
Feb 25, 2010
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OK! So why do motor cyclists think they have a god given right to queue jump?

I'm preparing myself for the onslaught of motor cycling caravanners now!!!!!

Aug 1, 2007
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Not only Queue jumping but overtakeing on double white lines

I was in the car and 20 mortorbikes passed me on the A44 Approaching Enstone its 50 mph and double white lines I sometimes wonder if they are in a hurry to meet there maker


Mar 14, 2005
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As a caravanning motorcyclist I , and many others like me, do not think it a god given right.

However, if they, as I have, attend the Police run Advanced Riding courses, you are taught to "make progress" by using all available road, and in a queue situation to get away from it as quickly as safely possible to relieve the congestion.

A motorcyclist has a much better view of the whole road ahead as he does not have the visibility limiting parts of a car in his vision, such as A Pillars, windscreen surrounds etc, and can see opportunities long before a car driver.

Also, at the lights a motorcycle can be a long way away from the front car before the car driver has even thought about moving.

What is annoying are those drivers who deliberately try and close a gap just to be annoying or to stop the motorbike getting through "because I cant get through,so no one else is"

I cannot help but agree with Rita though, those crossing double white lines etc are just dicing with the grim reaper,and he will win one day.
Aug 20, 2009
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Well, I'm a biker and a caravanner. It's actually called filtering, not queue jumping and is taught as the correct practice by both the Police and in the normal motorcycle test.

The idea is to relieve congestion and allow suitable traffic to make best use of the available road whilst making best progress.

By the way, the power to weight ratio of the modern bike can be well over 1BHP per kilo which makes acceleration (and thus overtaking) much quicker than in a car. As an example, my Range Rover would have to have roughly 3000BHP to have the same power to weight ratio, or if you prefer, 3 Bugatti Veyron engines under the bonnet. This might be why it seems so dramatic when you're overtaken but the quicker it's all done with, the less danger from being on the wrong side of the road.

Double white lines are the law whatever machinery you use to travel and as such is verboten by the law. It would also constitute an instant test fail if you did it on the motorcycle test.

However, a lot of the time it wouldn't happen if it were not for car drivers who refuse to move over when they clearly have the room and also those who choose to maintain a steady 45 MPH along all roads regardless of the prevailing speed limit, be this 60mph or even 30mph. I see them all the time, as indeed I see irresponsible motorcyclists prepared to risk life & limb rather than wait a few moments for a decent overtaking opportunity.

As it goes, you don't need a lot of room to overtake on a bike which makes it seem all the more risky to car drivers, particularly those who don't ride motorcycles. That said, some bikers seem to take this to extremes which doesn't help their cause at all.

If you want to apportion blame then look no further than the Authorities who have chosen to use speed cameras as the sole method of enforcement on the roads. They only prevent speeding in selected (small) areas whereas a traffic cop raises the general standard of driving whenever he's visible. The fact that none are visible any more makes the likelihood of catching bad drivers almost zero. Cameras MIGHT make the roads a little safer if they were not used as substitutes for traffic cops but the reality is that they are used as such.

Jan 19, 2008
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I can put up with bikers, they aren't going to get in my way, but those mushroom headed road cyclists who ride three abreast are a different matter.

I usually travel on Sundays now to avoid the lorries but they are replaced by these people and horse boxes.

I got stuck up behind a horse box for 12 miles on Sunday on our way home doing 30mph. I pulled in to let the long tail back of cars pass me so they could get past the horsebox, which they did, so why couldn't the horsebox do the same? The driver probably drives tractors the rest of the week so I suppose we shouldn't expect any different :O)


Nov 12, 2009
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Whether I'm towing or solo I prefer motorcyclists to pass as long as it's safe and legal for them to do so.

There's nothing worse than having a motorcyclist hanging around in the blind spot just behind to one side so that you need to worry about where they are and what manoeuvre they may or may not make.
Feb 27, 2010
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However, a lot of the time it wouldn't happen if it were not for car drivers who refuse to move over when they clearly have the room and also those who choose to maintain a steady 45 MPH along all roads regardless of the prevailing speed limit, be this 60mph or even 30mph.

Perhaps its the arrogant attitude of some bikers that think car drivers should pull over to let you by that winds up car drivers.

Before you bite , when driving solo or towing and i see a bike i dont slow down for it, but i will pull over slightly to allow them past if i feel its safe to do so , but especially if the traffic is slow moving, or stationary, but then there are those idiots that decide to undertake... mad.

As for white lines, if they dont pass over the white line then they can pass.

also the speed limit is a limit. Just because it says 60mph does mean you have to do 60mph.

I have found that is the middle age bikers that tend to act as though they own the road and its this group of bikers that seem to have most accidents, perhaps there's a correlation between age and accidents and attitudes.

I drive many miles over many different types of roads, and some of the riding i witness is just plain stupid and reckless.

As a young man i had a range of bikes, but would never venture out on now, and i have been to too many funerals where kids no longer have a Dad to take up riding again.
Mar 29, 2006
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I dont see the problem with motor cycles passing or "queue jumping" as you call it, do you class it as queue jumping everytime a car overtakes you ? I think not. if they can get past safley, good luck to them. White lines are however are a no,no they are there for a reason and for all of us.

If the road permits and it is safe to do so, I will always pull left to afford the bike more room to pass.


Jan 12, 2008
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Let them get in front.... why not?

God given right?

No it just makes sense really so long as they obey the rules!

I'd sooner have them in front than behind me.


May 25, 2009
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I assumed this was a query about bikers filtering thru stationary traffic. I think the Highway Code says they CAN do this. And in theory, I am all for the idea.

That is until there is a 3ft gap between me and the car beside me, and a bike goes wafting through at 40mph. Just imagine what would happen if I opened my door just as he is passing me. OK, I should check my mirror first ..... but how many of us would do so, having just dropped a ***-end into our lap? (Shades of Alan Sherman) (I don't smoke). Or if the car behind lurches into our rear bumper (happened at Aberdare traffic lights, to my wife, on Monday. Not a mark, so sorted with an apology and a smile).

Imagine my wife, long blonde hair, driving a Triumph Stag, hood down, over Brecon Beacons, long bends, good visibility. Biker passes her on bend, with his helmet OVER her bonnet. Few minutes later, it happens again. Is this a new sport? Show off to the 70 year old granny? Oh OK, she's 68 , but 70 sounds better.

On one occasion, she crossed the white line. She considered that there was plenty of room for biker COMING THE OTHER WAY. He obviously disagreed .... tried to kick her headamp in. Combined approach speed of about 100mph.

Have you ever been overtaken by a biker .... when you were in the outer lane of a motorway. I can't remember where it was writ, but either he or his bike was called "Storm Bringer".

Legend from 1950s, a biker went from Purley traffic lights to Thornton Heath Pond, thru central Croydon, without dropping below 100mph ... he said. I doubt that he could do it now.

I'd love a bike, but Barbara she say "No!"

Nov 1, 2005
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phil i think there's something in what you say middle age bikers. or rather mid life crisis bikers. guys who never sat their arse on a bike 'til they hit forty. the type who do direct access and straight up buy a 600 supersport. you can usually spot them, they wear colour co-ordinated leathers and helmets and only ride on dry sundays. these guys aren't bikers, they don't have a bikers' respect for the road and they're the ones you need to watch out for.

filtering in slow moving traffic is fine, just don't do it up the inside.
Feb 27, 2010
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i do tend to keep a keen eye out for bikers as it really is easy to miss them and i would not want the result on my concience.

i did come close to wiping one out in Derby a few days ago at the maccydees roundabout. i was in an isuzu crew cab jobbie abd the prat cut straight across me. I cam withui mm of hitting him and the following hand gestures signalled it was my fault even though he cut across my lane at some speed. I then did , i offered him a face to face at the next lights but he declined.... sadly.


Mar 17, 2007
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The difference is, as always, between road users (cars, bikers, cyclists, lorry drivers, caravanners etc) who look out for others and drive/ride in a way that keeps everyone as safe as possible and those road users who are only looking out for themselves. Sadly the world seems to becoming more selfish.

Feb 25, 2010
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OOps! realised there wuld be some keen thoughts on this but didn't think there would be so many bikers out there! I posted this because i watched 4 motorbikes dodge my wing mirror whilst i was stationary in traffic in Cardiff.

It's not the first time either! It seems to happen wherever i am in the country!

Oct 18, 2009
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Now have I got this right, can bikes overtake on your left if you are on a motorway doing 70 mph but cars can only overtake on the right.

I will admit I am not a biker, all that dressing up in leather something kinky about that.


No, bikes cannot over take in the left hand lane on the M/way.

However if traffic is moving V/slowly they can filter by.Big difference.
Jan 22, 2010
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HI all.i would love a bike but the wife made me choose between bike and van and being on this forum it`s obvious which 1 won.I`am an HGV driver and do a few miles and if i didn`t use my brain i would have had more accidents(none in 25 years on the road)Give bikes the room and respect they deserve and if they cross double whites its no big deal is it as long as it`s safe.As for queue jumping,car drivers are a nightmare trying to get past when i`m turning left,right,back or forwards **** lets all play safe and we`ll all get where were going in one piece.
Jan 22, 2010
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If we all stuck to the law the roads would be chocked up and we wouldn`t get our vans anywhere as long as it`s safe i cant see a problem,and if were honest we`ve all broke the law at some point.
Jun 1, 2008
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Why do bikers deserve respect?? and to cross a solid white line is an offence!

From the age of 16 I have always had a bike up until about 7 years ago and luckily was never hurt as a result of riding a bike, but the reason I quit fromriding was a few reasons, most bikers are idiots..yes they are ! They think they are Moses parting the sea and everyone has to move over to the left to let them through,,NO ,,,,I move to the right to stop them, that is my right to use the width of the road and the worse case is seeing a biker coming towards you like a bullet on my side of the road expecting to mve over,,wrong! If you want my bonnet badge on the top of your helmet then go for it,

I have been a biker for over 30 years and ridden everything from Nortons to Fireblades and my last bike was and R1 but no more, so I think I am justified in airing my views, there are a lot of sensible guys out there but as always the minority is spoiling it for the majority so if you want me to move over , forget it.


And yet from your writings tom, "most bikers are idiots"

But you finish with "there are a lot of sensible guys out there, but as always a minority spoil it for the majority"

You can see why I am confused!

Then there is this. "They think they are Moses parting the sea and everyone has to move over to the left to let them through,,NO ,,,,I move to the right to stop them,"

You are indeed a menace on the road Tom, a dangerous one at that, and frankly, I have a hard time understanding your angle.

Even harder to understand is you claim to have owned a fire blade and an R1.

For the life of me, that really does not add given your comments one would expect you to be riding a cx 500, not two pocket rockets, and then saying what you did!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 28, 2006
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Although i wouldnt class a CBR900 or YZF Thou as a pocket rocket,i have to agree with Me.Down right dangerous,with intent,without a care for what could be your own safety.I dont get it at all Tom.Bit of the green eyed monster maybe?Can't get it out your blood?
Jun 1, 2008
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John ,,

An R1 and Fireblade are not pocket rockets! Probably an R6??

Funny but I did have a CX500 (water cooled 500 v twin) nice little rice burner. but don.t question my statements for me having bikes you are not in the championship let alone the premier league, I gave up bikes because of the idiots now on bikes and that the roads are too crowded, so if I have mis- calculated the percentages on my statements and you think it clever to quote misquote me on that , then that is your perogative but until you have covered the mileage on bikes that I have and experienced idiots both in cars and on bikes and until then I will listen to you. i am not a danger on the roads ..I have earned the right to dislike bikers,,,,I have earned that right...You Haven't


Mar 14, 2005
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Yet again a topic which started out well, has begun to deteriorate into a personal slanging match.

Any more personal postings and the topic will be deleted.


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