Is this Too cheap?!! Is there something wrong

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Pride usually comes before a fall.

I work on the old Australian philosophy.., A million flies cannot be wrong. Better park downwind of me..


Actually, better make that upwind. Don't know me ups from downs. However, I can always be called upon to point out you missed a bit.
Jun 4, 2007
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Quite agree Scotch lad, get the priorities right. I clean the windows and re coat the tyres walls before I clean the front panel.

If you like a chair in the sun, what did you do last summer after putting up the storm straps and drying your socks? Mug or Horlicks, turn up the gas heater and put on an extra sweater maybe ;-(


Sorry to disappoint you. Last July we went to Mallorca, sans van. Came back at the beginning of August and looked at the rain for 5 days before getting on the plane back to Mallorca. Came home again for September. The tan lasted at least 3 weeks.

The joys of being retired.

Did take the van out in September down to Yorkshire but the weather was not brilliant so after a couple of weeks came home again, and that was it for the season. Actually, not quite the whole story as we went back to Central Europe in October only returning at Xmas, but that was unplanned work.

This year the plan is to head for France in middle May and see what happens. If the weather is good we stay in France until August, and return to the UK while the French 'hordes' have their 3 weeks of fun. Then return to France until late September. If the weather is crap, then south, or east we go. Hungary has hot summers from June through to October and the wine is excellent.


Just finished the 'apres dejeuner' coffee. Wife watching some soapy opera, or something like that. Last time I watched Coronation Sreet Ena Sharples was complaining that milk stout had gone up to 1 shilling and tenpence. Have not seen it, or any of them since.

Don't drink too much wine during the week, especially as it costs so much here. Same goes for whisky, and no, I did not have haggis last night. Did have some last week though.

Just waiting for Spring.