Mattress topper

Oct 30, 2009
Hi all.
Anyone got one!, used one!, comments either way welcome, recommendations apprecieated, please!!!
I am in the process of booking this years septemer jaunt but have a problem, in that as the wife's illness progresses mobility issues aside, sleeping in the van becomes more difficult, it is hard enough at home in a king size bed with tempur mattress let alone a caravan bunk?
someone suggested a topper might help what do you all think!.
me thinks either way this would only be a temporary fix as it is obvious that our days of touring in the van are numbered. shame really as retirement beckons, I have planned a small break end of june to see how things go before booking any sites,and wondered if one might help.
thanks all,
Mar 2, 2010
we use a topper from next with the corner cut off and its better tho not as good as home mattress.I have read firms will tailor a mattress to your shape of caravan bed,might give you a bit longer caravanning
May 15, 2007
Weve had one for years and wouldn't be without it , the fixed bed in our van has round corners , all i did was use a stanley knife to shape it. bought from Dunelm.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Colin

We've used a 4" feather topper for the last 7 years. We sleep better in the caravan than at home.
Some people I know use memory foam successfully,

The feathers do settle but a quick shake puffs the up again.


Mar 17, 2007
hi Colin, don't know if your wife's condition makes her feel hot at night, if so a bog standard foam mattress topper may not be a great idea. A feather topper may be better. Alternatively look on the websites of disability aids suppliers who have a range of pressure relieving toppers and mattresses. Hope you find something that helps.
Apr 20, 2009
Hi Colin, I often suffer from bad backs and bit the bullet and got the Duvalay topper not cheap at £249.00 but they have most patterns to suit all types of vans, havent looked back since, in fact when it's not in the van it's permently on my bed at home!!
Oct 30, 2009
hi all,
thanks for the replies, I now have somewhere to start from I will see whats available,
I wasn't sure that a topper would make that much difference given the thickness of them we will see it must be worth a try,
I was hoping someone who suffers with arthritis might help or have input as to what alternatives may be available, given the rolling decline the illness has.
a new hip, knee and several fingers has not helped much and she absolutely refuses to have anymore operations allthough the Morphine helps day to day sleeping is the most difficult time.
after 40+ years of touring with a van and motorhome and now a van again not being able to go anymore is hard to contemplate but I think in the end this is likely and almost inevitable.
Mar 7, 2013
Hello Colin,
Sorry, cannot help with any advice Re the mattress, but just to wish you both well and hope that one way or another, you will be able to manage to carry on caravanning. Best wishes , Rod


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