Mar 14, 2005
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An up and coming young song and dance act went to theatre land to seek a manager. On arriving at a manger's office and explaining what he wished he gave a quick audition. The manager was very impressed and started to fill out a signing up form. He asked the young man for his name to which he replied "P***S VAN LESBIAN". The manager was taken aback by this and said that if he wished to get on in show business he would have to change his name and he would not represent him with a name like that. After a heated discussion he was asked to leave as he was not prepared to change his name.

A few months passed and the manager received a phone call from the young artist who said "I've taken your advice and changed my name and the work is now pouring in" The manager asked him what his new name was and he replied "DICK VAN ****"
Mar 14, 2005
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This joke has been on screen for almost 45 minutes and no response - you lot are a amiserable bunch tonight - no wonder you haven't gone away, too miserable to part with your money.
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin I would have replied sooner but too busy following you around this forum, I am trying my best, please beare with me slow down, stop taking the tablets, your on overdrive.hehehe Liz


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