Hyundai - Being fair on pricing?

Dec 21, 2012
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Hi Folks,
Received last week a card through the door inviting me, as a special customer to a VIP weekend, where screen prices would be withdrawn and with the presence of a Hyundai Sales, very keen prices would be offered to previous customers. Whilst giving this invite thought, I received an update from the Caravan Club stating that members would be offered a deal of £7400 off list, plus a free tow bar on a new Santa Fe. When I contacted the Hyundai VIP offer people to ask if
they would be matching or bettering the Caravan Club offer, guess what - silence
Beware folks, not all offers are as good as they might have you believe.
(Now I can't stop the texts saying they are selling plenty of cars at the VIP event)
I don't think they would like me to visit the event now if I was tell tell their customers what I now know.
Nov 16, 2015
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Thanks Montrose, just logged into that, a saving of £7950 on the top Sante Fe. As mine is now 2 1/2 years old, going to have a really good lok at this offer, Got a premium at present, I would like the extras on the SE.
Nov 6, 2005
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Not everyone would be a Caravan club member so they wouldnt know, likewise if someone on your street had bought a new car with a friends and family scheme with a car manufacturer? There always are better deals out there, i would suggest using Carwow , it doesnt cost anything and would give you a good idea of whats being offered without the hassle of going to the dealers.
Jul 11, 2015
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As above carwow is a good starting point, use the lowest offer you receive to get a better deal. Askaprice is another good site to get a starting point.

The VIP events also seem to be selling off unsold stock, so the car is as is, any extras such as a tow bar wouldn't be part of the VIP offer, unless a stock car had one fitted.

As always buyer beware.

I was sat in the dealers whilst my car was serviced on a VIP event. It was kind of odd walking in through a shiny scaffold arch with coloured lights, streamers and those fake flame things going, and blaring music. Felt tacky rather than 'VIP'.
May 7, 2012
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I suppose the answer is get the club offer price and then go to the function with a print and challenge them to beat it. If they cannot then nothing is lost.
Nov 16, 2015
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Well so far, for a Santa Fe , premium i have had a quote of £28958, and from Carwow, 3 different quotes, lowest being from Hyundai at Stratford upon Avon at £28758. This is getting interesting.
Jun 20, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Well so far, for a Santa Fe , premium i have had a quote of £28958, and from Carwow, 3 different quotes, lowest being from Hyundai at Stratford upon Avon at £28758. This is getting interesting.
Do I sense a Dutch Auction coming from Korea :p
Nov 6, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Well so far, for a Santa Fe , premium i have had a quote of £28958, and from Carwow, 3 different quotes, lowest being from Hyundai at Stratford upon Avon at £28758. This is getting interesting.
What is the list price?
Nov 16, 2015
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For the basic SF premium, auto, 5 seat without frilles, or service package £34545. Which is what I have been quoted for by Carwow,
The CC offer had the £799, 5 year service package and the "convienience package another £1050
So the CC offer is the best so far.
Nov 16, 2015
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Yes, it is, but the offer seems to be over all of the hyundai range. Log into Hyundai Affinity and enterd code E07. Cant bee easier.
Nov 16, 2015
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Me too, SWMBO, has poo pooed, the idea, so plans have now changed but an interesting result, maybe in another 3 years when the Warranty runs out on this one, I will look around again.
But It caused me to give the car a really good clean out, as I thought I might have been px it. :cheer:
Jun 2, 2015
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I just about managed a to stretch to a 10 plate last year. Nice car though and I was adamant about the 10 plate thing for the more powerful engine.
Aug 23, 2009
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Hutch, has E been speaking to J? I've been told a categoric no on car, despite my argument around increased independence. Oh and the same when I suggested changing the van too. :(
Nov 16, 2015
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I think they must have been talking, E said whats the point of a new car if we cant afford to go away in it!!!
So bedroom and bathroon door painted, got to get new carpet for front bedroom, then hopefully E will get the all clear from the Vet and be off antibiotics and back on Pino gregio. Then we can get off to Morten in the Marsh. Ah the joys of having a house.
Nov 16, 2015
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Saint Spoon, just got a lot of replies back from CarWow, on 2Nd hand SF's, and there are a lot of good deals out there, I think thats the way I shall go if I go for another SF.


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