In praise of pot washes


Mar 17, 2007
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Quite seriously one of the things I love about camping and caravanning is the pot wash. I especially like the ones that are verandas over a row of sinks, so you are practically outdoors. Chatting to others as the pots are done is great, the task is a pleasure not a chore. I have a sink in my van but it is quite inadequate and there is no sensible draining board so it is the potwash every time. However the other weekend although the site was busy enough there were very few at the potwash, except those who were tenting. Are caravanners now washing up in the splendid isolation of their vans? What do others do?
Mar 14, 2005
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Mel pot wash every time where possible - saves a mess in the caravan. As i generally end up doing the washing up whilst away I can understand your feeling of friendlyness as it is quite a social centre. However no one has offered whilst washing their dishes to do mine for me whilst I chat to them. Caravanners can be very selfish on times.
Nov 26, 2006
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Washing up is my wifes job - I do the cooking - and she always uses the site washup, as the van sink is too cramped to be convenient.

She uses a rectangular bucket, reserved for this job, to carry it all - much easier than the people who struggle with a washing up bowl, which is not designed to be carried.
Jan 21, 2007
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When it's just the two of us there are few items to wash so we do it in the 'van but when we have the granddaughters with us there is loads of stuff so we use the wash area. The girls love it too and are very willing to help nanna out. No, not me, I do all the other stuff.
Aug 16, 2006
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As weekenders, if we are only staying for 2 nights then the dirty pots go into a rectangular bucket under the sink and we take them home and put them in the dishwasher. If staying for 3 nights then husband washes up at the site facility after the first night or there would be no room left in the bucket! he recently heard two boys telling their mum how it was much easier to wash up at cub camp as they simply put the dirty pots in the shower switched it on and came back later to find them clean! He said their mother who was showing them how to wash up properly because "it is a mans job" was speechless.
Aug 9, 2005
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Pot wash area if there is one, or if not, I use a bowl on a table in the Awning and a tray to drain on, lots of room, he washes I work LOL.
Mar 9, 2007
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I would tend to wash the breakfast dishes in the caravan as there is only a couple of cereal bowls usually. However main evening meal is always followed by a trip to the outdoors pot wash area.
Mar 14, 2005
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I might drag the BBQ over there, to give it a big scrub, but apart from that we use the caravan/motorhome for the dishes. True, we don't get the advantage of meeting other people doing the washing up and we have to be careful what goes down the plug hole. However, I can't say I enjoy doing the pots'n'pans (dries out my baby soft skin)(Ok, I lied about that bit), so the job gets done in double quick time, indoors.
Nov 26, 2006
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So, it seems the majority are for the washup, not the van.

Has anybody ever come across a dishwasher in a unit? Should be possible with a super pitch!
Aug 12, 2005
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We always use the site washing up sink. I think we might be able to do a couple of mugs in the caravan sink but not much more. We pile it all in a bucket until there's a full "load". Besides as Mel says it's great to meet other folk and get the best info on where to visit or eat.

When our son still came with us it was him and my husband who went but now we usually share. I wash and he dries.
Dec 14, 2006
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We met a Dutch family once with a dishwasher like a huge bucket which fitted into the socket where the jockey wheel should be, and was turned by hand to wash the dishes somehow! It seemed harder work than walking over to the washing-up area! We did think that one designed like an exercise bike would be good (for the thighs, and quicker than by hand!!!)
May 27, 2006
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Ive got an auto washup machine which trundles over to the pot wash and does all the work for me apart from drying crockery etc.

I`m left to do that the hard old fashioned way back at the van.

Takes ages to do it tho but always comes back to the van with a smile on its face from having long friendly chats with other machines

(Bless Her)
Mar 14, 2005
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Ive got an auto washup machine which trundles over to the pot wash and does all the work for me apart from drying crockery etc.

I`m left to do that the hard old fashioned way back at the van.

Takes ages to do it tho but always comes back to the van with a smile on its face from having long friendly chats with other machines

(Bless Her)
The driver belt has gone on mine and the filter is all blocked up. Should I repair or trade in?


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