making up the bed!

Oct 27, 2005
Hello, We haven't been out in our van yet and I have read Cris's post about making the bed in 3 mins. There is nothing in the manual about making up the bed - is it quite straightforward. The layout is the seats are facing each other with drawers in the middle. Van is Lunar Quasar 615. Thankyou Denise.
Mar 14, 2005
It's easy enough Denise, as long as you're not tired/hot and bothered/had a skin full and the parallel seats are the easiest to make up. Just remove all the seat cushions, pull out the slats from under the drawers and rearrange the cushions to suit your needs. A lot of people turn the cushions over so that they have a flatter surface to lie on, you may still have to mix and match the positions of some, to get comfy. Then it's up to you, sheet and quilt or the dreaded sleeping bag!
Mar 14, 2005
Agree with cris time to make the bed , we turn the cushions upside down to give you a flat service as mention by Lol, we place the two back cushions flat against both sides of the van,

the two cushions that you sit on we place flat, facing with the raised part facing the chest of drawers the other facing towards the rear.

Hope this makes sense, this applies to the seating that faces each other not the L shape arrangement.

Be warned you can break your nails sometimes doing this, thats why the wife lets me do it.

Have Fun Roy.
Mar 14, 2005
We used to turn the cushions over and across the van with the back ones as infill at the bottom so that there were no joins across the top 2/3 of the bed
Dec 16, 2003
Pull slats out, flip cushions into position, have "under" quilt that sheets velcro to. so sheets and quilt can just be rolled into position. Only ever sleep with one sheet over us, so it is easy and we have the space in the day time.
Jul 25, 2005
One tip worth mentioning is: Make the beds up before you go out if you can. Much easier to do while sober I think hic!!!
Dec 16, 2003
I'm wondering if fixed bed vans were made for all the drunks that go Caravanning !

If the ammount of referance to Alcohol consumption is as it sounds, I wonder how many are legal to drive off sites in the morning!
Mar 14, 2005
All this rubbish about bedmaking is not necessary - get some of the Irish/Scottish necter down your throat and you will sleep anywhere without the need of a bed. It is just a case of getting your priorities right.
Dec 16, 2003
My post re bed making was a little tongue in cheek on the other thread.

Others have made comment re buying fixed bed vans to save on setting the bed up etc.

I'm a big bloke and I like space, the fixed bed jobs do nothing for me (pleased for those that love the idea) and all though we're getting on in years I can't see that bed making is a problem!

A few days back some moaned and groaned about a picture of two "scantily" clad young ladies, especially because children see and read this site.

It does amaze me though that so many refer to booze with no problem, even referance to the Eastermeet and booze where some are taking there children.

A "wine tasting" on Saturday night followed by 4 x 4 green laning on Sunday! Clive posted suggestion re the wine tasting, and from experience I would not want to be a passenger with anyone driving who had been wine tasting the night before.

Flippant comments re booze where children are said to read and flippant remarks re wine and booze whilst caravanning with kids leaves me a little speechless.

"tipsy" in that you have trouble making a bed let alone drunk is what sort of example to kids?

I CAN sleep anywhere, and need no booze to assist me.

People moan about youngsters binge drinking and their scant regards for drink and the problems you can get into with it, yet it seems fine to throw booze down people necks with kids around and make loose comment about the the regular practice.

The greenlaning has to be on legal byways, but whose mummy or daddy will feel a little to queasy to actually go green laning of feel 100% in the car ;-)

Just makes me wonder guys, caravans come with options in the fittings, I've never seen the option to leave out the booze cabinet :-(
Mar 14, 2005
Fair enough Cris I will agree that my response was a little "flippant". I can honestly say that I cannot remember the last time we had any form of alcohol in the van. In fact I can also say that I have never been drunk in my life and now it's probably too late in my life to go down that route. I do enjoy a drink but in moderation and never whilst out socialising and having to drive home after. Life is too short and I enjoy the van but do not require the booze to go with it.

Incidentaly what would be the law having consumed a fair amount of alcohol and then crashing out in the back of a motor home with the ignition keys in your pocket. Are you technically in charge of a vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol?
Dec 16, 2003
A guy was done for DD whilst moving his car within a privare car park. The case hinged on it being a public place. As anyone could walk by unhindered all though it was on private land the guy lost the case.

So in answer to your ?. Up the creek I guess if the police decided there was a risk!


Mar 14, 2005

I doubt if any of us going to the Easter meet are alcoholics. There is nothing wrong with having a wine tasting the night before going greenlaning the following day.

How do you manage in France and other countries on the continent where they have wine with each meal? What did you do when your children were younger and you were faced with the sight of a European family drinking wine with their meal? Did you drag your children away from the horror of it?

In previous posts you have called yourself an ex hippy. What was your reaction when your peers were experimenting with illegal substances? Or, drinking alcohol?

For your information cris, we won't be 'throwing booze down people's necks with the kids around' at all.

I agree binge drinking is a problem but I very much doubt that at the meet at Easter bystanders will have to call the police or ambulance service to sort out fights and associated injuries in relation to binge drinking. I would think we are responsible adults.

The picture you posted on the forum was of two women naked from the waist up. Not scantily clad at all. That was offensive certainly to some of the women who visit this forum.

Some of us might be offended that our government trained you to become a six foot six killing machine. There are anti-war campaigners out there in society.

You have admitted in previous postings that you drive above the speed limit. You now claim that you would not sit in a vehicle driven by someone who had participated in a wine tasting the night before. How bizarre.

Mar 14, 2005

I doubt if any of us going to the Easter meet are alcoholics. There is nothing wrong with having a wine tasting the night before going greenlaning the following day.

How do you manage in France and other countries on the continent where they have wine with each meal? What did you do when your children were younger and you were faced with the sight of a European family drinking wine with their meal? Did you drag your children away from the horror of it?

In previous posts you have called yourself an ex hippy. What was your reaction when your peers were experimenting with illegal substances? Or, drinking alcohol?

For your information cris, we won't be 'throwing booze down people's necks with the kids around' at all.

I agree binge drinking is a problem but I very much doubt that at the meet at Easter bystanders will have to call the police or ambulance service to sort out fights and associated injuries in relation to binge drinking. I would think we are responsible adults.

The picture you posted on the forum was of two women naked from the waist up. Not scantily clad at all. That was offensive certainly to some of the women who visit this forum.

Some of us might be offended that our government trained you to become a six foot six killing machine. There are anti-war campaigners out there in society.

You have admitted in previous postings that you drive above the speed limit. You now claim that you would not sit in a vehicle driven by someone who had participated in a wine tasting the night before. How bizarre.

I think that deserves a round of applause!


Well done Lisa.
Mar 14, 2005
My post re bed making was a little tongue in cheek on the other thread.

Others have made comment re buying fixed bed vans to save on setting the bed up etc.

I'm a big bloke and I like space, the fixed bed jobs do nothing for me (pleased for those that love the idea) and all though we're getting on in years I can't see that bed making is a problem!

A few days back some moaned and groaned about a picture of two "scantily" clad young ladies, especially because children see and read this site.

It does amaze me though that so many refer to booze with no problem, even referance to the Eastermeet and booze where some are taking there children.

A "wine tasting" on Saturday night followed by 4 x 4 green laning on Sunday! Clive posted suggestion re the wine tasting, and from experience I would not want to be a passenger with anyone driving who had been wine tasting the night before.

Flippant comments re booze where children are said to read and flippant remarks re wine and booze whilst caravanning with kids leaves me a little speechless.

"tipsy" in that you have trouble making a bed let alone drunk is what sort of example to kids?

I CAN sleep anywhere, and need no booze to assist me.

People moan about youngsters binge drinking and their scant regards for drink and the problems you can get into with it, yet it seems fine to throw booze down people necks with kids around and make loose comment about the the regular practice.

The greenlaning has to be on legal byways, but whose mummy or daddy will feel a little to queasy to actually go green laning of feel 100% in the car ;-)

Just makes me wonder guys, caravans come with options in the fittings, I've never seen the option to leave out the booze cabinet :-(
Still sting, does it cris?
Dec 16, 2003
Alcoholic is not what I said and is another matter. There is very regular mention here of Booze and Need! No wine so had to have chocolate etc.

Clive's suggestions re ammount of wine to bring to tasting + I gather there is Lutz input,this suggests a more than fair consumption as I guess you wiil not be tasting and then spitting it out refreshing the palate with water.

Being assumed to be an ageing hippy and growing up the days of hippies does not mean that I or any of my peers ever took drugs(people that know me know the police would have been called all though I know some people that have but none of my peers ever have to my knowlege.

Having a training guy sceaming at you that you are a "killing machine" does leave an impression, if I have used that training to the full I'll leave you to assume and ponder!

As for French and other Europeans families drinking, I can never remember any such people being drunk or showing "merry" behaviour on camp sites and rarely if at all on continental streets.

I can not say the same about the UK, one of the reasons for taking my kids abroad when they were young !

Maybe it's the booze but there were never 2 topless women, read througn the various posts and see how booze comes across on this site.

Re speeding, I would feel safer at 100 mph than with a driver and passengers who may have drunk a bottle of wine or more within the last 24 hours. And Drove and Drive and Past and Now is two different things as is Ilegal and Legal speed that you seem to forget.

It is though "bizzare" how people can be so quick to jump on others as soon as what they seem to perceive as resonable action comes under question.

Turning on the Radio or TV, War, Killing and Death face any anti war campaigners so if a remark in jest re my past offends I would worry for those people, your post Lisa seems to assume that I am a violent killer and would thrive on war. You may have noticed that I am not a fan of our Government and I am opposed to war despite my past.

When I mentioned religeous beliefs and others religeous beliefs it was OK for that to be mocked on here. Some posts and views here give an unfortunate view re Alcohol and If youngsters read this site as I'm lead to believe I do care about the example that sets.

I guess I may have touched a nerve from the tone of your post, in todays society and all the pressures, I also wonder about reference to "chocoholic" tendencies. People are concerned about the health of our children re diabetes and other health issues, postings suggesting that Chocolate can be some sort of Comfort Crutch that can even be used to replace Alcohol leaves me dumfounded.

Bizarre or what ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
And what religious beliefs would that be cris? Would the leader of your religious beliefs approve of you posting the picture of partially clothed (ok some would describe it as semi naked) women on the net?

Have you thought about anyone else's religious beliefs?
Dec 16, 2003
My religeon and beliefs have no problem with the human body Lol.

And many also accept change, as for pictures and other religeons if you actually check things out you will find that what some people try to make into part of their religeous belief is in fact more to do with local prectice in some areas and lack of understanding as well as a means of control ;-)

Also You might note that most who fight and go to war have "god" on their side ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
And there was I thinking this thread was about bed-making!

PS,Herself and I sleep single. Saves all that hassle!
Mar 14, 2005
Dodging the answer cris?

I would still like to know what you're religion is, that way perhaps people can make an allowance for it, if we don't know what it is, how can we respect it? As for God and war, that is simply down to man and his creation alone. Many wars are fought in the name of one god or another; none of those are just, ask the parents and loved ones of those that die needlessly.
Mar 14, 2005
And there was I thinking this thread was about bed-making!

PS,Herself and I sleep single. Saves all that hassle!
I have heard it called a lot of things Emmerson, but "hassel" is going a bit far isn't it?


Mar 14, 2005
Lets go step by step:

You implied we drink too much and you are still implying it. In fact, you waged a personal crusade against Brian and he's teetotal! What was all that about?

I take it you don't buy Easter eggs for the younger members of your family, friends or relations then?

None of us has any intention of consuming the four bottles of wine Clive suggests we bring along. The plan is to give the left over bottles to participants so they can take it away with them and try it another time. (Shock horror). The purpose of the wine tasting and fancy dress is to have a nice pleasant evening and a few laughs along the way.

How does being in the services fit in with being an ex hippy as you described yourself in a previous posting? Something not quite right there.

Regarding the rich and famous you mingle with, are you seriously telling me they don't do the odd line of coke? How do you deal with that?

So you've never seen a tipsy French person?

I saw the photo you posted with my own eyes, two women showing their top half although you had covered two small parts on each woman. That is derogatory to women and thank goodness we are no longer subjected to that sort of rubbish when we take our cars into garages/workshops etc.

As the parent of a teenager, I think I can speak with confidence when I say if they did look at this website (doubtful), they wouldn't bother to read much of the text at all. They would however, in my humble opinion, go searching for pictures.

Speeding verses being a passenger with someone who has had a bottle of wine the night before. So you think it's ok to endanger the lives of :

1. The driver/passengers in the speeding car

2. Other road users

3. The emergency services

4. Pedestrians

Add the heartbreak of the people's families upon being told their loved one has been killed or seriously injured as a result of a speeding driver.

You only seem to admit to making remarks 'in jest' or 'tongue in cheek' when you are challenged.

If you are a religious person cris, I doubt if you would have posted the offensive photo.

Finally, I hope your remark regarding chocoholic tendancies is made in jest or tongue in cheeck because I think it's a priceless comment and awfully funny.



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