there is a god CL site off junc 12 M6
Mr and Mrs Simmons
Streetway house,
Watling street
ST19 9LN
phone 01902850271 CC site directory page403 under Gailey
leave M6 J12 onto A5 sp Telford in about 2.5 mls ( 1.75 mls past Gailey r/about) turn left immed before petrol station into Horsebrook lane (sp Brewood) & immed left into farm entrance.
It is a nice little site and if you tell Mr simons your leaving early he could put you on the hard stand right by the gate, for a good get away, Ive stayed overnight and never unhitched the
van. the Bell pub is a fifty yard walk, they serve good food.
good luck mate let us know how you get on
Tony A.