
Jun 28, 2010
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hello again chaps.

as you helped me out with my aerial probs i thought i would try you on this one.

as i said , i'm new to caravaning and must say i'm loving it but have alot to learn.

the subject is, insurance,where to go for it? what to cover? etc etc.

many thanks.

Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Garry

First I'd get quotes from the two Clubs, ie Caravan Club; and The Camping and Caravanning Club.

Read their covers carefully and make sure you understand all The Special Policy Conditions and Warranties , particularly in regard to security and theft risks.

Then by all means hunt elsewhere but just remember cheap is not the best.

Read the small print very carefully and be certain you fully understand it.

Quotes obtained over the telephone need care. Be certain you answer all questions accurately. If you do not understand the question ask again. They record these conversations and may use your answers against you in the event of a future claim.

In my experience as an overall package and peace of mind , the two Clubs insurance schemes take some beating.




Mar 14, 2005
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Garry, take great care in getting insurance.

Whilst some plicies may look attractive, on price for example, there can be quite expensive hidden extras.

E&L for example look quite cheap except they quote per Lunar Month, not Calendar Month, so you actually pay for 13 months.

Also look very carefully at the security requirements.

The Caravan Club abd Camping & Caravanning Club only ask for either a hitchlock or wheelclamp, whereas others insist on both whenever the van is unattened, such a stop at a motorway service area.

I also urge you to lok at other forums and see what others say about different companies.

The main clubs may not be the cheapest, but they do offer unrivalled cover and in the event of a claim are usuall yvery quick and hassle free to deal with.

I have personally been with E&L in the past(Never again but thats a different story), but with the Caravan Club for the last 8 years and they have deaalt with three claims very quickly and very courteously.
Nov 5, 2006
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there are 2 options for caravan insurance,new for old,but you have to revise your insurance each year to cover the cost of a new van. Market value,which is cheaper but you only get what the present value is(including repairs) But C&CC do a gauranteed value option,for 2nd hand vans bought from a dealer.This guarantees that you will get what you paid for the van
Aug 6, 2010
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I am a member of the caravan club, and use their insurance.Its quite simple for me, because unless you claim you can never be certain how good your cover really is,so whoever you go with will only be as good as the day you claim.
So by its very nature the caravan club is about caravan owners, so one would expect them to offer an insurance that does not tarnish their reputation, when you consider that even without the internet,its members will mingle and talk and exchange stories.

So I like to think as the insurance is through this club that i am a member of,it will be good insurance,and at least if things did go wrong, i would have people to shout at....


Terribly sorry to disappoint 'Johnny G', but the Club insurance has biasically nothing to do with them. They are merely is provided by Direct Line which is part of RBS, which you own by the way. Yes, there are a few clauses in there aimed at caravanners but it offers the same as you can get elsewhere, if you choose. It is an easy option for a beginner, but after a year or so, you do find you can do better, or get equivalent foe a cheaper price.

One tip is to always tell them you have obtaned a quote from 'Bloggs & Co' for such and such. Usually they will match or beat it. NEVER be a loyal customer or you will end up being screwed to the wall.
Aug 14, 2010
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As Damien said above E & L appear cheap but they like to add extras on to your policy without asking you first, they will then send you a letter saying they have added 'whatever they fancy' as they think it will benefit you and your payment will be going up by £?? per month. You then have to phone them to tell them you don't want the additional cover, I soon got sick of that!

I'm now with Cover4caravans and find them very reasonable.