Motor mover advice

May 8, 2018
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We have a Bailey Orion 440. It's a 6m, lightweight caravan.

We want to purchase a motor mover but have no experience with them.

So far we have found this one...

Could you recommend a motor mover, brand or provide advice on what you look out for?

Also, are they simple to fit or would you recommend professional fitting?

All feedback much appreciated.

Thanks, James.
Dec 13, 2017
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I recently fitted an emove 303 myself (£555 supply-only). Very happy with it. It's not difficult if you are handy with DIY and happy to do electrics but it is very heavy and awkward under the van to do on your own. A second pair of hands is highly recommended or you can get them fitted for about £200 more.

The emove has wind-on rollers which I preferred to the lever on type as it gives you more options and less effort also uses the same tools as the corner steadies so fewer things to carry about. Used it a few times and it's brilliant! If you do it yourself make sure you think about the wiring and spend a tenner to get a long roll of cable conduit from screwfix so as not to scrimp on cable protection.
Oct 12, 2013
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Hi ,
We have the powrtouch classic motor mover on ours , £600 worth of Kit but well worth it if you need it but like someone says if you can't fit it yourself I suggest professional fitting, once on it's easy to use just like using your TV control .

May 7, 2012
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We have had three different makes of mover on our caravans and have found no real difference in performance and had no problems. As Mark says the method of getting the rollers onto the wheel can be the deciding factor. Lever ones can be hard work and if you have any fitness issues then a wind on one would be better, but you do have to wind them on tight, or for rather more money an automatic one, but they cost a lot more.
Dec 13, 2017
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ref winding, the emove 303 we have is geared really easily. I just use the electric drill that I use for the corner steadies - same size fitting too which is handy. Wind until the torque clicks in and it's perfect every time. If I need to wind it any more, eg, tyre a bit flat or particularly tricky surface, then can just wind it in a little bit more but had no need to do so up to now.

One other thing I did was to remove the cross linking bar. It does mean I have to wind each side individually but it saves a bit of weight, improved ground clearance and enables me to have differing tension on each side should the need arise. Dead simple to add/remove the cross link bar of you want to change your mind later.
Jun 20, 2017
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We have the Powrtouch Evolution on our van.
Really easy to use, makes moving the van on my gravel drive a doddle and worth every penny I paid.
Unsure of any other makes/models.



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