Not sure what to call hunting, but it invovles hounds.
This is not a jibe on lorries or 4x4 at all just making that clear first.
Travelling home today turned onto a national speed road (single carriage) up and down I went over a couple of gentle hills HGV on the wrong side of the road, headlights on full beam, heading straight for me. Aaaaaaaagh.
Setting the scene for you.
I must say first I was not even doing 60. Heavy breaking entailed on my part, (whats that stupid lorry doing, dipstick) has he approached a nice thank you was given to me, he was quickly followed by a 4x4. As soon as the road was visible again I saw the problem!
Two horse riders prancing about, thay managed to get their horses on the grass verge and galloped towards me on the opposite side of the road. One black coat and one red coat, followed by another rider just further down the road.
Flabergasted as to why they were there, and slowing for them, I heard barking hounds.
just as I passed all three, another rider galloping (not cantering) towards me, I slowed more, nice man on his horse said thank you also, then immediatley put his mobile back to his ear.
Whilst all this was happening just as I passed ( I think you've got it) a pack of hounds leaped fences etc and were running acoss the road, luckily behind me, managed to warn oncoming drivers in time. What a commotion, Yes they should ban fox hunting if that's what they were doing. The mess and carnage that could have happened on this road is unthinkable. I think something went very wrong with there outing.
Sorry this is long but it's very difficult to explain 5seconds any shorter.
This is not a jibe on lorries or 4x4 at all just making that clear first.
Travelling home today turned onto a national speed road (single carriage) up and down I went over a couple of gentle hills HGV on the wrong side of the road, headlights on full beam, heading straight for me. Aaaaaaaagh.
Setting the scene for you.
I must say first I was not even doing 60. Heavy breaking entailed on my part, (whats that stupid lorry doing, dipstick) has he approached a nice thank you was given to me, he was quickly followed by a 4x4. As soon as the road was visible again I saw the problem!
Two horse riders prancing about, thay managed to get their horses on the grass verge and galloped towards me on the opposite side of the road. One black coat and one red coat, followed by another rider just further down the road.
Flabergasted as to why they were there, and slowing for them, I heard barking hounds.
just as I passed all three, another rider galloping (not cantering) towards me, I slowed more, nice man on his horse said thank you also, then immediatley put his mobile back to his ear.
Whilst all this was happening just as I passed ( I think you've got it) a pack of hounds leaped fences etc and were running acoss the road, luckily behind me, managed to warn oncoming drivers in time. What a commotion, Yes they should ban fox hunting if that's what they were doing. The mess and carnage that could have happened on this road is unthinkable. I think something went very wrong with there outing.
Sorry this is long but it's very difficult to explain 5seconds any shorter.