Moaning Minnies

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May 9, 2006
Hi Colin (Bridgend)

Regarding your "moaning minnies" posting.I feel you don't understand that we are not asking for children to be "confined to caravans or awnings"or "adults to sit quietly listening to classical music" or not to have a drink while on holiday, and we certainly do not wish other caravanners not to enjoy their holidays. All we would ask is that the people who have no respect for the other users of the site, to do so! we also have the right to a peacefull holiday. To inflict ones taste of music on others is unaccepable, to allow ones children to 'run riot' or play ball games around other campers caravans and cars is also not acceptable behaviour. As someone who has had a car mirror broken by kids running past it. and returned one day to find a cycle leaning against our awning, which had ripped the window!

Regarding drinking whilst on holiday, I (and i am sure others) have no problem with this, I enjoy a dram or two myself, but when it dissolves into rowdy and disruptive behaviour, affecting others, then it is a problem.

Is this acceptable behaviour? Fortunatly this is VERY rare, but can be upsetting to those of us on the receiving end of selfishness.

All we would ask for, is consideration and respect for others. After all we are entitled to have a holiday too. We have two dogs (but no children) and would be considered irresponsible if we were to let our 'kids' run around unsupervised. I do realise that their children are on holiday and obviously wish them to have a good time, but not at the expensive of others enjoyment.

My view of the forum was for everyone to express their personal views and opinions. Not all of us will agree with everyones opinions, but I do think we all deserve respect and consideration from other site users. Not much to ask really.




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