messages deleted

Aug 29, 2006
I see my post has been deleted in the P C brigade - again

Can you tell me why Lord B and my post has been deleted.

I know that they are off subject but why is giovanni allowed to have personal attacks at His Windyship and get away with it??

Which are off subject aswell.

Thanks Will
Mar 14, 2005
Hear,hear, Will. Lets hear it for Lord B----Hip hip hooray!!!!

You going to delete this one Mr Mod?
Mar 16, 2005
I didn't see the end of the debate. When I looked in at 6.28pm things were heating up as so often happens. I posted a request for calm.

However, obviously things got out of hand and Mod2 had to mop up later that evening.

As we've explained many times before, the forum admin makes it very difficult to selectively remove posts, as they are not presented as they appear on the live forum. We see each post in isolation, and have to make a judgement on what we see.

If an innocent post was removed due to its being misunderstood, then I can only apologise.

When a post 'kicks off' and users become abusive, the best advice is to stand well clear and let them get on with it. Leave it to the mods to clear up the mess later!
Oct 19, 2005
I didn't see the end of the debate. When I looked in at 6.28pm things were heating up as so often happens. I posted a request for calm.

However, obviously things got out of hand and Mod2 had to mop up later that evening.

As we've explained many times before, the forum admin makes it very difficult to selectively remove posts, as they are not presented as they appear on the live forum. We see each post in isolation, and have to make a judgement on what we see.

If an innocent post was removed due to its being misunderstood, then I can only apologise.

When a post 'kicks off' and users become abusive, the best advice is to stand well clear and let them get on with it. Leave it to the mods to clear up the mess later!
Just to clarify further on Mod 1's post.

I saw how the debacle, sorry, debate was going, even after Mod 1 had asked for calm, yet it was still going down the personal attack road, and the posts were taken out, unfortunately the post by Will was a "comment" and as such went with post it was attached to, and yes it was irrelevant and off topic.

Mod 2
Mar 16, 2005
"I see my post has been deleted in the P C brigade - again

Can you tell me why Lord B and my post has been deleted.

I know that they are off subject but why is giovanni allowed to have personal attacks at His Windyship and get away with it??

Which are off subject aswell

Thanks Will"

For your information, i too had posts that were deleted!

Strange really neither his windyship nor i complained about the issue.

Even stranger the issue had drawn to an end,prior to the threads being deleted.....


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