Milenco Giant Double Step - a warning.

May 24, 2014
Firstly I thought about putting this in the equipment section but I think more people gravitate to this section first.

Being about to take our 4 year old grandson away for the first time, we decided we needed a double step to help him in and out of the caravan, said step also had to be robust enough for me as I am no lightweight. We looked at a few offerings and eventually chose the Milenco Giant Double Step. They also make a standard double step which didnt suffer the issue I am going to highlight, but we felt that was a little too narrow for an inexperienced child. The Milenco Giant Double step is rated as being tested to 200kgs and I should say I am nowhere near that weight, but Ill never be a supermodel.

Our caravan is stored at home on a block paving surface, and on Sunday I was doing some work in the caravan and using the new step. Climbing in with a plethora of tools, I put my weight off centre of the step and the whole thing deformed, flattening almost to the floor and tipping yours truly into a heap surrounded by the tools. Luckily I was completely uninjured if somewhat slightly embarrased. Looking at the step it had sprung back into shape and so I tested it again and got the same problem. The problem is that the step has too long a span between front and rear legs and it really ought to have an extra leg. Other steps of a similar size have six legs. I guess the step centre will take 200kgs, but certainly off centre it wont. It may in fairness be better on a grass surface where the legs have more traction, even so, it shouldnt deform like that. On a hard surface/all weather pitch I would be very concerned about using it.
All our steps meet strict safety guidelines (EN1645 and EN1646) to ensure criteria such as the ability to safely carry a load of 200KG and a tread that is non-slip, even when it is wet.
Not to be confused with dangerous Chinese Steps which are only tested to 100 or 150KG.
The MGI Milenco extra safe steps are produced using 100% recycled plastic, to minimise the environmental impact.
MGI Milenco Giant Double Step

Product Code: 3773

I did check with the moderators first to be certain it was OK to name a product and I do so in the hope it will prevent anybody here from being injured. I have written to Milenco about this and if I get a reply, I will of course post it. Taking the step back to the retailer, they were absolutely fine and gave me a refund without quibble. I did show them the issue and in fairness to them they too were quite concerned and of course surprised. I am certainly not knocking Milenco, as like many of you I have used a number of their excellent products happily for years. This step though is not of their usual quality.

Just for the record, I have being using the single Giant double step for years with no problems.


Nov 12, 2009
This is an important safety issue, and although the naming of companies is normally prohibited on this forum the potential risk to unwary buyers means that it's imperative to check equipment before any purchase is made
Nov 11, 2009
Thanks for the posting. You were very fortunate not to have hurt yourself more severely. Going on from Parksy’s advice I assume that your step had no discernible defects that could be seen otherwise I’m sure that you would have taken it back before it crumpled when you stepped on it. Regarding use on a hard drive, well I think that’s irrelevant as most people will at some time use their step on tarmac, concrete or block surfaces.
We use the aluminium double tread step which thus far has been fine. Although when we initially used it one of the dogs was very reluctant as she could see between the steps and it spooked her a bit.
May 24, 2014
Just to confirm, the step was taken back the day after purchase and trying the other steps in the shop, we got the same effect. Also I must stress the standard double step, with a much shorter span between front and back legs did not suffer the same deformation.
Feb 23, 2018
Hi Thingy...

Hope you are OK! I have recently purchased this exact step to replace the original standard Millenco single step that came with the van; as I am usually at the weight limit of ladders etc, but not this step so it seems, I am quite concerned at your experience.

I purchased this step over the standard double as I am fairly tall,therefore have large feet, but as the caravan is nose/door-high on my (block paved) drive, the extra 'landing area' when stepping out was a bonus. The double step also allows my dog to enter the caravan without being lifted.

Based on your experience I will be taking more care when negotiating the steps. Hopefully I will not be recreating it. I will however be closely examining mine for any signs of damage (it was sent to my address via courier) or deformation.

Many thanks, Paul.
May 24, 2014
Hi Thingy...

Hope you are OK!

Yes thanks, totally undamaged, the ability to bounce and roll goes back to my youth, mispent or otherwise, Im sure Boy Browning would have been impressed by my landing. The step was firm enough in the centre, the collapse only came when weight was applied nearer to the side right over the span.
Nov 6, 2006
We also have the Milenco giant double, bought specifically for safety, especially when carrying stuff out of the van given the large 'landing' areas of the steps
To me this has always seemed very robust, and we have never experienced such a problem. Can't help but wonder if you had some knock-off copy, and not the genuine item?
May 24, 2014
Can't help but wonder if you had some knock-off copy, and not the genuine item?

I did wonder, but the step did have Milenco and MGI? written on it just as the other items they sell, and it came from a reputable dealer that I have dealt with for years. As I said earlier, the retailer was shocked to see what happens. So far, there has been no reply from Milenco.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Thingy

Firstly I'm glad you are OK, I know of many people who would have likely suffered some quite serious injuries form an incident like that.

Just a reminder, If you were to decide to take the matter further, your claim would be against the seller not the manufacturer, unless the manufacture is also the retailer. MIlenco may of course choose to become involved, but anything they do is an ex-gratia consideration and will not be an admission of liability to you as you have no contract with them.
May 24, 2014
Hi Prof

no intention of taking it further, not injured, no damage to side of caravan and no harm done. I only posted this as a warning to others so hopefully nobody here gets hurt.

I dont doubt the product is good, if you are built like a racing tadpole, but for the more beefy versions, it really does need a central leg at either side. I am a little surprised that Milenco havent responded. I guess there is still time though.
Dec 9, 2009
There was a warning published a few months ago in one of the caravanning/club magazines (sorry - can't remember which one) about fake Milenco steps. I'm pretty sure the warning came from Milenco themselves and, if my memory serves me correctly, the fake steps have some circular holes in the moulding instead of the usual "rounded rectangular" holes. I do remember going to check that my step was a genuine Milenco _ it is!!
Feb 23, 2018
Thingy said:
...I dont doubt the product is good, if you are built like a racing tadpole, but for the more beefy versions, it really does need a central leg at either side. I am a little surprised that Milenco havent responded. I guess there is still time though.


Meant to respond to this thread the last week; I was in the caravan sorting out some things and as previously mentioned in the thread I had bought the Giant Double Step, but haven't used it much. Anyway, I was in and out the van and wasn't being careful or anything, but not jumping on it either, but i noted that except for some slight flexing (the feet spread a little on my block paving, but less than a centimetre.) there was no hint of imminent collapse, even under my 20-odd stone frame and that was stepping right on the edge too.

I can only guess that the shop had a bad batch or sold you a fake either knowingly or unknowingly. Did you ever get a response from Millenco on the matter?

May 24, 2014
Hi Paul

no, wrote three times and was simply ignored. To say I am unimpressed would be an understatement.


Mar 17, 2007
Not impressive at all. I bet if one of them 'where there's a blame there's a claim" solicitors rang them up, they'd respond. :(
May 24, 2014
It was never about compensation. I just wanted to make sure nobody else had the same experience. I was lucky if a trifle embarrased.


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