hunting with doggies

Nov 2, 2005
Not sure what to call hunting, but it invovles hounds.

This is not a jibe on lorries or 4x4 at all just making that clear first.

Travelling home today turned onto a national speed road (single carriage) up and down I went over a couple of gentle hills HGV on the wrong side of the road, headlights on full beam, heading straight for me. Aaaaaaaagh.

Setting the scene for you.

I must say first I was not even doing 60. Heavy breaking entailed on my part, (whats that stupid lorry doing, dipstick) has he approached a nice thank you was given to me, he was quickly followed by a 4x4. As soon as the road was visible again I saw the problem!

Two horse riders prancing about, thay managed to get their horses on the grass verge and galloped towards me on the opposite side of the road. One black coat and one red coat, followed by another rider just further down the road.

Flabergasted as to why they were there, and slowing for them, I heard barking hounds.

just as I passed all three, another rider galloping (not cantering) towards me, I slowed more, nice man on his horse said thank you also, then immediatley put his mobile back to his ear.

Whilst all this was happening just as I passed ( I think you've got it) a pack of hounds leaped fences etc and were running acoss the road, luckily behind me, managed to warn oncoming drivers in time. What a commotion, Yes they should ban fox hunting if that's what they were doing. The mess and carnage that could have happened on this road is unthinkable. I think something went very wrong with there outing.

Sorry this is long but it's very difficult to explain 5seconds any shorter.
Jan 19, 2008
Animals/birds that have been hunted to extinction in this country are many, among them Wild Boar, Beaver, Eagle Owls, Red Kites, Giant Bustard and even Bears. Otters, Badger and numerous wild birds of prey were almost wiped out. The so called Guardians of the countryside will not be happy until Foxes and Badgers have gone the same way. The sooner the idiots on horseback have become extinct themselves the better for all including human beings, most of them are townspeople anyway, solicitors and other Hooray Henry's. How can it be civilised to rip out the fox's liver and rub it in the face of a junior member of the hunt to "bloody them". What the morons think they look like sat on their horses holding a hunting horn and stirrup cup God only knows. They are also some of the nations biggest liars because where they get 52% agree with hunting from is beyond me. They ride rough shod over peoples land including public roads. Many farmers are against them also but daren't speak out because of the fear of intimidation. A friend of mine (ex-para) was a hunt follower. He had no interest in hunting but he was there to beat up the protesters and his payment from the hunters? a few chickens. Most of the followers are there to protect the hunters, not out of interest for hunting.
Mar 14, 2005
Whatever your views on hunting (I personally do not take part and have no wish to) all must agree that the law as passed is a complete waste of time and money. But I would vote FOR hunting with dogs in a referendum. The synergy of man and dog is one reason why we have evolved as far as we have and that synergy is born of the need to provide for both. As a partnership man and dog achieve far more than either could on their own. A true partnership.

Round here (in the country) - the only people who are against it are those that have moved here from the towns.

Oh! I do not doubt that some who hunt are idiots - after all the 80/20 rule applies I am sure.

But this silly Act makes the law laughable - and that I find more worrying than anything else. If silly laws are ignored by people - how soon will it be before the sensible ones are ignored as well?

Some would say this is already happening.
Mar 27, 2005
Hi All

Like Clive I would support hunting. But I would also agree with his wyndeyship that the hunters would have needed to be reigned in a bit.

I base my support on the everyday carnage I witness from living in the countryside. It seems to me motorists kill an alarming amount of wildlife. Over any stretch of road you travel (particularly rural A and B roads) there is an endless array of dead or mortally wounded foxes, badgers, rabbits etc. Over a twenty-four hour period throughout the UK this must total an obscene amount of numbers. To this end I see little point in getting upset at the odd animal being hunted.

The one point I would make on hunt saboteurs is the damage they do. We used to have a hunt come through our village on a regular basis and if the saboteurs got wind of it they would arrive en-mass and churn up the verges with their vehicles, run down gates and drive across private property in landrovers, squash trees etc etc. While I admire their morals and determination I think to a great extent they are almost as bad as the hunters are deemed to be.

This subject has the possibilities of being as contentious as the 4 x 4 debate
Mar 14, 2005
Whilst I support the right to hunt I do not want to hunt myself. Some forms of hunting such as hare coursing are as bad in my view as badger baiting and **** fighting. What is SO silly about the Fox hunting ban is that fact that unfortunately what some see as "Foxy Woxy" is not a cute furry little scamp - it is a disease ridden psychopath that will rip chickens apart for the fun of it.

I do not hunt - I do not shoot anything that has fur or feathers (like shooting clays though!) and I rescue injured animals. I have even done this for a fox cub. But believe me having seen the absolute carnage done to some chickens who were more family pets than simply egg producers for our friends, I would easily have set my dogs at the ruddy thing given the chance.

Just to wind up the anti's and to metaphorically poke a sharp stick into His Tonyness' ear we no longer go for "walkie's" - we go "hunting with dogs". I tell everyone what we are doing and I take great delight in now being one of the criminal classes. Mind you even our local Bobby thought it was a great joke! - His comment was "As if we haven't got enough to do!"

Walt Disney has a lot to answer for.
Jan 19, 2008
Hmmmm Clive - "The synergy of man and dog is one reason why we have evolved" - what is a fox- so it's not a dog? Have you seen a tame fox? if so what is the difference apart from it's scent gland to any other dog? As for disease ridden you are just quoting the pro hunting lobby - not all foxes are disease ridden, just as all humans aren't. Regarding Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis, there are just as many vets who can furnish proof that it's the badgers who are the victims, catching it off cattle, hence Bovine Tuberculosis and not Meles Tuberculosis. A lot of the early badger corpses on the road were the result of badger baiters hitting them over the head with spades once they saw their terrier was coming off worse, also if the badger managed to get away they would shoot it in the hind legs so the dog had a better chance. I've seen dogs with their lower jaw torn off from fighting a badger, not a pretty sight. The badger still lost its life though with a fractured skull from the spade. I'm not a hunt protester but I do find it amazing how Mother Earth managed all those eons without mans intervention. The worse part was man evolving to become top of the food chain, nothing wrong in that until they crossed over from killing for food to killing for pleasure. BTW Clive, most hunts people ARE townies as the pro hunters like to call protesters as if they are a sub human species with no intelligence. For the record the Animal Liberation Front are a species of sub humans because they dont even think out their actions like releasing Mink into the wild or digging up a persons grave and stealing the bones.
Jan 19, 2008
Whatever your views on hunting (I personally do not take part and have no wish to) all must agree that the law as passed is a complete waste of time and money. But I would vote FOR hunting with dogs in a referendum. The synergy of man and dog is one reason why we have evolved as far as we have and that synergy is born of the need to provide for both. As a partnership man and dog achieve far more than either could on their own. A true partnership.

Round here (in the country) - the only people who are against it are those that have moved here from the towns.

Oh! I do not doubt that some who hunt are idiots - after all the 80/20 rule applies I am sure.

But this silly Act makes the law laughable - and that I find more worrying than anything else. If silly laws are ignored by people - how soon will it be before the sensible ones are ignored as well?

Some would say this is already happening.
I agree Clive - the law is an ass, it didn't go far enough.
Mar 14, 2005
I agree! A fox is a type of dog - no problem with that and yes I have seen and enjoyed playing with a tame fox.

But somewhere in its evolution the Fox was enabled to be an absolute sod if it gets into a chicken run. They say man is the only animal that kills for pleasure.

WRONG - A fox will kill the lot and not touch them for food.

So if it is a dog - why is hunting it with dogs a bad thing?

As for your introduction of the Badger TB augumemt - I have no problem with that because I do not know what comes first Bovine TB or Badger TB - I am not qualified to say.

But there are plenty of people who think they are.

As for people who hunt coming from Towns - that may be so in some cases - all I can say is that the local Hunt here has very few members that travel from adjacent large towns - in fact I can not think of any.

But I expect we are totally unrepresentative of Hunts in general because there is an 'R' in the month.

As for the joint evolution - there is well documented evidence that two species benefit from such synergy. I just think it funny that well meaning inhabitants of the planet Disney think that by passing a law they can undo millennia of evolution.
Mar 14, 2005
Just a thought your windyship - what are your thoughts on hunting tinkers (of any nationality) with dogs?
Mar 14, 2005
You may not transmit any material that is abusive, threatening, obscene, or sexually explicit.
Mar 14, 2005
Pot Kettle and black spring to mind!!

LMAOOOOOO - as the sensible person whos views are not that of mine but for whome niether he nor I see the need for the silly histrionics so loved of some.

I wonder who !!! ?
Mar 16, 2005
utmost respect to you. lord braykewynde, for your unexpected views.

just been going through the history books, looking for man and dog?

no a dog is still a dog,infact it is the stupidest of all animals, as it still trusts man.

so maybe you could name a few famous partnerships and explain how the dog helped us humans to evolve?, invent?, create?,

there was a time when they used to use large cats,for hunting,

but it wasn't easy to take the kill off them.

man and dog, togeather? well yes go to korea or china, they like

dogs even more so.
Mar 14, 2005
I don't agree with killing for the sake of it,I don't see it as a sport.

Unfortunately our friends in the animal world can't just *** into Tescos or the local takeaway for lunch,so they kill to eat.

Just like humans ,you get the odd nutter who will kill without reason or is it self preservation,who knows..

I'm not a historian or animal expert but who was here first..them or us.

Remember we are shrinking their world to suit our needs and then we complain about them being in OUR neighbourhood??????

Yet we all love to see the cute little deer and the proud stag only to find out its had its brains blown out the following week by some b****y foreigner or hooray hendry who gets a rush from the kill.

I am not a tree hugger or a veggie,just a caravanner who loves the outdoors and has been fortunate enough to see most types of Uk wildlife before most of them disappear.
Nov 1, 2005
im not too worried about hunting but i think its definitely time the laws on horses and pedestrian on roads were rethought.the roads are for motorized vehicles.half of these bizarre laws date back to when you needed a flag bearer to walk in front of a car.
Mar 14, 2005
im not too worried about hunting but i think its definitely time the laws on horses and pedestrian on roads were rethought.the roads are for motorized vehicles.half of these bizarre laws date back to when you needed a flag bearer to walk in front of a car.

flag bearer..reminds me of when I sat my driving test....
Mar 27, 2005
Hi All

Am I right in thinking that road law dictates that horses and pedestrians have right of way on a public highway?. If so the hunters in the original posting were exercising their right of law!
Mar 14, 2005
Technically Martyn you are correct. However pedestrians walking on the highway would today be classed as jaywalkers and charged under this old law. The unfortunate thing regarding horses being ridden on the highway is that should they bolt the average rider would not stand a hope in hell of controlling them. In south Wales it is very common on weekends to see young teanage girls riding large horses on the highway. I hate to think what would be the consequences should one of these horses bolt.
Jan 19, 2008
John b your comment about we are shrinking their world is 100% correct. For example the land owners are now pushing to get Cormorants killed saying there are too many and they are depleting trout and salmon stocks in the rivers. It is true, they are now coming further inland seeking food but not as the people with vested interests say, because they are too successful. The reason is they are starving because we have over fished the seas and to them a fish is a fish whether its at sea or in a river. Cormorants have hardly changed in millions of years and they have as much right to survive on this planet as we do meaning. Here endeth my third lesson - hmmmm maybe its my fourth, what the hell I got to catch Clive up.
Mar 14, 2005
OK Martyn, no problem - just stick a Road Tax Licence on the horses a***. :O)
Lord B - the idea of tinker hunting and sticking road tax discs on the hind quarters of a horse gives me the impression that you are loosing your marbles big time. No offence but I think you should stop and think - there is another posting about typing a reply and then scrapping it. Alternatively ask Tittilating Tina to read your responses prior to pressing the send button.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B - In repsonse to this posting and cross reference to my previous reply I must offer you my sincerest apology as in this instance I totally and wholeheartedly agree with you. More power to your thoughts and elbow.
May 20, 2005
I was under the impresion based on what the country side alliance said before the ban, that all the horses and all the hounds would have to be put down and that all the farriers, kennel hands and huntsmen would be out of work. Did I hear wrong?
Mar 14, 2005
For Giovanni

Sorry Giovanni but you are talking nonsense if you think a dog is stupid because he trusts man. Some dogs can be beaten into submission by sadists but there would be little or no trust involved.

You really do have a downer on the human race. Shame - I believe that 80% are good as per the 80/20 rule.

As for the partnership theory - from what I have read the concept is that by allowing the protection and warning duties to be "sub-contracted" to the dog in return for a bit of space by the fire and food, early man was able to develop quicker. Not the whole story I grant you - the opposing thumb comes into the equation somewhere.

Other examples of this type of co-operation is the African "bee-hunter bird" (I think that is what it is called) that flies around man to get his attention then leads the man to the bees nest and man and bird share the honey.

A more bizarre examples of animal partnerships include a type of prawn and a fish that share the same hole in the rock face and have been observed sharing food.

Symbiotic relationships are common. On this issue - try googling "Leakey - Richard" the renowned paleoanthropologist. Lots of stuff on it there.

As for the culinary requirements of China and Korea - I would refer you to the French who eat snails and frogs. Just as awful and a fair bit more slimy. But I do not want to get into a tit for tat competition as I think I would be the tat.

As for using cats to hunt - it happens regularly here. I feed my three cats and in return they bring me the odd rat, mouse and even a very sick Mink once (bloody glad it was sick as those things are vicious) - It is part of their make-up to look after there "pack".

Dogs are the same - not stupid but some are a bit too trusting.


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