Missing Child

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Oct 17, 2006
Frank, The Site here is a small private site, I am not employed here to look after other peoples children.

Most children that come here are supervised by their parents in the playing areas.

When this site had the rental statics here dogs were not allowed to be left in the vans unattended let alone children differently NO.

For safety reasons. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Frank - who is it to say that your opinion is the correct one and all other opinions are wrong? It is only you that think on those lines the same as I think that my opinions are correct. However I do respect other people's opinions and will give credit where credit is due. I will express my views and listen to others but not force my opinions onto people. We all have the right to agree to disagree. On saying that I am of the opinion that the manner in which you are expressing your thoughts are very forceful. I apologise for being so blunt but feel that a forum is for like minded people to discuss an issue and express without prejudice their feelings/thoughts/opinions.
Jul 5, 2005
Brave fart " finally, I think it is obvious from most of the comments that the majority of forum members WOULD NOT leave their children alone"

I think it's about 18 post's on this subject, I don't think 18 is a majority, you have spun this more like Teflon Toni would.

Pleased to see you did conceed Colins post was an opinion/judgement, because I never mentioned Colins post.

Hands up who sit in the awning until 10/11 pm drinking beer/wine with the vans windows open on a hot summer evening??? That's all that's required for someone to lift a child if someone was so inclined. Difficult situation to judge.

Val & Frank
Frank, your post of 13 May 07 @ 03:12pm carried a quote from Colins' post and you state "If the opening paragraph is not a judgement I don't know what is" - so how can you say you never mentioned Colins' post??? as for spin, I was only defending the rights of anyone to make comment, within the Forum guidelines. this is far too emotive a subject for you or I to state that we are right above all others, or for petty bickering. Mark
May 12, 2006
Frank - who is it to say that your opinion is the correct one and all other opinions are wrong? ME

Well Colin since in your opinion I must be wrong all of the time, I won't bother to post again.

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
Frank no where have I said that your opinion is the wrong one - what I am saying is that each and every individual has an opinion whether it be right or wrong. You could be right for all I know - you are gifted in your own vocation the same as others within their vocation. As far as general issues are concerned there are many people who will both agree or disagree with you - it is a free state. If you misunderstood my previous posting I apologise and for you to say you will not bother to post again is, in my opinion, the wrong move for I have noticed you have given helpful and constructive advice/comments many times in the past and can very likely be as helpful in future. Therefore please do not stop posting but carry on as before.
Feb 11, 2007
I haven't been following the story that much but it is well known that the children were alone. That is something we never did with our three.

I just hope she's found alive and unharmed. If they do catch the perpetrators I'm sure they will get all the help from the state like counselling and a Q.C. will be allotted to them out of the public purse, their human rights will then be protected and they will be able to fit back into society after serving a community order.

Oh wait, I forgot, this happened in Portugual where I hope they haven't signed up to this human rights charter. There is still hope then that the b*******s will get their just desserts :O)
Well said LB, the more i read about these type of stories I am glad mine are grown up now. I really feel sorry for parents today having to protect the chidren so much . I have 3 grandchildren and when i asked do they meet their friends after school and go on adventures we get told "too dodgy". My grandchidren are 9 11 12 , they are being stifled , but this is the world you parents are bringing up children


We appear to be dropping back into the realms of insult again. Is it necessary?

I doubt if there is anyone who does not sympathise with the plight facing the McCanns in Portugal. Unfortunately, almost regardless of the outcome, and I do hope the child is found safe and well, there will be recriminations that will probably destroy what is left of their marriage. There are many questions regarding this affair that I personally feel need answering, but now is neither the time nor the place to raise them. Therefore I wopuld suggest we, on this Forum, let the matter rest until positive news is broadcast. The media as usual have clouded the whole affair until clarity of thought is almost impossible.
Oct 19, 2005
OK, time to call a halt to personal comments about each other!!

This thread was about CHILDREN,in fact One particular child, not a vehicle for petty sniping at other contributers.

Either the replies stay true to the start topic or they will be deleted.
Mar 14, 2005
Mr. Mod. 2 - I have apologised to Frank for appearing to be too personal and have requested from him to accept the apology and that he does not refrain from posting as he suggested. I am sure if he was to take that step he will be missed by many contributers. Therefore in conclusion please accept my apology if you think I have overstepped the mark. Regards Colin.


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