Mains Inverters

Apr 9, 2018
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Hi All,

This might have been covered before but I have just registered and can't seem to find any info.

Essentially I am looking specifically for "Pit Falls" when installing an inverter.

I know what I want to install, battery and inverter wise, I only want to charge the stand alone batteries whilst it’s in the shed and hooked up to the mains, that way I will have fully charged batteries with enough power to have the microwave, when I need it (once or twice per outing)

I was going for the 24V batteries and inverter as I recon the cabling will not need to be as heavy duty to carry say 40 amps.

Preferably looking to install a remote controlled inverter as it will be hidden away.

Are there bad inverters out there I should avoid, or problems I wouldn’t necessarily consider, the fitting and wiring I can do easily enough, but you are the experts so I thought I would ask… anyone had any disaster they have learned from.

Thanks All

Sorry appear to have posted this in the wrong place, maybe someone can move it to the Tech section :(
Feb 6, 2017
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Ballynoes, might I suggest that you ask this question on "TrucknetUK". This is a lorry driver's forum, and lots of them use this set-up on a regular basis, probably more often than motorhomers would.


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