Is there a section for Sad "O", s.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Is there a particular section on here for the above? When i say Sad "O",s its sad people that you see on sites i.e. people who put wheel lock on the caravan when pitched up and the Sad "O",s who put fairy lights round there awnings.
Does any body on here do the above? And qualify for the Sad "O" club.
Feb 13, 2024
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Newbie question, if you've told your insurance that your van is protected with a wheel lock (when not being towed), doesn't it become invalid if your van is nicked and the wheel lock is in the boot of your car?
But how do they know its in the boot of your car? Are you going to tell them? No, i dont think so.
Nov 11, 2009
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What’s sad about putting a wheel lock on when pitched? I always fitted one. Mind you not a particularly strong one but it fulfilled my obligations to my insurer.
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Dec 27, 2022
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Insurance companies wriggle like an eel. I wouldn't give them the chance by leaving off the wheel lock. I even put it on when parked outside the house overnight before going back to storage. Oh and I always use the alarm as well 🤔
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Deleted member 23278

...Wheel locks, fairy lights, illuminated totem poles and an 8 feet tall inflatable duck...
I expect to see all these and many more things at Clubfest this coming weekend!

Oh, and if the 'O'P could clarify - what does the 'O' in sad 'O' signify?
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Oct 17, 2010
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Is there a particular section on here for the above? When i say Sad "O",s its sad people that you see on sites i.e. people who put wheel lock on the caravan when pitched up and the Sad "O",s who put fairy lights round there awnings.
Does any body on here do the above? And qualify for the Sad "O" club.
Your not a script writer for the Two Ronnies are you ????
Nov 30, 2022
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I once saw a chap dutifully fitting his Alko wheel lock.

We were on the car deck of a ferry to Spain :rolleyes: God knows what his thought proccess was!

It's a condition of my insurance that the wheel lock is fitted when the caravan is not connected to the car. So that's what I do. I don't consider that to be the actions of a "saddo"

But colour chasing LED poles and flying kites...........................???
Jul 18, 2017
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We always fit wheel locks and hitch lock and set alarm if we go out. We have never bothered with fairy lights as they are only there for every one else's benefit as they serve no purpose. Why spend an hour or so erecting them, when you could be relaxing. Same with flags unless a special occasion i.e. jubilee. However if people enjoy erecting them that is their choice and no concern of ours.
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May 10, 2020
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Ah now after having to sit and listen to a caravan alarm on site for six hours after the owners had gone out…..😳 no I would never use the alarm on site in consideration to others.
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Jul 18, 2017
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Ah now after having to sit and listen to a caravan alarm on site for six hours after the owners had gone out…..😳 no I would never use the alarm on site in consideration to others.
Our alarm notifies us wherever we may be even if in another country. However it also resets after a few minutes unless whatever set it off is still interfering with the caravan. Also not that sensitive and so not even a fly sets it off.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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Is there a particular section on here for the above? When i say Sad "O",s its sad people that you see on sites i.e. people who put wheel lock on the caravan when pitched up and the Sad "O",s who put fairy lights round there awnings.
Does any body on here do the above? And qualify for the Sad "O" club.
Can I draw your attention to the first line in this Communitys Guidelines.......

Do not harass, attack, or demean other forum users, including official staff. Disagreement is welcome, but different points of view can coexist without anyone resorting to personal attacks.

This is a friendly forum lets keep it that without trying to start contentious threads, which border on the verge of Trolling.

I'm split between deleting this thread or leaving it locked as an example of what topics should be avoided. If it continues to run then I'll lock it. Hopefully it will end on its on account.
Jun 20, 2005
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I own up . Two wheel locks , hitch lock , two steady locks alarm and a set of Deli Dave’s infamous chameleon. colour lights whilst on site. Do I qualify 🤪🤪
Nov 16, 2015
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Well if my post offended anyone at all then I profusely apologise. All done in the spirit of banter between, I hope, friends. Put it down to an active “sense of humour “ gland.
I thought it was pretty obviously a Jest posting. We had a woman trying to get into our van one evening, Oh sorry wrong caravan, It must be the next one.
Next door were her friends, sitting outside, in a sunshade decked in awning lights. Nothing like our van.
Apparently a very good Malbec from Waitrose, was available. 🍷🍷
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Jul 15, 2008
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......when I read a post like the OP's I either think what a weird sense of humour or someone trying to put people's backs up to generate responses.

My rule is to pass by without comment!
Think I've just broken my own rule :D
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May 7, 2012
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I am afraid wheel locks are an essential these days and not sing one puts your property at a higher risk. Thieves want the easy target and without one the caravan is very vulnerable, even old and what you might think undesirable ones go missing. They are not impregnable but do help.
As for the insurers, wheel locks are normally left broken and mangled by the thieves. If you do not have it the insurer will be suspicious and from then on your claim will get extra scrutiny. In practice it is best not only to fit the lock, but photograph it in position. If you have the receipt keep that as proof you have one.
As far as fairy lights go I have nothing against them and if that is what turns you on fit them.
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