That looks a really useful piece of kit. Amazing that you can still buy what looks to be the identical one after all these years. Just goes to show that if you get the design and quality right the stuff just keeps on selling.
It was most definitely T.I.C no idea of your age but I’m no spring chicken, I’m on the home straight heading for Nirvana otherwise known as retirement, planned for around this time next year , counting the days!
Ps Mike what is charcoal?
The eco que looks good, not sure tho as to whether you can still buy i as I google searched and first results seem to say unavailable and not sure if it will be. I looked as I was interested in the price.
I assume the defib. machine is just out of shot, for that 'heart attack' on a plate! .
Only joking - looks good. Though can i drop the black pudding please.
ps never have a seen a dog in such close proximity to a plate of breakfast, and not be remotely interested!
I would not myself use one over exposed charcoal for fear the temperature involved there could release nasties from the PTFE.
Using the liner here would tend to defeat the real purpose of charcoal BBQing, the flavouring from the food juices burning on the charcoal
Why would you grill on charcoal, then 'lose' the effects of same?
In my case because I used a so called indirect cooking technique, where the food is is on a griddle but the griddle did not cover the whole area and was not directly over the coals. In that configuration the emanating food cooking vapours circulate, some burning on the coals and consequently flavouring the food. It is a technique that works well.
Probably I should add, I use the unit's hood during this form of cooking.
Sorry not sure how the 2 got in there. I appreciate the accident in the tent, but with zips and sewn in ground sheets these tend to be far more airtight than awnings, so the risk in an awning should be far less. It is not good practice to use one in an awning though, particularly charcoal which emit CO for some time..
- The risk is from carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide. Gas burning correctly generates virtually no CO so using a gas hob within the caravan is not a risk given the ventilation within the caravan. The risk of CO from charcoal bbqs is another matter given that such bbqs do generate a lot more CO. Only relatively recently some campers died from CO poisoning whilst sleeping in their tent. The disposable bbq had been used and placed in the tents front area for disposal the following day. A very sad accident. Hence the increase of warning notices at CMHC and CCC sites.
I mentioned lava rocks in an above post. I had one of this type and it’s a good compromise between a charcoal bbq and a straight gas type bbq. The rocks do add something to the flavour as per traditional bbq but of course no charcoal debris to dispose of.I am not ready for the George Formon bit yet, but have thought of trying this gas BBQ.
Any one use one, ?
That way i can still burn my food to the correct level.
I might give it a try for next time out. It's light enough to carry.I mentioned lava rocks in an above post. I had one of this type and it’s a good compromise between a charcoal bbq and a straight gas type bbq. The rocks do add something to the flavour as per traditional bbq but of course no charcoal debris to dispose of.