Lunar Delta 640EW 2004 MY

Mar 14, 2005

If any one has any more info regarding cracks on the front panel of Lunar Deltas, then please respond as i am building a case against my dealer. My van has been repaired once and then cracked again and its only 7 months old and cost nearly £20K - Very disappointed with the aftersales sevice of Lunar amnd my dealer.
Mar 14, 2005
I had this problem with an Eldiss I previously owned. I rang my dealer who who spoke to Explorer who sent out a rep from the company who made the panels. The cracks were on the front panel near the locker box lid hinges. The rep said that the cracks were gel coat cracks caused by the manufacterer putting too much stress on the panel when drilling the holes for the hinge. The dealer then said that they had been instructed by explorer to repair the cracks. I then phoned explorer myself and spoke to the after sales manager, I explained that the van was less than 1 year old and was reluctant to have a repair as I did not know whether the cracks would return as I did not know the repair would last. He assured me that the repair would cause no problems in the future and to his credit he put this in writing. The workshop that carried out the repair (Clermont Leicester now J & R Leicester) did an excellent job couldn't see where the repair had been done including reinforcing the affected area with alluminium plate on the inside

Don't know if this is any use
Mar 14, 2005
Darryl - so sorry you're having all this agro with your new van. It really shouldn't have any of these faults, get advice from your local CAB and/or Solicitor. The Sale of Goods Act states that "Goods must be of Merchantable Quality and fit for purpose" - clearly your van is not & you should demand a refund and not accept any further repairs as these could lead to future problems and subsequent de-valuation. The trade calls them "Leaky Lunars" - we bought a 1 yr old Delta in '93, which was worthless by 2000 due to being full of damp, despite annual servicing etc. Get your cash back.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Darryl, Sadly it was not a good idea to accept a repair in the first instance. This has weakend your case, though if you look through other threads on this forum you will find several references to cracked front mouldings. If these are on teh same model as yours, it does suggest that eiterh faulty workmanship or materials or design has been involved and that by definition means the product was not fit for purpose. The fact that the product failed within the first 6 months, and has again failed is strong evidence of design problem. Best of luck
Aug 4, 2004
I am fairly sure that there was a similar request a few months back or is it the same request that has come up again?


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