Yesterday I had to deliver a load of toys to London. So I hopped into an 18 wheel Artic and headed off down the A10.
Several fines for offences later and a huge repair bill for going off road I made it.
Of course all of this took place on the kitchen table where my 9 year old grandson and I had our laptops and were running Euro Truck Simulator 2.
The demo is free and it's remarkably realistic. The paid for version is only £4.22 and you can get different maps for around the world.
What prompted me to post this was that at some point I had to reverse the beast and it confirmed what I knew about reversing my caravan..... I'm rubbish at it.
Good fun if you have the time and incentive.
Several fines for offences later and a huge repair bill for going off road I made it.
Of course all of this took place on the kitchen table where my 9 year old grandson and I had our laptops and were running Euro Truck Simulator 2.
The demo is free and it's remarkably realistic. The paid for version is only £4.22 and you can get different maps for around the world.
What prompted me to post this was that at some point I had to reverse the beast and it confirmed what I knew about reversing my caravan..... I'm rubbish at it.
Good fun if you have the time and incentive.