making up the bed!

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Mar 14, 2005
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Dodging the answer cris?

I would still like to know what you're religion is, that way perhaps people can make an allowance for it, if we don't know what it is, how can we respect it? As for God and war, that is simply down to man and his creation alone. Many wars are fought in the name of one god or another; none of those are just, ask the parents and loved ones of those that die needlessly.
Follower of the late David Koresh may be?
Dec 16, 2003
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Techy and wrong again on so many points ;-)

Peoples posts suggest to me and others that some drink to much!

Others said the impressional kids read this site :-0 So just showing concern!

Who suggested that you would drink 4 bottles of wine, but if you read it points to a battle per person at least.

"Ex/Aeging Hippy" a term applied to me by others as what people assume they see is not what I am or what people would assume me to be like ;-)

The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out) and those that do and are role models to our youngsters are just scum in my book :-(

The picture I posted is on family web sites, with one lady in bikini top and the other with tape (that she was wearing) in strategic positions !

Just making the point, one thing that is acceptable to many elsewhere but beneath some here and then frequent loose reference to boeze here is acceptable.

Brian persisted with offensive religeous posts yet got upset when he came under fire! I removed pictures that seemed to upset others.

You always seem to assume that when speed is mentioned that it is always Illegal. Again you are wrong!

Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills. And often small ammounts of Alcohol can be the added factor!

Even in your post Lisa you question my faith rather than accept and then make questions.

Many religeous people would not find the picture offensive even the famous WI Callender Lady is now married to a vicar! And numerous people on nudist beaches in France go to Mass on a Sunday mornings :)
Feb 13, 2006
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I think it is very frustrating for the original thread starter to see their thread wandering of topic especially to personal views of one person or another. The annoying thing is that these topics/issues have been covered before, why not post on the original thread and keep the forum a good tight reference library for new starts and seasoned veterans looking for useful information and help.
Oct 27, 2005
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Just logged on to see the response to my question on bed making and thought wow 25 replies on making up the bed! Then I starting to read and thought I'd started a war. Thanks for the answers though everyone. Denise.
Mar 14, 2005
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Denise are you now any the wiser regarding bed making? - perhaps you should have looked for a medical forum or asked Tina or Lord B. I think they are instructed in the medical profession the correct way to make a bed. As suggested by someone else previous we have always made the bed up before going out in the evening, turning the cushions over and use the long cusshions as the main part of the bed with the smaller ones either at our head under the pillows or at our feet. If the small ones have a rolled edge we would put these at the head as a slight prop when lying in bed - in our opinion far comfier.
Dec 16, 2003
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My post re bed making was a little tongue in cheek on the other thread.

Others have made comment re buying fixed bed vans to save on setting the bed up etc.

I'm a big bloke and I like space, the fixed bed jobs do nothing for me (pleased for those that love the idea) and all though we're getting on in years I can't see that bed making is a problem!

A few days back some moaned and groaned about a picture of two "scantily" clad young ladies, especially because children see and read this site.

It does amaze me though that so many refer to booze with no problem, even referance to the Eastermeet and booze where some are taking there children.

A "wine tasting" on Saturday night followed by 4 x 4 green laning on Sunday! Clive posted suggestion re the wine tasting, and from experience I would not want to be a passenger with anyone driving who had been wine tasting the night before.

Flippant comments re booze where children are said to read and flippant remarks re wine and booze whilst caravanning with kids leaves me a little speechless.

"tipsy" in that you have trouble making a bed let alone drunk is what sort of example to kids?

I CAN sleep anywhere, and need no booze to assist me.

People moan about youngsters binge drinking and their scant regards for drink and the problems you can get into with it, yet it seems fine to throw booze down people necks with kids around and make loose comment about the the regular practice.

The greenlaning has to be on legal byways, but whose mummy or daddy will feel a little to queasy to actually go green laning of feel 100% in the car ;-)

Just makes me wonder guys, caravans come with options in the fittings, I've never seen the option to leave out the booze cabinet :-(
Dream on sweet pea!

Even in the very remotest of chances that it hurt "I feel no pain" ;-)


Mar 14, 2005
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Techy and wrong again on so many points ;-)

Peoples posts suggest to me and others that some drink to much!

Others said the impressional kids read this site :-0 So just showing concern!

Who suggested that you would drink 4 bottles of wine, but if you read it points to a battle per person at least.

"Ex/Aeging Hippy" a term applied to me by others as what people assume they see is not what I am or what people would assume me to be like ;-)

The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out) and those that do and are role models to our youngsters are just scum in my book :-(

The picture I posted is on family web sites, with one lady in bikini top and the other with tape (that she was wearing) in strategic positions !

Just making the point, one thing that is acceptable to many elsewhere but beneath some here and then frequent loose reference to boeze here is acceptable.

Brian persisted with offensive religeous posts yet got upset when he came under fire! I removed pictures that seemed to upset others.

You always seem to assume that when speed is mentioned that it is always Illegal. Again you are wrong!

Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills. And often small ammounts of Alcohol can be the added factor!

Even in your post Lisa you question my faith rather than accept and then make questions.

Many religeous people would not find the picture offensive even the famous WI Callender Lady is now married to a vicar! And numerous people on nudist beaches in France go to Mass on a Sunday mornings :)
'The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out)' I can't work that one out, would you like to elaborate please?

You implied in a previous subject (159 mph police officer posting) that you often drive at 40 mph over that speed. You made no mention in your initial posting whether it was in this country, on the public highways, track days or abroad. Only when challenged, did you try to justify your words.

In another posting, you admitted that that photo was 'a glamour type posting' would your religion approve of that then?

'Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills'. Why tempt an accident with speed in the first place?

I don't have a problem with any person who follows a religion. It's just that, along with most of your postings, you try to retain an air of mystery for whatever reason. When challenged about certain things, you throw your toys out of the cot and take a weird moral highground.
Dec 16, 2003
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Dodging the answer cris?

I would still like to know what you're religion is, that way perhaps people can make an allowance for it, if we don't know what it is, how can we respect it? As for God and war, that is simply down to man and his creation alone. Many wars are fought in the name of one god or another; none of those are just, ask the parents and loved ones of those that die needlessly.
Sorry I missed this earlier

A sad post when the fool was responsible for such carnage!

Nothing funny about Waco :-(
Dec 16, 2003
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Techy and wrong again on so many points ;-)

Peoples posts suggest to me and others that some drink to much!

Others said the impressional kids read this site :-0 So just showing concern!

Who suggested that you would drink 4 bottles of wine, but if you read it points to a battle per person at least.

"Ex/Aeging Hippy" a term applied to me by others as what people assume they see is not what I am or what people would assume me to be like ;-)

The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out) and those that do and are role models to our youngsters are just scum in my book :-(

The picture I posted is on family web sites, with one lady in bikini top and the other with tape (that she was wearing) in strategic positions !

Just making the point, one thing that is acceptable to many elsewhere but beneath some here and then frequent loose reference to boeze here is acceptable.

Brian persisted with offensive religeous posts yet got upset when he came under fire! I removed pictures that seemed to upset others.

You always seem to assume that when speed is mentioned that it is always Illegal. Again you are wrong!

Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills. And often small ammounts of Alcohol can be the added factor!

Even in your post Lisa you question my faith rather than accept and then make questions.

Many religeous people would not find the picture offensive even the famous WI Callender Lady is now married to a vicar! And numerous people on nudist beaches in France go to Mass on a Sunday mornings :)
A lot of my activity is around the world of sport Lisa and all though some in sport are known to take illegal drugs, I have not witnessed it and most I know are VERY anti recreational drugs.

Parts of my work over lap into a variety of fields, I offer and maintain high levels of confidentiality to the people who give me work. So I remain "cris" and avoid any problems.

You make assumptions and mock which is OK and it provides a bit of fun and laughter that does not worry me.

You talk about Moral High Ground but seem to equate speed to always beeing foolhardy or illegal. With no driving license I would not be in business and through personal circumstances it is unlikely that I would get employment let alone be able to enjoy caravanning.

You I believe are into horses, my daughter both ride and we I live in the country and have plebty of horse people around. I know far more people who have had accidents and injuries through horse use than road use. "Moral High Ground" you say but why tempt or risk and accident by riding or using another living creature or risk others lives by mixing animal horsepower with mechanical horsepower on the roads.

I can party, have fun and enjoy myself with friends family and business associates without Alcohol and feel sad that booze haas to feature so much in conection with enjoyment / leisure.

My religeon and others have no problem with glamour or nudity in certain places. I would take acception to a naked woman or man walking down Sunningdale High Street but accept it is OK in other places.

You and others jumped onto the Moral High Ground over a photo and bandied concerns for children and others sensitivities yet little thought is given re posts that mention alcohol and the images those posts give.

No doubt your wine tasting will be a good event, but I and others would not be thinking of drinking wine or any booze the night before driving, let alone be it on unknown green lanes.

A professional driver friend of mine had serious accident some years ago because a lady pasenger was sick due to being a little "merry" on wine the night before.

Because my life style and work does not fit into many "normal" box's does not mean that I can not comment have feelings or be religeous or question others and what appears to be a false and convenient Moral High Ground at times.

Photo's that are still on this web site of Nuns with Guns and Booze etc sit exectly where with your "Moral High Ground" and all the talk re affensive posts and others feelings and what is acceptable to children.

I may push the boundaries Lisa and may not fit the required life box but when it comes to the Moral HG I think you are one of those up on it ;-)


Mar 14, 2005
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A lot of my activity is around the world of sport Lisa and all though some in sport are known to take illegal drugs, I have not witnessed it and most I know are VERY anti recreational drugs.

Parts of my work over lap into a variety of fields, I offer and maintain high levels of confidentiality to the people who give me work. So I remain "cris" and avoid any problems.

You make assumptions and mock which is OK and it provides a bit of fun and laughter that does not worry me.

You talk about Moral High Ground but seem to equate speed to always beeing foolhardy or illegal. With no driving license I would not be in business and through personal circumstances it is unlikely that I would get employment let alone be able to enjoy caravanning.

You I believe are into horses, my daughter both ride and we I live in the country and have plebty of horse people around. I know far more people who have had accidents and injuries through horse use than road use. "Moral High Ground" you say but why tempt or risk and accident by riding or using another living creature or risk others lives by mixing animal horsepower with mechanical horsepower on the roads.

I can party, have fun and enjoy myself with friends family and business associates without Alcohol and feel sad that booze haas to feature so much in conection with enjoyment / leisure.

My religeon and others have no problem with glamour or nudity in certain places. I would take acception to a naked woman or man walking down Sunningdale High Street but accept it is OK in other places.

You and others jumped onto the Moral High Ground over a photo and bandied concerns for children and others sensitivities yet little thought is given re posts that mention alcohol and the images those posts give.

No doubt your wine tasting will be a good event, but I and others would not be thinking of drinking wine or any booze the night before driving, let alone be it on unknown green lanes.

A professional driver friend of mine had serious accident some years ago because a lady pasenger was sick due to being a little "merry" on wine the night before.

Because my life style and work does not fit into many "normal" box's does not mean that I can not comment have feelings or be religeous or question others and what appears to be a false and convenient Moral High Ground at times.

Photo's that are still on this web site of Nuns with Guns and Booze etc sit exectly where with your "Moral High Ground" and all the talk re affensive posts and others feelings and what is acceptable to children.

I may push the boundaries Lisa and may not fit the required life box but when it comes to the Moral HG I think you are one of those up on it ;-)
'You I believe are into horses, my daughter both ride and we I live in the country and have plebty of horse people around. I know far more people who have had accidents and injuries through horse use than road use. "Moral High Ground" you say but why tempt or risk and accident by riding or using another living creature or risk others lives by mixing animal horsepower with mechanical horsepower on the roads.'

There are injuries caused to humans which can be sustained without even being on an animals back such as kicks, bites, blows, crush injuries, sprains, cut by a knife, rope burns, dental injuries, broken foot (happened to me once), bruises, trips and falls accidental poisoning. Being hit by farm plant machinery. (All feasible on a livery yard/farm).

However, a lot of motorists these days have no regard for horse and rider on roads despite the horse and rider wearing high visability gear. Drivers speed past, often without even giving rider and horse a wide berth. If only they could be educated to see the dangers of inconsiderate driving and the consequences of it.

If I were you I would certainly encourgage your daughter (if she doesn't already do so) to wear a high visability tabard/jacket along with hv skull cover, use hv reins, hv bridle parts, hv spats for the horse, hv tail bandage too and hv exercise sheet.

Dec 16, 2003
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Techy and wrong again on so many points ;-)

Peoples posts suggest to me and others that some drink to much!

Others said the impressional kids read this site :-0 So just showing concern!

Who suggested that you would drink 4 bottles of wine, but if you read it points to a battle per person at least.

"Ex/Aeging Hippy" a term applied to me by others as what people assume they see is not what I am or what people would assume me to be like ;-)

The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out) and those that do and are role models to our youngsters are just scum in my book :-(

The picture I posted is on family web sites, with one lady in bikini top and the other with tape (that she was wearing) in strategic positions !

Just making the point, one thing that is acceptable to many elsewhere but beneath some here and then frequent loose reference to boeze here is acceptable.

Brian persisted with offensive religeous posts yet got upset when he came under fire! I removed pictures that seemed to upset others.

You always seem to assume that when speed is mentioned that it is always Illegal. Again you are wrong!

Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills. And often small ammounts of Alcohol can be the added factor!

Even in your post Lisa you question my faith rather than accept and then make questions.

Many religeous people would not find the picture offensive even the famous WI Callender Lady is now married to a vicar! And numerous people on nudist beaches in France go to Mass on a Sunday mornings :)
Daughter's(should be) 25 and 24 both ride and eldest owned her own huge horse a while ago (no time to keep now due to career). Have ridden since they were small like my wife and despite all thecorrect safety gear and proper care and training all three have ended up in Hospital through horses at various times. I do not ride as most stables do not have horses big enough for me(in case you wonder} and like horses and DO give them all the space and consideration they need.

Daughters have been laughed at on French Holidays for taking all the correct safe riding gear and inssisting on wearing it to!

Many things in life involve risk but that does not stop people partaking in risky activities.

In the lanes around my home to many speed especially near the numerous stables and even on the slippery aftermath that horses leave as an indication that they use the roads to.

Bearing this in mind does nor stop people with little experience or with skittish horses that spook at anything mixing it with the traffic. Madness in my mind and a danger to all, I've lived around the area for over 27 years and depite all the safety gear I witness probably more silly actions by people with horses than years ago as well as silly people driving past them.

Youngest daughters,boyfriends father( I don't know him)owns millions of pounds worth of race horses and has even had arguements with his trainers how stable riders take dangerous risks with his horses when "riding out" near and on roads.

I love horses and love to see them, but you comment about risk and speed and danger when there is probably more risk with horses

and other things.

As said Lisa, I may not fit in the "normal box" and do tend to push buttons, but I do have certain standards and ideals.

We started on bed making and a reference to booze and other recent posts just made me "question".

We all want a better world and life for our kids I would guess, I no more want the kids of my family run over than feel that "drink" is a must have and a hangover standard practice.

Taking the M High Ground and pointing out another view and how posts read to others sems to get confused.

If you read through posts you may notice that I have very good knowlege of wine and booze, the explanations for that are also there.

So enjoy the Eastermeet and the wine, but when the news of the meet hits this site just consider how it is presented ;-)
Dec 16, 2003
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Denise are you now any the wiser regarding bed making? - perhaps you should have looked for a medical forum or asked Tina or Lord B. I think they are instructed in the medical profession the correct way to make a bed. As suggested by someone else previous we have always made the bed up before going out in the evening, turning the cushions over and use the long cusshions as the main part of the bed with the smaller ones either at our head under the pillows or at our feet. If the small ones have a rolled edge we would put these at the head as a slight prop when lying in bed - in our opinion far comfier.
It's much easier to just roll out the sleeping bags on each side cushion and sleep in single beds - especially when you are tired. However, I would find it much easier to manouevre those huge cushions about if they had handles stitched into the seams along the back somewhere. Arthritic hands, especially at the end of the day, find it hard to grip onto the edges of the seat cushions. Manufacturers, please note!


Mar 14, 2005
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Techy and wrong again on so many points ;-)

Peoples posts suggest to me and others that some drink to much!

Others said the impressional kids read this site :-0 So just showing concern!

Who suggested that you would drink 4 bottles of wine, but if you read it points to a battle per person at least.

"Ex/Aeging Hippy" a term applied to me by others as what people assume they see is not what I am or what people would assume me to be like ;-)

The rich and famous I mix with are unlikely to do lines of coke (work it out) and those that do and are role models to our youngsters are just scum in my book :-(

The picture I posted is on family web sites, with one lady in bikini top and the other with tape (that she was wearing) in strategic positions !

Just making the point, one thing that is acceptable to many elsewhere but beneath some here and then frequent loose reference to boeze here is acceptable.

Brian persisted with offensive religeous posts yet got upset when he came under fire! I removed pictures that seemed to upset others.

You always seem to assume that when speed is mentioned that it is always Illegal. Again you are wrong!

Speed does not kill. Speed + other factors kills. And often small ammounts of Alcohol can be the added factor!

Even in your post Lisa you question my faith rather than accept and then make questions.

Many religeous people would not find the picture offensive even the famous WI Callender Lady is now married to a vicar! And numerous people on nudist beaches in France go to Mass on a Sunday mornings :)
Ok cris. We'll close this debate now.

No doubt we'll have another debate on another subject soon!

Lisa (smily icon thingy)


Mar 14, 2005
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Ok cris. We'll close this debate now.

No doubt we'll have another debate on another subject soon!

Lisa (smily icon thingy)
Should have read 'smiley' - my old English language teacher would be mortified at my spelling these days!


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