Midges on West Coast of Scotland

Oct 9, 2006
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I want to visit the West Coast of Scotland during 2011 but my wife is very concerned about the possibility of midges! When will the best time,( i.e. fewest midges), to visit such places as Oban, Onich, Mallaig etc. Both retired so we can go any time. Also advise re sites and also CL's appreciated.
Jan 19, 2008
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We have been three times, each time June, and I was eaten alive each time. Her Ladyship didn't receive one bite. Midges obviously don't go for bad meat. I tried all remedies/repellants from the local concoctions to Avon Skin So Soft and none of them worked for me. They do say Marmite works. Spread it over all exposed areas and the buggers stick to you like fly paper ... heh! heh! heh!
Mar 1, 2009
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Best time to go to avoid the midgies is now!!!!
But seriously best time is start of the summer or late ,when its cooler. Bunree is an excellent CC site which is right on the loch around 8 miles from Fort William. Would highly recommend . As for cl dont have a clue. There is also a club site outside Oban with sea views but not stayed there so cant comment on site. As for the midgies just cover all exposed areas with jungle cream and you will be fine , they are tiny but dont half bite.

Aug 17, 2010
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We go to Mull for a week every year,mainly to see the sea eagles and the midgies are always bad except when the sun shines when they tend to hide in the shade of trees ect.We always take a course of antihistamimes which seems to minimise the effects (start a week before you go).Dont let it put you off its a glorious place

Aug 17, 2010
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We go to Mull for a week every year,mainly to see the sea eagles and the midgies are always bad except when the sun shines when they tend to hide in the shade of trees ect.We always take a course of antihistamimes which seems to minimise the effects (start a week before you go).Dont let it put you off its a glorious place

Mar 14, 2005
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The midge season is from the end of May to the end of August,so go early May or Sept. onwards.Hopefully a lot of them might have perished in the sub zero temperatures that we have been getting recently.......but don't hold your breath!!
The site outside Oban is called North Ledaig & is affiliated to the Caravan Club.It is extremely well run,and the caravans are arranged in lines, not particularly attractive, but terraced so that everyone has a view over the sea to the islands.Be aware of bad weather coming in otherwise you can lose your awning!
There is also a CL at Benderloch outside Oban........see their web site
The CC site at Onich is extremely popular so advance booking is essential.
Not sure what facilities you prefer but at Arisaig there is a CL with no facilities apart from water etc.( no elec ) We haven't stopped on it but have seen it.Perched above a small bay with views to die for all around.See the web site for Traigh Golf and look at the photo gallery to give you an idea........the CL is minutes from the golf course.
Mallaig isn't a very pretty place,but one can take the ferry over to Skye from there.
Hope this is of some use to you
Nov 28, 2007
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You might try this in the summer

June to end Aug are the worst months, but this is very variable depending on the weather. This year we arrived on Mull early May and didn't have any problems till about the end of June. The early part of the holiday was very dry and sunny which the midges do not like, nor do they like wind. Warm, humid, still and they will eat you alive.
We have tried everything over the years and unfortunately DEET is the most reliable, I did try some 95% deet this year from a specialist shop and sitting on the car hatch back found my self sticking to the plastic bumper, it was melting the bumper surface!
Be very aware of ticks too. My wife is a magnet to them whereas I only got one this year. She had one go wrong last year.
However do not let this put you off as we have been going to the West coast nearly every year for the last 30 years and now being retired go at least twice a year.
Nov 28, 2007
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You might try this in the summer

June to end Aug are the worst months, but this is very variable depending on the weather. This year we arrived on Mull early May and didn't have any problems till about the end of June. The early part of the holiday was very dry and sunny which the midges do not like, nor do they like wind. Warm, humid, still and they will eat you alive.
We have tried everything over the years and unfortunately DEET is the most reliable, I did try some 95% deet this year from a specialist shop and sitting on the car hatch back found my self sticking to the plastic bumper, it was melting the bumper surface!
Be very aware of ticks too. My wife is a magnet to them whereas I only got one this year. She had one go wrong last year.
However do not let this put you off as we have been going to the West coast nearly every year for the last 30 years and now being retired go at least twice a year.
Oct 9, 2010
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2009 visiting Australian relatives asked us to get these midge patches for them. We were sceptical, but ordered some for ourselves. They worked really well and Canadian and visiting New Zealand friends used them this year and soon had others in their groups using them.
The use of the patches seem to be common knowledge for Australian's planning visits to Scotland.
Oct 30, 2009
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hi. from someone who visits the highlands every year for a least a week before heading south "thats about as long as the wife can stand it before she looks like a bad case of chicken pox". tried everything but nothing seems to work.
we have been at all times of the year but she still seems to get mauld by the little blighters.allthough sepember as been the best time for the last couple of years weather is still good but its alot quiteter the east side tends to have less midges in fact cannot ever remeber been bitten at pitlochery favorite site milton of fonave 1/2mile from the town center over the dam and fish ladder it has all the facilities exept a pub and that is in the village 200yds away
as far as the west coast goes it really depends on where you want to be .and how far you are prepared to travel we used to stay in oban at ganavan sands if the dog stayed at home as it was a dog free zone the other good site we found was in North Ledaig if the dog came with us but beware the road is a bit hilly and narrow in parts
to be honest the number of sites in the whole area are to numerous to list the best idea is to find a location central to where you want to be then tour round next time pick a new location and do the same the highlands are truly a wonderful place though if you have the time to take it all in and at some time you must go higher to ullapool and visit the gardens at inverewe there is a CCsite at poolewe.
Jan 10, 2010
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What a shower of woosies worried about a VERY tiny beastie

Anyway now that I've put my head above the parapet, I stay in Oban you may find that the midges don't bother you we have barbies etc. out in the garden and have both the no no for them water and trees and don't really get bothered even in the height of summer. the Avon stuff seems to work for some and If you really get annoyed with them you can buy a midge hood from one of the local shops, Smokers also don't get bothered, some of the sites and most of the pubs have the Midge machines which attract them. If you are wanting to go to Mull I would use Oban as a base and travel as a foot passenger to the island. There are two sites just south of Oban on the Gallanach road, just behind where I stay Oban Divers and Oban caravan and camping club both are about 2 miles along a single track road, Peter Weirs site at North ledaig is about 7 miles north on the fort William road there is a small cl site called Highfield in Benderloch just along the road. Just a point I don't know if Ganavan sands is still being advertised for Oban but it has been closed for about 4 years and is now being turned into a private housing estate although the public car park is still there.
Fort William is 40 miles away and there is a great site, very well laid out and clean in Glen Nevis at the foot of the Ben Nevis path very good facilities with a pub and restaurant 100 yds along the road, this is one of the sites we use for our weekends


Mar 14, 2005
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I've never been to Scotland but I always drop in and have a read about this subject. One day I will visit Scotland because it just looks so beautiful.

It's such a shame about the midges. I've only experienced a couple of attacks. Two years on the trot at a site near Penrith. For about an hour and a half, myself and the little dog were eaten alive. We wern't in the van but a tent. (Obviously we didn't hang around for an actual hour and a half). In the end, we had to go and sit in the car till they disappeared. Insects seem to be drawn to me, I ended up in hospital after being eaten by bugs when we lived in South America.

Jul 15, 2006
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I usually get bitten very badly so we tend to go caravanning in Scotland April or May and usually have great weather. This year we went to Canadian Rockies middle of June and was warned about being bitten there. For two weeks before going I ate marmite on toast and carried on whilst in Canada and also used deet every day. I was hardly bitten at all though husband and son got a few bites (they don't usually) so I would definitely try eating marmite if you like it-it worked for me!
Oct 9, 2010
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I was advised to eat Marmite for B1 content for medical reasons. I hate Marmite but can live with the taste of Vegemite fine.
Vegemite actually has quite a higher B1 Thiamin content than Marmite I'm told. So could work better at putting the midges off!
Nov 1, 2005
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funny. i was going to suggest a course of vitamin B for 4-6 weeks before you go.

the vitamin B lowers your body temp very slightly, enough that insects are not attracted to you, it works for mosquitoes too.

try it you will notice your skin will feel cooler to the touch. obviously that must be why marmite works.
Mar 14, 2005
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You do not have to venture up to Scotland, western parts of Yorkshire and the lakes are a no go for us during the summer months, the buggers have migrated south .A tip for LB wear a kilt to fool the midges, the midges that bite are females , hence thats why you and not your good lady wife get attacked.
Jan 1, 2011
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Brilliant campsite at Camusdarach just outside Mallaig. A very short boat trip takes you to Knoydart, 'The last wilderness', lunch at the Old Forge pub, the most remote pub in U.K. is a must at reasonable prices, Reccomend the mussels. we went last Easter, not one midge sighted.
Jun 20, 2005
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Avoid June to end August.
Avoid sites near a Loch or stagnant water.
Sites up in the far north seem less troubled by Mr Mozzie than those around the Argyll and Bute districts imo. Sutherland is very pretty , Scourie and Ardmair Point near Ullapool have been ok. One of the worst I experienced was Bunree, a CC site on Loch Linnhe.Our fault because we went in June.
We use Skin So Soft from Avon . It seems to work in part but is not as good as when I smoked Park Drive Plain fags. The fags kept the moz at bay .
Unlike LBs arms the mozzies go for my legs. You never feel the bite but my god does it itch. Most sites and Scottish chemists do a little jar of "roll on" bite ease which helps. Like LB I have a number of skin scars compliments of the mozzie that will not fade away.

I suggest you go and enjoy the splendid scenery but choose your time carefully and also the location.


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