Lake Garda

Dec 29, 2024
We are driving to Lake Garda in April from North Wales, UK. Please could you advice us on the best route to take with a touring caravan. Thank you


Mar 17, 2007
We are driving to Lake Garda in April from North Wales, UK. Please could you advice us on the best route to take with a touring caravan. Thank you

Have you decided where you will be crossing the Channel yet? I am assuming Dover Calais but suppose you could be going to Ostend or even the Hook. Knowing this will help others advise you.
Nov 30, 2022
Stick with motorways and/or major routes and you will be fine.
Get an atlas and draw a straight line from your port of entry to your destination, and use major routes that follow that line closely. Or use AA or Michelin route planners, both are free to use.
Nov 6, 2005
Stick with motorways and/or major routes and you will be fine.
Get an atlas and draw a straight line from your port of entry to your destination, and use major routes that follow that line closely. Or use AA or Michelin route planners, both are free to use.
Or Google Maps or Waze.

Choose your channel crossing, based on time/cost or whatever's important to you - then add the crossing terminals as waypoints and re-run.

I believe going via Luxembourg allows you to refuel cheaply.
Jan 3, 2012
Hi tourer Welcome to the forum I have been to Lake Garda but mine was on a coach tour so someone else on here will give you, the advice you need enjoy your trip
Jul 18, 2017
Hi Tourer, We went in summer 23, you won’t be disappointed. Like you we traveled from north west England,overnight ferry to Caen(I know it’s a longer route)then diagonal across france(500 miles in a day on main roads) couple of days rest near Grenoble then drive through the frejus tunnel past Turin Milan and onto south lake garda(camping Baia verde(approx 370 miles).same route home.
So before the haters chip in with,oh that’s too far to drive towing etc…. It’s each to their own . I’m happy to drive , I’m nearly 50 so don’t need pee stops etc and I only can take holidays of 2 1/2 weeks max at a time, so get there set up enjoy then get home maximising time there. If I was retired I’d probably go Dover ,amble down the east side of France and then join my route,lovely and scenic going through Germany and over the Dolomites,but do you really want to tow over several mountain passes?
Whichever way you do it,it’s a stunning area.
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Nov 30, 2022
Lorry drivers have strict rules on driving hours, and they are driving all day every day, not just holiday trips. Maintaining concentration, when towing, over 500 miles in a day, in a foreign environment is really pushing your luck to the limit despite what you think you are capable of.

I speak from a point of having dealt with a fair few fatal crashes (frequently involving single vehicles) where fatigue was clearly a contributory, if not the sole, factor.

To quote an oft seen, and very accurate, message on roadside matrix signs in the UK "Tireness kills"

Better to arrive late than dead on time is a very sensible attitude to adopt.


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