Journey across the borders

May 21, 2008
We enjoyed a cheap holiday last week courtesy of the current bun.

Treco bay, Porthcawl was the venue. But we had two royal parish's to traverse.

First came the royal seat of Lord Brakywind and the crossing of the moat of Hereford (Wye bridge) which was in total grid lock as useual.

Then once at our destination we decided to venture to Bridgend for a shopping trip. Where we found parking the charriot a challenge. Even a local taxi driver struggled to point us in the direction of J Sainsbury.

At neither of the royal gateways did we see the town cryer on guard. Nor did they accept groats, goats, sheep, bullocks or cider as coin of the realm.

Joking apart, Bridgend was a nice town once you could get in and find a car park space. Even my trusty Garmin had a speach impedament right outside Tesco at the bridge. she developed a stutter and for about 30 seconds could only manage, t t t t t t t t t t t t turn t t t t t t t t t turn t t t t t t t turn right!! and on top of that I got turn right then sharp left, on a dual carriageway with no exits for a mile or more!!

Teacle bay as it should be called (due to the color of the sea) was ok for a "kiss me kwick" blackpool of the vallies 250 static van park. Wouldn't pay the full fare of £220 for the week though. Can think of half a dozen touring parks I could stay at over 15 days and still have change out of £220.

Porthcawl esplanade (well the sea front road anyway) was full of fly campers in motorhomes and even converted buses, which made it look like a shanty town.

All in all, a short sharp shock of a break away from city life. Ok for wanna be caberate starlets of the local caravan parks. Not much else to exite th etaste buds.
Jan 19, 2008
First of all Steve, I must apologise for the hold-up on the Wye bridge. As you know it's the only crossing in Hereford so all inward traffic is searched incase the Welsh are being smuggled in the boots of cars. My dream is to catch colin(bridgend) trying to get in :O)

Secondly with reference to your Garmin, that was no speech impediment, it had simply switched into Welsh language mode.
Mar 14, 2005
Steve - tell me, were you in Bridgend, south Wales? The wording of your posting does not bear resemblance to the Bridgend I live in. The best thing in Bridgend is the road out whether it be to the east,west,north or south. As far as Porthcawl is concerned I have made many references on this forum before that should any one wish to holiday in south Wales they should venture west of Swansea as east of the city is an industrial blackspot. As far as Porthcawl is concerned you are correct it is a glorified slum. The shopping street (John Street) is not too bad and Rest Bay is pretty good. Apart from that there is sweet F.A. to offer the holiday maker or day tripper. Therefore for all you visitors to Wales STAY WEST OF SWANSEA. I feel embarressed to say this but the truth always hurts.

Regarding Hereford I have on numourous occassions offered the hand of friendship to his Lordship but on each occassion he appears to decline my offer. I don't know what I have done to offend him but it seems as if it is big time.
Mar 14, 2005
Hang on a minute Colin(bridgend)! Where I live in Torfaen is absolutely glorious! We have had industrial pollution in the past, but the powers-that-be have turned that history into an asset, and that, along with the area's natural beauty, makes it a great tourist attraction. Next time you pass along the HoV road, take note of all the foreign registered cars and coaches.

Whilst I agree with you re Port Talbot and surrounding area, particularly along the coast, lots of south east Wales is very attractive. Now, stand in the corner and sing "Sospan Fach" ten times!
Mar 14, 2005
Hang on a minute Colin(bridgend)! Where I live in Torfaen is absolutely glorious! We have had industrial pollution in the past, but the powers-that-be have turned that history into an asset, and that, along with the area's natural beauty, makes it a great tourist attraction. Next time you pass along the HoV road, take note of all the foreign registered cars and coaches.

Whilst I agree with you re Port Talbot and surrounding area, particularly along the coast, lots of south east Wales is very attractive. Now, stand in the corner and sing "Sospan Fach" ten times!
PS, try offering Lord B a pint of Scrumpy.
Jan 19, 2008
Hang on a minute Colin(bridgend)! Where I live in Torfaen is absolutely glorious! We have had industrial pollution in the past, but the powers-that-be have turned that history into an asset, and that, along with the area's natural beauty, makes it a great tourist attraction. Next time you pass along the HoV road, take note of all the foreign registered cars and coaches.

Whilst I agree with you re Port Talbot and surrounding area, particularly along the coast, lots of south east Wales is very attractive. Now, stand in the corner and sing "Sospan Fach" ten times!
hehheh! emmerson.
Jan 19, 2008
Steve - tell me, were you in Bridgend, south Wales? The wording of your posting does not bear resemblance to the Bridgend I live in. The best thing in Bridgend is the road out whether it be to the east,west,north or south. As far as Porthcawl is concerned I have made many references on this forum before that should any one wish to holiday in south Wales they should venture west of Swansea as east of the city is an industrial blackspot. As far as Porthcawl is concerned you are correct it is a glorified slum. The shopping street (John Street) is not too bad and Rest Bay is pretty good. Apart from that there is sweet F.A. to offer the holiday maker or day tripper. Therefore for all you visitors to Wales STAY WEST OF SWANSEA. I feel embarressed to say this but the truth always hurts.

Regarding Hereford I have on numourous occassions offered the hand of friendship to his Lordship but on each occassion he appears to decline my offer. I don't know what I have done to offend him but it seems as if it is big time.
Awwwwwwww c'mon colin, I gave you free passage to Wrexham :O)
Jan 19, 2008
Theres nice countryside along the Brecon and Monmouth canal from Brecon to Pontypool. When I had my boat on there though I did draw the line by not stopping overnight in Cwmbran.
Mar 14, 2005
We had a hire boat on the Mon and Brec about 16 years ago. It took three days to go from Govilon to Brecon, and four to come back! Absolutely idyllic. We did think of buying a narrowboat, but wouldn't use it enough to justify the on-going costs.
Mar 14, 2005
Emmerson I will agree there is beauty to be found in south east Wales but to spend a holiday in this area would be a big disappointment. There are very nice areas in the valleys and along the coast but not sufficient to warrent calling the area a tourist attraction area. Regarding the Heads of the Valleys road it is one big set of road works and when I travelled along there in March from Abergaveny I was feeling k*******d by the time I got to the Pontypridd turn off. God knows what it is like west of this junction past Merthyr and Aberdare.
Jan 19, 2008
Emmerson I will agree there is beauty to be found in south east Wales but to spend a holiday in this area would be a big disappointment. There are very nice areas in the valleys and along the coast but not sufficient to warrent calling the area a tourist attraction area. Regarding the Heads of the Valleys road it is one big set of road works and when I travelled along there in March from Abergaveny I was feeling k*******d by the time I got to the Pontypridd turn off. God knows what it is like west of this junction past Merthyr and Aberdare.
Do you remember the Heads of The Valleys road when it was a 3 lane death trap in the 70s? The middle lane was a free for all and it was always bloody raining.
Mar 14, 2005
Thankfully I had little call to travel that road in those days. From Bridgend if we wanted to travel to Gloucester way it was easier to go via the A48 through Chepstow, Lydney, etc. especially in the late summer when all the fruit stalls were on the side of the road. Don't see them nowadays - does anybody know if they are still there between Lydney and Gloucester - plums were fantastic.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B, I remember the HoV when it was a narrow road passing through all the villages between Abergavenny and Merthyr. What a nightmare trying to get up Black Rock with a loaded Artic!

And even worse coming down in winter! When it's finished, it will be one heck of an engineering feat. To dual a road as busy as that and keep the traffic moving, all be it slowly, is a masterpiece of logistics.With regard to colin's comments re tourism, I ran a club rally at the Whistle Inn on the road from Brynmawr to Blaenavon. it attracted 15 vans, and they all asked me to do it again. I eventually ran that rally for 4 consecutive years, and they still ask me to do it again. I think the final rally had 22 vans.In a club of only 70 odd members, that's not bad for an "unattractive" area. The Local council are now considering opening a caravan site in the area, and B&B accomodation needs to be booked in advance in shool holidays.

Not a tourist attraction? Then what is Colin? Got to go now, breakfast's ready.


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