately I seem to be having vivid dreams that I can remember and it seems like these are in the early morning.

They are so good sometimes that when I wake up before they are finished I feel a sense of dissapointment at not knowing 'what happened in the end'


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