Lock n Level

Jun 20, 2005
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When I get too old to use the cheat or bottle jack method with or without wooden boards for levelling I'd certainly consider them. However I do wonder how long they will last before getting a puncture or blowout. A very good idea imo.
Nov 11, 2009
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Interesting concept which Ive seen used to lift off roading 4x4s in soft ground. The one thing Id want to ensure is that the typical hardstanding doesn't damage the piece so some base layer would be essential, and secondly it its only 30psi required I would still carry my trusty bicycle track pump as well as the electrical one.
Sep 29, 2016
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Dustydog said:
When I get too old to use the cheat or bottle jack method

Sir Dustydog

Can you explain the "cheat or bottle jack method" (for the benefit of newcomers to caravaning - of course :p ).

Thanks DD
May 24, 2014
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There is another thread running re the Milenco levellers and I introduced this item into the conversation. I have been using one for 4 years or so, prior to that I had the Milenco contraption. As others have said, the Milenco can sink if the ground is soft, it does take a bit of winding to raise to any significant height, and takes far longer than it ought to do.

The Lock N Level, in addition to being very easy to use, doesnt sink, doesnt lose pressure over a long stay and the caravan levels very easily once the Alko lock is in place. On hard or sharp stoney pitches, I use a section of old rubber car mat below the bag just to protect it. This probably isnt needed as the bag itself is extremely tough and durable. If I have to use the bag on the offside, I find I am inundated with questions about it and the general consensus of those that have seen it is that is good kit. It is pricey but I feel myself it is well worth the money. It is also far faster to deploy than the Milenco and requires no winding. It is also much smaller to carry than milencos offering.
Mar 14, 2005
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I use one of the old yellow ramps (can't remember the name) if I need just a gentle levelling and, for the first time last year, Lock n Level if I need any more. I would endorse what Thingy said. Easy to use, robust construction, folds away neatly.
Nov 6, 2006
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LnL themselves recommend using a mat when the device is used on hard standing. The material used is heavy duty stuff - heavier than say the similar used on car airsprings.

My only issue is that mine have deflated slowly a couple of times, which is not good at all as this allows the steadies on that side to take far more load than they should do.
Nov 4, 2007
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I've been using the LocknLevel for a few years on my twin axle. When on hardstanding, I use a piece of 9mm plywood (1 foot by 2 foot) under each section of the LocknLevel.
I too had a problem of air loss. This was due to a faulty valve and/or valve cap which was fixed by LocknLevel .
I wouldn't go back to using ramps or wood to level now but I wonder whether the caravan moves more in windy conditions.
Jun 20, 2017
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Thanks all for the replies.
I dont want to be using or carrying ramps and pieces of timber and to be fair, the types of pitches we use are generally flat, will take a punt on one I think.

Sep 4, 2017
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I too are on the verge of getting some sort of wheel leveling system. All you guys that have used them for donkey's years, typically what sort of heights have you found most often needed. The Milenco triple gives 40, 80 and 120 mm. I mostly stand on premium sites and so far here in the UK needed about 40 / 60 mm at most.


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